Mary Augusta Ward

Best known for her influential loss-of-faith novel Robert Elsmere, MAW was among the more prolific and popular novelists of the later Victorian and Edwardian periods. Her fifty-year career spanned an era of enormous transformation. During it she produced twenty-five novels, an autobiography, journalism (including reviews and literary criticism), a children's book, a translation, and several works of war propaganda. Her more serious earlier works were weighty novels of ideas in the tradition of George Eliot , which seek to chart the complex relationships among character, intellect, religion, and morality. Her work insistently takes up what she sees as the pressing social issues of her day, shifting in the early twentieth century to briefer works on a much wider geographical canvas and then taking up the war effort in both fiction and prose. It displays an abiding interest in the social, intellectual, and sexual relations between men and women. The education and occupations of women are recurrent themes, and Oxford with its intellectual ferment a common setting. Although MAW 's nationalism, imperialism, and anti-suffrage stance cast her as conservative to recent readers, she was a reformer, in her earlier years a democrat, and an acute analyst of gender who believed strongly in the currents of progress and the transformative power of texts.


11 June 1851

MAW was born Mary Augusta Arnold in Hobart Town, Tasmania. She was the eldest of eight children.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.


The publishing career of Mary Augusta Arnold (later MAW ) began when the Churchman's Companion, edited by Felicia Skene , accepted her work A Westmoreland Story.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.

24 February 1888

MAW 's most popular and critically acclaimed novel, Robert Elsmere, appeared in three volumes.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.

May 1888

Former Prime-Minister and MP William Gladstone 's attack on MAW 's heterodoxy, 'Robert Elsmere' and the Battle of Belief, appeared in the Nineteenth Century.
Gladstone, William Ewart. "Robert Elsmere" and the Battle of Belief. Peter Paul and Brother.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.

17 September 1908

MAW 's Diana Mallory, which is considered to be possibly the first novelestic application of Freud ian theory, was published.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.

November 1919

MAW 's Cousin Philip appeared (Helena in the US) featuring a New Woman; the last novel she wrote (though not the last published), it received little attention.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.
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24 March 1920

MAW died in London from bronchitis and gradual heart failure.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.



11 June 1851

MAW was born Mary Augusta Arnold in Hobart Town, Tasmania. She was the eldest of eight children.
Sutherland, John. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press.