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Williams, Trevor I. A Short History of Twentieth-Century Technology, c.1900-c.1950. Clarendon, 1982.
Williams, Val, and Susan Bright. How We Are: Photographing Britain. Tate Publishing, 2007.
Williams, Zoe. “In search of peace”. Guardian Weekly, 25 Nov. 2011, pp. 39-40.
Williams, Zoe. “When there’s no baby to take home”. Guardian Weekly, 11 Oct. 2013, pp. 30-1.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. A History of English Life, Political and Social. Methuen, 1949, 4 vols.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. An Anatomy of Poetry. B. Blackwell, 1922.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. But We Know Better. J. Cape, 1926.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Clough Williams-Ellis. Golden Dragon Books, 1981.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Darwin’s Moon. Blackie, 1966.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Wilma Hickson. Fairies and Enchanters. T. Nelson and Sons, 1933.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Good Citizens. Gerald Howe, 1938.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. H.M.S. Beagle in South America. Watts, 1930.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. Headlong Down the Years. University Press, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Is Woman’s Place in the Home?. Labour Party, 1947.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Euan Cooper-Willis. Laughing Gas and Safety Lamp. Methuen, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Learn to Love First. Gollancz, 1939.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Noah’s Ark. J. Cape, 1925.
Russell, Bertrand. Out of this World. Editors Williams-Ellis, Amabel and Mably Owen, Blackie, 1972, 10 vols.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al., editors. Tales From the Galaxies. Pan Books, 1973.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Art of Being a Parent. Bodley Head, 1952.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Art of Being a Woman. Bodley Head, 1951.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Big Firm. Collins, 1938.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Dan Woods. The Enchanted World. Hodder and Stoughton, 1987.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Sea-Power of England. A.C. Curtis; Oxford University Press, 1913.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Tragedy of John Ruskin. J. Cape, 1928.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Wall of Glass. J. Cape, 1927.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. To Tell the Truth. J. Cape, 1933.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Volcano. J. Cape, 1931.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. What Shall I Be?. Heinemann, 1932.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Why Should I Vote?. G. Howe, 1929.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Women in War Factories. V. Gollancz, 1943.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. Wonder Why Book of Your Body. Transworld, 1978.
Williams-Ellis, Clough, and Amabel Williams-Ellis. The Pleasures of Architecture. J. Cape, 1924.
Williams-Ellis, Clough et al. The Tank Corps. Published at the offices of Country Life Ltd. and by G. Newnes, 1919.
Williams-Ellis, Susan et al. In and Out of Doors. Routledge, 1937.
Williamson, Janice. “Framed by history: Marjorie Pickthall’s devices and desire”. A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing, edited by Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamboureli, Longspoon/NeWest, 1986, pp. 167-78.
Williamson, John B., and Fred C. Pampel. Old-Age Security in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press, 1993.
Williamson, Rosemary. “Smith, [White; Meadows White], Alice Mary”. Grove Music Online.
Willis, Chris et al. “Afterword”. The Trail of the Serpent, edited by Chris Willis and Chris Willis, Modern Library, 2003, pp. 408-14.
Willis, Chris. Beatrice Harraden—Suffragette Writer.
Willis, Chris. The Mary Elizabeth Braddon Website.
Willmott, Peter. “Types of Experience”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3117, 24 Nov. 1961, p. 844.
Willmott Dobbie, Beatrice Marion. A Nest of Suffragettes in Somerset. The Batheaston Society, 1979.
Wills, Clair. “Mate and helpmate”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4481, 17 Feb. 1989, p. 169.
Willsher, Kim. “Eiffel Tower’s restoration is now complete”. Guardian Weekly, 17 Oct. 2014, p. 44.
Wilmers, Mary-Kay. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 19, 9 Oct. 2014, p. 45.
Wilmers, Mary-Kay. “Subjective Correlative”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 16, 11 Aug. 2016, p. 12.
Wilmot, Catherine. An Irish Peer on the Continent. Editor Sadleir, Thomas U., Williams and Norgate, 1920.
Wilmott, Glenn. “Paddled by Pauline”. Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews, Vol.
, No. 46, University of Western Ontario, 2000, pp. 43-68.