Shore to Shore Nationwide Poetry Tour


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Performance of text Carol Ann Duffy
On the Shore to Shore Nationwide Poetry Tour in summer 2016 with Gillian Clarke , Imtiaz Dharker , and Jackie Kay , plus other poets who joined in their public readings when the tour stopped...
Reception Jackie Kay
In 2016 JK was appointed Makar or poet laureate of Scotland. While she was on the road with Carol Ann Duffy , Gillian Clarke , and Imtiaz Dharker on the Shore to Shore Nationwide Poetry Tour
Travel Carol Ann Duffy
In summer 2016 CAD took part in the Shore to Shore Nationwide Poetry Tour with Gillian Clarke , Imtiaz Dharker , and Jackie Kay . Starting at Falmouth in Cornwall, they took in Carlisle...


20 June to 7 July 2016: British poets Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian Clarke,...

Building item

20 June to 7 July 2016


No bibliographical results available.