Women's Police Service


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September 1914: Two women's police forces were formed: the...

National or international item

September 1914

Two women's police forces were formed: the Women's Police Volunteers and the Women Patrols .
Levine, Philippa. “Walking the Streets in a Way No Decent Woman Should: Women Police in World War I”. Journal of Modern History, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 1994, pp. 34-78.
Pugh, Martin. Women and the Women’s Movement in Britain 1914 - 1959. Macmillan Education, 1992.
Marwick, Arthur. Women at War, 1914-1918. Croom Helm, 1977.
40, 42
Chisholm, Hugh, editor. Encyclopædia Britannica. 12th ed., Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1922, 3 vols.
3: 1044-5

February 1915: Margaret Damer Dawson formed the Women's...

National or international item

February 1915

Margaret Damer Dawson formed the Women's Police Service after the Women's Police Volunteers disagreed over its level of cooperation with male police and the military surveillance of women.
Summers, Anne. Angels and Citizens: British Women as Military Nurses 1854-1914. Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1988.
Chisholm, Hugh, editor. Encyclopædia Britannica. 12th ed., Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1922, 3 vols.
3: 1045
Marwick, Arthur. Women at War, 1914-1918. Croom Helm, 1977.
40, 42

1916: The Ministry of Munitions provided funds...

National or international item


The Ministry of Munitions provided funds to the Women's Police Service for training women police to supervise munitions factories with large numbers of female workers.
Marwick, Arthur. Women at War, 1914-1918. Croom Helm, 1977.

7 July 1916: Representatives from the Women's Police Service...

Building item

7 July 1916

Representatives from the Women's Police Service (Margaret Damer Dawson and Mary Allen ) signed an agreement with the Ministry of Munitions for the employment of women police to regulate and oversee the conduct of...

February 1918: Chief Commander Margaret Damer Dawson and...

National or international item

February 1918

Chief Commander Margaret Damer Dawson and Sub-Commandant Mary Allen of the Women's Police Service were invested as Officers of the Order of the British Empire.
Allen, Mary S. The Pioneer Policewoman. AMS Press, 1973.
128, 129


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