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Robinson, A. Mary F. A Life of Ernest Renan. Methuen, 1897.
Robinson, A. Mary F. The Life of Ernest Renan. Methuen, 1898.
Robinson, F. Mabel. The Plan of Campaign. Methuen, 1890.
Rodgers, Betsy. Georgian Chronicle: Mrs Barbauld and her Family. Methuen, 1958.
Sayers, Dorothy L. Further Papers on Dante. Methuen, 1957.
Sayers, Dorothy L., and Barbara Reynolds. Introductory Papers on Dante. Methuen, 1954.
Sayers, Dorothy L. The Mind of the Maker. Methuen, 1941.
La Batut, Guy de, and Georges Friedmann. A History of the French People. Translators Sidgwick, Ethel and Kathleen E. Innes, Methuen, 1923.
Somerville, Edith, and Martin Ross. Dan Russel the Fox. Methuen, 1911.
Somerville, Edith. Maria, and Some Other Dogs. Methuen, 1949.
Somerville, Edith. Notions in Garrison. Methuen, 1941.
Somerville, Edith. The Smile and the Tear. Methuen, 1933.
Somerville, Edith. The Sweet Cry of Hounds. Methuen, 1936.
Sowerby, Githa. “Rutherford and Son”. New Woman Plays, edited by Linda Fitzsimmons and Viv Gardner, Methuen, 1991, pp. 133-89.
Spender, Dale. “Introduction to <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl="m">A Chat with Mrs. Chicky</span> and <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Miss Appleyard’s Awakening</span&gt”;. How the Vote Was Won: and Other Suffragette Plays, edited by Dale Spender and Carole Hayman, Methuen, 1985, p. 101.
St John, Christopher. Hungerheart. Methuen, 1915.
Struther, Jan. Sycamore Square. Methuen, 1932.
Struther, Jan, and Ernest H. Shepard. The Modern Struwwelpeter. Methuen, 1936.
Sutherland, James. Defoe. Methuen, 1937.
Taylor, John Russell. Anger and After; A Guide to the New British Drama. Methuen, 1962.
Tey, Josephine. A Shilling for Candles. Methuen, 1936.
Tey, Josephine. The Man in the Queue. Methuen, 1929.
Todd, Richard. Iris Murdoch. Methuen, 1984.
Townsend, Sue. Adrian Mole, the Wilderness Years. Methuen, 1993.
Townsend, Sue. Bazaar &amp; Rummage; Groping For Words; Womberang. Methuen, 1984.