
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Yonge, Charlotte. The Trial. Macmillan, 1864, 2 vols.
Yonge, Charlotte. The Two Guardians. Joseph Masters, 1852.
Yonge, Charlotte. The Young Step-Mother. Parker, Son and Bourn, 1861.
Yonge, Charlotte. Unknown to History. Macmillan, 1882, 2 vols.
Yonge, Charlotte. What Books to Lend and What to Give. National Society’s Depository, 1887.
Yonge, Charlotte. Womankind. Mozley and Smith, 1876.
York, Geoffrey. “African progress threatened by ‘democratic recession’”. The Globe and Mail, Vol.
a1, a14-15
, 5 Oct. 2010.
Yorke, Liz. Adrienne Rich: Passion, Politics, and the Body. Sage, 1997.
Yost, Karl, and Harold Lewis Cook. A Bibliography of the Works of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Harper, 1965.
Youlden, Mary. “Spotlight on Black British Theatre”. Daily Exeter Life, 5 Nov. 2015.
Young, Arthur. The Autobiography of Arthur Young. Editor Betham-Edwards, Matilda, Smith, Elder, 1898.
Young, Brian. “A Cheat, a Sharper and a Swindler”. London Review of Books, 24 May 2001, pp. 34-5.
Young, Clarence E. “Announcement”. The World’s Congress of Representative Women, edited by May Wright Sewall, Rand McNally, 1894, p. v - vi.
Young, E. H. A Corn of Wheat. Heinemann, 1910.
Young, E. H., and H. J. Haley. Caravan Island. A. and C. Black, 1940.
Young, E. H. Celia. J. Cape, 1937.
Young, E. H. Chatterton Square. J. Cape, 1947.
Young, E. H. Jenny Wren. J. Cape, 1932.
Young, E. H. Miss Mole. J. Cape, 1930.
Young, E. H. Moor Fires. J. Murray, 1916.
Young, E. H. River Holiday. A. and C. Black, 1942.
Young, E. H. The Bridge Dividing. Heinemann, 1922.
Young, E. H. The Curate’s Wife. J. Cape, 1934.
Young, E. H. The Vicar’s Daughter. J. Cape, 1928.
Young, E. H. William. J. Cape, 1925.
Young, E. H. Yonder. Heinemann, 1912.
Young, Edward. Night Thoughts. Phillips and Sampson, 1847.
Young, Edward. The Complaint; or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. R. Dodsley, 1745, 9 parts.
Young, Grace Chisholm, and Alice B. Woodward. Bimbo. J. M. Dent, 1905.
Young, Grace Chisholm. Bimbo and the Frogs. J. M. Dent, 1907.
Young, Grace Chisholm, and William Henry Young. The First Book of Geometry. J. M. Dent, 1905.
Young, Kenneth. Arthur James Balfour. G. Bell and Sons, 1963.
Young, Mary Julia. A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel. J. F. Hughes, 1807, 3 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. A Summer at Weymouth, or, The Star of Fashion. J. F. Hughes, 1808, 3 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. Adelaide and Antonine: or The Emigrants: A Tale. Debrett, Booker, Keating, Lewis, and Robinsons, 1793.
Young, Mary Julia. Donalda, or The Witches of Glenshiel. A Caledonian Legend. J. F. Hughes, 1805, 2 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. Genius and Fancy; or, Dramatic Sketches. H. D. Symonds and J. Gray.
Young, Mary Julia. Genius and Fancy; or, Dramatic Sketches: with Other Poems on Various Subjects. M. D. Symonds, N. Lee, and J. Gray, 1795.
Young, Mary Julia. Memoirs of Mrs. Crouch. James Asperne, 1806, 2 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. Moss Cliff Abbey; or, The Sepulchral Harmonist. A Mysterious Tale. B. Crosby and J. F. Hughes, 1803, 4 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. Poems. Minerva Press, William Lane, 1798.
Young, Mary Julia. Right and Wrong; or, The Kinsmen of Naples. A Romantic Story. Crosby and Co., 1803, 4 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. Rose-Mount Castle, or, False Report. Minerva Press, William Lane, 1798, 3 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. The East Indian, or Clifford Priory. Earle and Hemet, 1799, 4 vols.
Young, Mary Julia. The Heir of Drumcondra; or, Family Pride. Minerva Press, A. K. Newman, 1810, 3 vols.
Berthier, J. B. C. The Mother and Daughter. A Pathetic Tale. Translator Young, Mary Julia, J. F. Hughes, 1804, 3 vols.
Young, Toby. “What U.S. needs is a Queen”. Edmonton Journal, 1 Dec. 2000, p. A17.
Young, Tory. “’Love and the Imagination Are Not Gendered Things’: An Interview with Ali Smith”. Contemporary Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2015, pp. 131-48.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Hannah Arendt. For Love of the World. Second Edition, Yale University Press, 2004.
Younge, Gary, and Martin Luther, Jr King. “Foreword”. I have a dream, Guardian News and Media, 2007, pp. 5-6.