In 1929 she gave a lecture at the World Sexual Reform League
Congress, which reached print the next year.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora, 1992.
72, 172
1921: The first of a series of World Congresses...
National or international item
The first of a series of World Congresses on Sex Reform was held in Germany. These World Congresses eventually led to the establishment of a World Sexual Reform League
in 1928 which sought to...
1928: The World Sexual Reform League was established...
Building item
The World Sexual Reform League
was established to try to build up knowledge and awareness of sexuality and sexual practices.
Weeks, Jeffrey. Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800. Longman, 1981.
Bullough, Vern L. Science in the Bedroom: A History of Sex Research. Basic Books, 1994.