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Walker, Annie Louisa. The Trial of Mary Broom. Hutchinson, 1893.
Walker, Annie Louisa. Two Rival Lovers. White, 1881, 3 vols.
Walker, Anthony, and Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick. Eureka Eureka, The Virtuous Woman Found. Nathanael Ranew, 1678.
Walker, Anthony, and Elizabeth Walker. The Holy Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker. For the Author, 1690.
Walker, Anthony, and Elizabeth Walker. The Vertuous Wife: or, the Holy Life of Mrs. Elizabth Walker. J. Robinson, A. and J. Churchill, J. Taylor, and J. Wyat, 1694.
Walker, Carole, and Jane L. Littlewood. “A Second Moses in Bonnet and Shawl: Caroline Chisholm, 1808-1877”. Recusant History, Vol.
, No. 3, 1995, pp. 409-23.
Walker, Cheryl. The Nightingale’s Burden: Women Poets and American Culture Before 1900. Indiana University Press, 1982.
Walker, Chloe. “The Sitter’s Tale: Muriel Spark”. The Independent on Sunday: Culture, 11 Aug. 1999, p. 14.
Walker, Constance. “Dorothea Primrose Campbell: A Newly Discovered Pseudonym, Poems and Tales”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 4, Nov. 2014, pp. 592-08.
Walker, Dorothea. Muriel Spark. Twayne, 1988.
Walker, Dorothea. Sheila Kaye-Smith. Twayne, 1980.
Walker, Elizabeth. Elizabeth Walker her Book.
Walker, Elizabeth. Some Memorials of God’s Providences. 1623.
Walker, George. Haste, Post, Haste!: Postmen and Post-Roads Through the Ages. Dodd, Mead, 1938.
Walker, H. F. B. “Mr. Edward Arnold’s Spring Announcements, 1917”. A Doctor’s Diary in Damaraland, Edward Arnold, 1917, p. end pages.
Walker, J. P. “Doing it differently”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 1, 2001, pp. 32-3.
Walker, J. P. “Think tank”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 3, 2001, pp. 32-3.
Walker, Joseph C. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards. Printed for the author by Luke White, 1786.
Walker, Kim. “’Divine Chymistry’ and Dramatic Character: The Lives of Lady Anne Halkett”. Women Writing 1550-1750, edited by Jo Wallwork and Paul Salzman, English Program, School of Communication, Arts and Critical Enquiry, La Trobe University, 2001, pp. 133-49.
Walker, Kim. Women Writers of the English Renaissance. Twayne, 1996.
Walker, Lady Mary. La famille du duc de Popoli. P. Didot, 1810.
Walker, Lady Mary. Letters from the Duchess de Crui and Others. Robson, Walter, and Robinson, 1776, 5 vols.
Walker, Lady Mary. Letters from the Duchess de Crui and Others. 2nd ed., Robson, 1777, 5 vols.
Walker, Lady Mary. Letters from the Duchess de Crui and Others. Third Edition, Price, 1779, 2 vols.
Walker, Lady Mary. Memoirs of the Marchioness de Louvoi. Robson, Walter, and Robinson, 1777, 3 vols.
Walker, Lady Mary. Munster Village. Robson, Walter, and Robinson, 1778, 2 vols.
Walker, Lady Mary. Observations on Mr. Burke’s Bill, for the Better Regulation of the Independence of Parliament. T. Becket, 1780.
Walker, Linda. “Party Political Women: A Comparative Study of Liberal Women and the Primrose League, 1890-1914”. Equal or Different: Women’s Politics 1800-1914, edited by Jane Rendall, Basil Blackwell, 1987, pp. 165-91.
Walker, Nancy A. Fanny Fern. Twayne, 1993.
Walker, Nigel. Crime and Insanity in England. Edinburgh University Press, 1968.
Bentley, Elizabeth. “Preface”. Genuine Poetical Compositions on Various Subjects, edited by Rev. John Walker, Crouse and Stevenson, 1791.
Walker, Shirley. “Wild and Wilful Women: Caroline Leakey and The Broad ArrowA Bright and Fiery Troop, edited by Debra Adelaide, Penguin Books Australia, 1988, pp. 85-99.
Walker, Shirley. “Reviews”. Australian Literary Studies, Vol.
, No. 3, May 1992, pp. 238-41.
Walker, William. The Bards of Bon-Accord, 1375-1860. Edmond and Spark, 1887.
Walkowitz, Judith R. ’We Are Not Beasts of the Field’: Prostitution and the Campaign Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, 1869-1886. University of Rochester, 1974.
Walkowitz, Judith R. City of Dreadful Delight. University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Walkowitz, Judith R. Prostitution and Victorian Society: Women, Class, and the State. Cambridge University Press, 1980.
Walkowitz, Judith R. “Science, Feminism and Romance: The Men and Women’s Club 1885-1889”. History Workshop Journal, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1986, pp. 36-59.
Walkowitz, Judith R. “Women Writing / Women Performing in the Imperial Metropolis”. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference, Lawrence, KS.
Thynne, Maria, and Joan Thynne. “Introduction”. Two Elizabethan Women: Correspondence of Joan and Maria Thynne, 1575-1611, edited by Alison D. Wall, Wltshire Record Office, 1983, p. xvii - xxxiv.
Wall, Ann. The Life of Lamenther. Printed for the proprietor, 1771.
Wall, Bernard. Alessandro Manzoni. Yale University Press, 1954.
Wall, Cheryl. “People’s Culture”. WRB, Vol.
, No. 2, Mar.–Apr. 2014, pp. 10-12.
Wall, Cynthia. “The English Auction: Narratives of Dismantlings”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 1-25.
Wall, Ian. “Barred frae the Pantheon”. London Review of Books, 20 Feb. 2003, p. 4.
Wallace, Alexander, and Janet Hamilton. “Janet Hamilton at her ’Ain Fireside’”. Poems, Sketches, and Essays, James Maclehose, 1885, pp. 14-23.
Wallace, Charles Harrison. “Porto Bello”. Monamy Website.
Wesley, Susanna. “Introduction”. Susanna Wesley: The Complete Writings, edited by Charles, Jr Wallace, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Wallace, Christine. Germaine Greer: Untamed Shrew. Richard Cohen Books, 1999.
Wallace, Doreen, and E. F. A. Geach. -esques. Blackwell, 1918, p. 39 pp.