Elizabeth Robins

ER 's political commitment to feminism is evident throughout her plays, novels, travel writing, and essays, in which she addresses issues ranging from women's suffrage to the rest cure and white slave trade. Through much of her writing career (which spanned a decade of the nineteenth century and four decades of the twentieth) she insisted on maintaining anonymity despite pressure from her publishers to capitalize on her fame as an actress.


6 August 1862

ER was born in Louisville, Kentucky.
Demastes, William W., and Katherine E. Kelly, editors. British Playwrights, 1880-1956. Greenwood Press.
John, Angela V. Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life, 1862-1952. Routledge.

July 1890

The first publication by ER appeared: Across America with Junius Brutus Booth, in The Universal Review.
Gates, Joanne E. “Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952”. The Elizabeth Robins Web: Texts and Contexts.

9 April 1907

ER 's suffrage play, Votes for Women (one of the earliest in the genre), was first performed at the Court Theatre .
Stowell, Sheila. A Stage of Their Own. University of Michigan Press.
Liggins, Emma. “The ’Sordid Story’ of an Unwanted Child: Militancy, Motherhood, and Abortion in Elizabeth Robins’s Votes for Women and Way Stations”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, pp. 347-61.


The Hogarth Press printed, for private circulation only, ER 's Portrait of a Lady, or The English Spirit Old and New, a memoir of Elizabeth Yates Thompson , the shy philanthropist daughter of publisher George Smith , who with her husband endowed the library of Newnham College, Cambridge , in 1897.
Drabble, Margaret. “Amber Reeves (1887 - 1981)”. Breaking Bounds. Six Newnham Lives, edited by Biddy Passmore, Newnham College, pp. 40-51.

8 May 1952

ER died in Brighton, at the age of ninety.
John, Angela V. Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life, 1862-1952. Routledge.


Birth and Family

6 August 1862

ER was born in Louisville, Kentucky.
Demastes, William W., and Katherine E. Kelly, editors. British Playwrights, 1880-1956. Greenwood Press.
John, Angela V. Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life, 1862-1952. Routledge.