

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Bernice Rubens
Bernice attended first Tredegarville Infant School, then Roath Park Girls' School. She and her siblings would sometimes steal chocolate from Woolworths (never from a corner shop where they would have known the shopkeeper).
Rubens, Bernice. When I Grow Up. Time Warner Books.
Family and Intimate relationships Louise Page
LP 's father, an academic, used to joke that unless her spelling improved she was destined for a career as a shop girl in Woolworth's . She says she never expected to follow in his footsteps.
Cohen, Toby. “The 5-minute Interview: Louise Page, Playwright”. The Independent on Sunday.
Page, Louise. Plays: 1. Methuen.


1 February 1960: Four black students in Greensboro, North...

Building item

1 February 1960

Four black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, protested segregation by staging a sit-in at the Woolworths lunch-counter when they were refused service.


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