Events Timeline

Orlando includes short event entries, freestanding and embedded in author profiles, about moments and processes relevant to literary history and organized into four categories: Women writers, Writing Climate, Political Climate, and Social Climate. Explore the timelines by searching for date(s) and/or words or phrases associated with them.

201 - 225 of 43197

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Julian of Norwich: Probably after 1416

Women writers item
Author event in Julian of Norwich

Probably after 1416

Julian of Norwich died in her anchorhold in Norwich.
The last evidence of her being alive is often named as the preface to the short manuscript of her text, 1413. But Isabel, Countess of Suffolk

1417: Elizabeth de la Pole had a friar to instruct...

Building item


Elizabeth de la Pole had a friar to instruct her during her stay at Bruisyard Abbey near Framlingham in Suffolk.
Orme, Nicholas. From Childhood to Chivalry: The Education of the English Kings and Aristocracy, 1066-1530. Methuen, 1984.
Knowles, David, and Richard Neville Hadcock. Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales. Longmans and Green, 1953.

Margery Kempe: July-August 1417

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

July-August 1417

MK went on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, sailing out of Bristol.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.

Margery Kempe: August-September 1417

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

August-September 1417

MK , arrested at Leicester on suspicion of being a Lollard , was found to be orthodox by an ecclesiastical court , and released.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.
Kempe, Margery. The Book of Margery Kempe. Translator Windeatt, Barry A., Revised Edition, Penguin, 1994.

1421: Filippo Brunelleschi of the Republic of Florence...

Building item


Filippo Brunelleschi of the Republic of Florence received the first recorded patent, for a crane-equipped canal boat.
Bunch, Bryan, and Alexander Hellemans. The Timetables of Technology. Simon and Schuster, 1993.
121, 124

Margery Kempe: 23 January 1421

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

23 January 1421

MK 's prayers and tears were credited with bringing a snowstorm which put out a disastrous fire at Lynn in time to save St Margaret's Church.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.
Kempe, Margery. The Book of Margery Kempe. Translator Windeatt, Barry A., Revised Edition, Penguin, 1994.

Early May 1429: Joan of Arc forced the English to raise their...

National or international item

Early May 1429

Joan of Arc forced the English to raise their siege of Orléans, France.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
7: 342
Steinberg, Sigfrid Henry. Historical Tables: 58 BC-AD 1985. 11th ed., Garland Publishing, 1986.
92, 94
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
1: 89, 401

Christine de Pisan: 31 July 1429

Writing climate item
Author event in Christine de Pisan

31 July 1429

Christine de Pisan finished her Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc, a poem commemorating Joan of Arc 's victory at Orléans that year, and the subsequent coronation of Charles VII .
McLeod, Glenda P., and Christine de Pisan. “Introduction”. Christine de Pizan: Christine’s Vision, Garland, 1993, p. xi - lv.

Christine de Pisan: August 1429

Writing climate item
Author event in Christine de Pisan

August 1429

Christine de Pisan was alive in this month (she wrote her last poem on 31 July); but she was not heard from again and the exact date of her death is unknown.
Yenal, Edith. Christine de Pisan: A Bibliography of Writings by Her and about Her. Scarecrow Press, 1982.
McLeod, Glenda P., and Christine de Pisan. “Introduction”. Christine de Pizan: Christine’s Vision, Garland, 1993, p. xi - lv.
Willard, Charity Cannon. Christine de Pizan: Her Life and Works. Persea, 1984.

About 1430-50: English scribes all over the country gradually...

Writing climate item

About 1430-50

English scribes all over the country gradually shifted from local dialects to a centralised form of Chancery English.
Riddy, Felicity. “Julian of Norwich and Self-Textualization”. Editing Women, edited by Ann M. Hutchison, University of Toronto Press, 1998, pp. 101-24.

Margery Kempe: 1431-2

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe


At about this date MK began dictating the story of her life.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.
Kempe, Margery. The Book of Margery Kempe. Translator Windeatt, Barry A., Revised Edition, Penguin, 1994.

30 May 1431: Following her trial for heresy, Joan of Arc...

National or international item

30 May 1431

Following her trial for heresy, Joan of Arc was burned at Rouen under English occupying forces.
Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History. 3rd revised, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.

Margery Kempe: 2 April 1433-July 1434

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

2 April 1433-July 1434

At about sixty (after her husband 's death) MK made her last journey, across Northern Europe as far as Danzig (now Gdansk in Poland).
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.

21 February 1437: King James I of Scotland was murdered at...

National or international item

21 February 1437

King James I of Scotland was murdered at Perth by a group of armed men led by Robert Graham .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

1438: All Souls College, Oxford, was founded by...

Building item


All Souls College , Oxford, was founded by Henry VI and Henry Chichele , Archbishop of Canterbury, dedicated to those so far slain in the Hundred Years War with France; its official title was...

Margery Kempe: Some time after April 1438

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

Some time after April 1438

MK died at an unknown date; she seems to have been alive during this month.
Some scholars take the admission to Lynn's Trinity Guild on 13 April as the last trace of her still...

Margery Kempe: 13 April 1438

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

13 April 1438

Someone named MK , probably the autobiographer, became a member of the Trinity Guild at Lynn.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, 1994, pp. 9-30.

Margery Kempe: 28 April 1438

Women writers item
Author event in Margery Kempe

28 April 1438

At the suggestion of her priest-scribe, it seems that MK began adding a shorter second part to her book, telling what had happened in the interim.
Felicity Riddy in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography...

1441-78: Margaret Paston, née Mautby, wrote—that is,...

Women writers item


Margaret Paston , née Mautby, wrote—that is, dictated—to her husband and sons (in Virginia Woolf 's words) long long letters . . . . explaining, asking advice, giving news, rendering accounts
Woolf, Virginia. The Essays of Virginia Woolf. Editors McNeillie, Andrew and Stuart Nelson Clarke, Hogarth Press, 1986–2011, 6 vols.
4: 23
about the...

1447: Wye College, in Kent, was established by...

National or international item


Wye College , in Kent, was established by John Kempe , later Archbishop of Canterbury, as the College of St Gregory and St Martin.
Harte, Negley. The University of London 1836-1986. Athlone, 1986.
22, 251
The World of Learning. 47th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1997.
(1997): 1542

15 April 1448: Margaret of Anjou (wife of Henry VI) founded...

Building item

15 April 1448

Margaret of Anjou (wife of Henry VI ) founded Queen's College, Cambridge ; in March 1465 Elizabeth Woodville (wife of Edward IV ) became its patroness and foundress: hence the present position of the apostrophe.
Tibbs, Rodney. The University and Colleges of Cambridge. Terence Dalton Ltd., 1972.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.
Olsen, Kirstin. Chronology of Women’s History. Greenwood, 1994.
Queen’s College Cambridge - Apostrophe.

1450: In south-east England there occurred another...

National or international item


In south-east England there occurred another serious revolt of the poorest classes of society: John Cade led what is generally known as Jack Cade's Rebellion.
Griffiths, Ralph Alan. “The Later Middle Ages (1290-1485)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 166-22.

By about 1450: As a long-term result of the plague (which...

Building item

By about 1450

As a long-term result of the plague (which first hit Britain about a century before this), approximately 1,300 settlements (lost villages) in the Midlands and eastern England had been abandoned.
Griffiths, Ralph Alan. “The Later Middle Ages (1290-1485)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 166-22.

About 1450: The extant manuscript was transcribed of...

Women writers item

About 1450

The extant manuscript was transcribed of Dame Eleanor Hull 's translation of a French commentary and treatise on the Latin text of the Seven Penitential Psalms.
Barratt, Alexandra, editor. Women’s Writing in Middle English. Longman, 1992.
219-20, 17, xiii, 223, 2

1450-1750: During these three centuries, around 100,000...

Building item


During these three centuries, around 100,000 trials for witchcraft were held throughout Europe; eighty per cent of those accused were women, and half of them were condemned to death.
Wootton, David. “Brutish Babies”. London Review of Books, 11 Nov. 1999, pp. 34-35.