Mary, Duchess of Gloucester

Standard Name: Gloucester, Mary,,, Duchess of


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
It is dedicated to the Duchess of Gloucester , a daughter of George III who had acquired that title by marriage in 1816.
Confusingly, the mother of LMH 's previous dedicee Lady Waldegrave had been...
Occupation Ellis Cornelia Knight
At the request of the Prince Regent (later George IV ), and the urgings of the princesses Mary , Elizabeth , and Sophia , ECK agreed to serve as one of the lady companions to...
Occupation Ellis Cornelia Knight
The Queen would call on her each morning on her way to Frogmore, her house in Windsor's Home Park.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. The Autobiography of Miss Knight. Editor Fulford, Roger, William Kimber & Co.
83 n1
The Queen was fond of being read aloud to in either French, English...


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