Jessie White Mario

Standard Name: Mario, Jessie White
Birth Name: Jessie Jane Meriton White
Pseudonym: J. W.
Pseudonym: G de F
Married Name: Jessie Jane Meriton Mario
Nickname: Miss Urigano
JWM made her literary debut in Eliza Cook's Journal, but it was her involvement in the Italian Risorgimento (sometimes as a spy) that fostered her career as a journalist, translator, propagandist, lecturer, and biographer. Her service as a field nurse during Garibaldi 's various campaigns informed her war correspondence printed in English and American periodicals. From 1866 until her death in 1906, she wrote one hundred and forty-three articles on Italian life and politics for the Nation. She also penned important biographies of many Italian figures, including Garibaldi and Mazzini .


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Within a few years Jessie White Mario was frequently quoting Casa Guidi Windows in her campaign for the Italian cause, and after her death the City of Florence marked EBB 's contribution to unification with...
Reception Harriet Hamilton King
Despite the popularity of HHK 's work into the twentieth century, it has not fared well critically. She has seldom been mentioned in recent critical discussions, although several of her poems are anthologized in feminist...
Textual Production Eliza Cook
This was priced at only a penny halfpenny, to attract popular readership.
Gleadle, Kathryn. The Early Feminists. Macmillan.
It enjoyed circulation figures of 50,000 to 60,000—slightly higher than those of Dickens's Household Words—even though that was only a fraction...


23 June 1868: Christopher Latham Sholes, an American printer,...

Building item

23 June 1868

Christopher Latham Sholes , an American printer, took out a patent on an early working model of the typewriter, which he and his associates had invented the previous year.


Mario, Jessie White. Della vita di Giuseppe Mazzini. Sonzogno, 1886.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe et al. “Editorial Note”. Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi, translated by. Alice Werner, Howard Fertig, 1971, p. 3: v.
Mario, Jessie White. “Introduction: Jessie White Mario”. The Birth of Modern Italy, edited by Pompeo, Duke of Litta-Visconti-Arese, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909, p. xix - xxvii.
Mario, Jessie White. “On the Position of Women in Italy”. The Nation, New York, Vol.
, pp. 456 - 7; 480.
Mario, Jessie White. “Parties in Italy”. The Nation, New York, Vol.
, pp. 241-2.
Mario, Alberto. Scritti letterari e artistici di Alberto Mario. Editors Mario, Jessie White and Giosuè Carducci, Zanichelli, 1884.
Mario, Jessie White et al. “Supplement”. Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi, translated by. Alice Werner, Howard Fertig, 1971, p. Volume 3.
Orsini, Felice. The Austrian Dungeons in Italy. Translator Mario, Jessie White, Routledge, 1856.
Mario, Jessie White. The Birth of Modern Italy. Editor Pompeo, Duke of Litta-Visconti-Arese, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909.
Mario, Jessie White. “The New Italian Ministry”. The Nation, New York, Vol.
, pp. 195-7.
Mario, Jessie White. Vita di Giuseppe Garibaldi. Treves, 1882.