Richard Phillips


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Mary Hays
MH wrote a 22-page article on Charlotte Smith for the 1800-1 issue of British Public Characters. She contributed a number of essays over a period of years for this annual series published by Richard Phillips
Publishing Mary Hays
It was commissioned by Phillips and published by him in six volumes. Although the title-page says 1803, the work had been listed as forthcoming in 1798 and is mentioned in the December 1802 issue of...
Publishing Sydney Owenson Lady Morgan
Sydney Owenson (later Lady Morgan) published, at Dublin through Alexander Stewart , a volume of Poems, published at London by Phillips .
Campbell, Mary, 1917 - 2002. Lady Morgan: The Life and Times of Sydney Owenson. Pandora, 1988.
Morgan, Sydney Owenson, Lady. Lady Morgan’s Memoirs. Editors Dixon, William Hepworth and Geraldine Jewsbury, AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Publishing Lucy Aikin
It was published by Phillips . A second edition followed in 1803.
Publishing Eliza Fenwick
This was illustrated with woodcuts. Copies were sold already coloured, or (more cheaply at one shilling) for the child-owners to colour themselves. Tabart advertised this title in several other books, including EF 's Visits to...
Publishing Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
Early in her career SSW also published instructional books for children (though the generic boundary between these and story-books is by no means clear; Lissa Paul calls these teaching narratives realistic fiction).
Paul, in...
Publishing Mary Hays
The first issue of the Monthly Magazine carried a letter from her signed M. H. For the second she wrote a letter on the Talents of Women, which she signed A Woman.
qtd. in
Luria, Gina M. Mary Hays (1759-1843): The Growth of a Woman’s Mind. Ashgate, 2006.
Textual Production Mary Hays
MH composed an unsigned obituary of Mary Wollstonecraft for the Monthly Magazine (published in September 1797). Her signed eulogy of Wollstonecraft appeared in the Annual Necrology, 1797- 98, published by Richard Phillips in 1800.
Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993.
Feminist Companion Archive.
Hays, Mary. “Chronology and Introduction”. The Correspondence (1779-1843) of Mary Hays, British Novelist, edited by Marilyn Brooks, Edwin Mellen, 2004, pp. xv - xx; 1.
Textual Production Lucy Aikin
LA 's translation from French of Louis François Jauffret 's The Travels of Rolando was published by Phillips : a children's geography book, carried particularly by Tabart's Juvenile Library .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Mary Julia Young
This novel was advertised three times in the Morning Chronicle, between 13 January and 12 September 1807. It was also advertised as A Summer at Brighton: being a Continuation of the Winter in London...
Textual Production Mariana Starke
Her work long pre-dated the standard guides associated with the names and the publishing houses of John Murray in the mid-nineteenth century or Karl Baedeker in the early twentieth.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
The first form of MS 's...
Textual Production Mary Robinson
MR published with Richard Phillips her translation of Picture of Palermo (Gemälde von Palermo) by Joseph Hager .
Robinson, Mary. “Introduction”. Perdita: The Memoirs of Mary Robinson, edited by Moses Joseph Levy, Peter Owen, 1994.
Robinson, Mary. “Introduction”. Mary Robinson: Selected Poems, edited by Judith Pascoe, Broadview, 2000, pp. 19-64.


No timeline events available.


Richardson, Samuel. The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson. Editor Barbauld, Anna Letitia, Richard Phillips, 1804, 6 vols.
Fenwick, Eliza. The Class Book. Richard Phillips, 1806.
Hays, Mary. Female Biography. Richard Phillips, 1803, 6 vols.
Hertford, Frances Seymour, Countess of, and Henrietta Louisa Fermor, Countess of Pomfret. Correspondence between Frances, Countess of Hartford and Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret. Richard Phillips, 1805, 3 vols.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. The Works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Editor Dallaway, James, Richard Phillips, 1803, 5 vols.
Morgan, Sydney Owenson, Lady. The Lay of an Irish Harp. Richard Phillips, 1807.
Morgan, Sydney Owenson, Lady. The Novice of Saint Dominick. Richard Phillips, 1806, 4 vols.
Morgan, Sydney Owenson, Lady. The Wild Irish Girl. Richard Phillips, 1806, 3 vols.
Smith, Charlotte, and Mary Hays. The History of England. 1st ed., Richard Phillips, 1806, 3 vols.
Starke, Mariana. Travels in Italy. Richard Phillips, 1802.