Queen's University


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Cultural formation Agnes Maule Machar
Her father's position at Queen's College gave the family a prominent standing in white British Canadian society. AMM sustained her class position with her inheritance and income from her writing.
Gerson, Carole, and Agnes Maule Machar. “Introduction”. Roland Graeme, Knight, Tecumseh Press, p. vii - xxiv.
Cultural formation Agnes Maule Machar
AMM was a Presbyterian like her parents (both Scottish born). Her moral outlook was inflected by liberal Christianity, and she actively supported Presbyterian missions in India. She was strongly influenced by the Social Gospel movement...
Family and Intimate relationships Agnes Maule Machar
Her father, John Machar , was a Presbyterian minister, an abolitionist, and an advocate of universal education. For nine years, from 1846 to 1854, he was the principal of Queen's College , now Queen's University
Friends, Associates Agnes Maule Machar
Her work brought her into contact with prominent Canadians, Pauline Johnson among them. AMM was one of those who supported the author Charles G. D. Roberts in his quest to become the Chair of English...
Textual Production Agnes Maule Machar
AMM 's papers are held in various locations including Queen's University Archives, the New York Public Library , the National Archives of Canada , and in archives at McGill University , McMaster University , York University


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