British Drama League


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Brett
Lord Esher was succeeded by his elder son, Oliver.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
He and the brother born next to him were the children on whom the Brett parents lavished their attention and aspirations. While Dorothy and her...
Intertextuality and Influence Constance Smedley
Smedley says that Geoffrey Whitworth first conceived of the project which became his influential British Drama League after a performance of her Pierrot's Welcome enabled him to see the possibility of drama that would be...
Occupation Constance Smedley
The Cotswold Players long survived their founders. Still active in the twenty-first century, they re-opened in a rebuilt auditorium in 2002. Apparently their first performance (where the local paper reported general and free prompting)...
Occupation Inez Bensusan
After the war, the Actresses' Franchise League lost its momentum and many of its members turned their attention to the British Drama League and the founding of a National Theatre.
Hirshfield, Claire. “The Woman’s Theatre in England: 1913-1918”. Theatre History Studies, Vol.
, June 1995, pp. 123-37.
Occupation Edith Craig
During the 1920s and 1930s, EC became increasingly involved in amateur dramatics, and became an expert and a spokesperson for amateur theatre.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
162, 170, 175
Between 1924 and 1935, she acted as an adjudicator for...
Occupation Kate Parry Frye
After a few casual jobs early in the first world war, KPF worked only sporadically as an actress. She often travelled around the country with John Robert Collins for his work first as an actor...


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