Family Colonisation Loan Society


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Occupation Caroline Chisholm
The ship Caroline Chisholm made its inaugural voyage, transporting Family Colonisation Loan Society members from London and Plymouth to Melbourne and Sydney.
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.
Occupation Caroline Chisholm
Within its first five years of operation, the Family Colonisation Loan Society established by CC had sent more than three thousand immigrants (primarily the families of skilled tradesmen) to Australia and procured upwards of ¥20,000...
Occupation Caroline Chisholm
In London, CC established the Family Colonisation Loan Society which aimed to promote the emigration of entire families from Britain to Australia through the loan of part of the cost of passage.
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.
Occupation Caroline Chisholm
CC 's Family Colonisation Loan Society launched its first sailing with two hundred and fifty British members travelling to Port Phillip and Port Adelaide, Australia.
Mackenzie, Eneas. Memoirs of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm. Webb, Millington, 1852.
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.
Publishing Caroline Chisholm
Household Words included in its opening issue A Bundle of Emigrant's Letters, the first in a series of articles CC and Charles Dickens jointly authored to promote the Family Colonisation Loan Society .
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.
Residence Caroline Chisholm
CC 's husband, Archibald , left England for Adelaide to become the Family Colonisation Loan Society 's first Australian agent.
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.
Textual Features Caroline Chisholm
Published in London, it publicized and promoted the principles of CC 's newly established Family Colonisation Loan Society and levelled serious charges against the existing British governmental system of Australian emigration. She argued...
Textual Production Caroline Chisholm
The piece contained a selection of the settler statements Chisholm had collected in New South Wales some five years earlier. The collaboration between her and Dickens continued for the next few years, during which Household...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Caroline Chisholm
Having begun with a brief description of CC 's family and time in India (a very unhealthy climate for young children),
qtd. in
Chisholm, Caroline. The Story of the Life of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm, the Emigrant’s Friend, and Her Adventures in Australia. Trelawney Saunders, 28 Apr. 1852.
it then moves on to tell of establishing the Immigrants' Home
Travel Caroline Chisholm
CC toured England, Scotland, and Ireland, publicizing the Family Colonisation Loan Society .
Kiddle, Margaret, and Sir Douglas Copland. Caroline Chisholm. 2nd ed., Melbourne University Press, 1957.


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