Beth Sutton Ramspeck

Standard Name: Ramspeck, Beth Sutton


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Sarah Grand
Elaine Showalter brought SG to the attention of late-twentieth-century New Woman and feminist criticism in A Literature of Their Own, 1977, where she discussed The Heavenly Twins and The Beth Book.
Mangum, Teresa. Married, Middlebrow, and Militant: Sarah Grand and the New Woman Novel. University of Michigan Press.
Literary responses Mary Augusta Ward
MAW 's politics have considerably retarded her recuperation by a rights-and-equality-oriented feminist literary critical movement. As Beth Sutton Ramspeck has astutely observed: In seizing on her gender politics as the fuel with which to destroy...
Textual Features Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The story is thus a meditation on the nature of crime and punishment, and the title comes to resonate as it becomes clear not only that Vaughn's would-be murderers will remain unpunished, but more soberingly...


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