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White, Landeg. “The Dignity of Merchants”. London Review of Books, 10 Aug. 2000, pp. 40-1.
White, Michael. “It’s time for Tony Blair to go”. Guardian Weekly, 15–21 May 2003, p. 1.
White, Michael et al. “Livingstone win a humiliation for Blair”. Guardian Weekly, 11–17 May 2000, p. 7.
White, Michael, and Ewen MacAskill. “Tears and praise as Lords shown door”. Guardian Weekly, 18–24 Nov. 1999, p. 11.
White, Norman. Hopkins: A Literary Biography. Clarendon Press, 1992.
White, Roma. ’Twixt Town and Country. Harper, 1900, 275 pp.
White, Roma. A Knight of the Royal Oak: A Story of the Battle of Worcester. Harrap, 1948.
White, Roma. A Stolen Mask. A. D. Innes, 1896, 343 pp.
White, Roma. Aesop’s Fables. Airmont Publishing Co., 1965.
White, Roma. Backsheesh. Cassell, 1902, 344 pp.
White, Roma. Brownies and Rose Leaves. A. D. Innes, 1892, 199 pp.
White, Roma. Changeling of Brandlesome. A. D. Innes, 1896, 347 pp.
White, Roma. Moonbeams and Brownies. A. D. Innes, Butler and Tanner, 1894, 160 pp.
White, Roma. Moons and Winds of Araby. Brown, Langham & Co., 1906.
White, Roma. Once Upon a Time: Children’s Stories from the Classics. Ward, Lock.
White, Roma. Punchinello’s Romance. A. D. Innes and Co., 1982, p. 332 pp.
White, Roma. The Island of Seven Shadows. A. D. Innes, 1898, 314 pp.
White, Roma. The Sin Offering. Chapman and Hall, 1930, p. 245 pp.
White, Roma. Trespassers in Paradise. Chapman and Hall, 1928, p. 277 pp.
White, Rosemary. Social Change and the Development of the Nursing Profession: A Study of the Poor Law Nursing Service, 1848-1948. H. Kimpton, 1978.
White, Terence de Vere. The Parents of Oscar Wilde. Hodder and Stoughton, 1967.
White, Terence de Vere. Tom Moore. Hamish Hamilton, 1977.
Whitehead, Anne, and Mary Elson. An Epistle for True Love, Unity, and Order in the Church of Christ. Andrew Sowle, 1680.
Whitehead, Anne et al. For the King and both Houses of Parliament. 1670.
Whitehead, George, editor. Piety Promoted by Faithfulness. 1686.
Whitehead, Kate. The Third Programme: A Literary History. Clarendon Press, 1989, http://UofA Rutherford North.
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Whiteman, Anne, and Mary Clapinson, editors. The Compton Census of 1676. Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1986.
Whiteman, Bruce. “Institutional Collecting”. Frances Burney and Her Contemporaries: 2004 Burney Society of North America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Whiteside, Shirley. “A genuine page-turner, Independent, 4 July 2015”. The Independent, 4 July 2015.
Whiteside, Shirley. “Novels of Recent History”. Mslexia, No. 28, Jan. 2006, p. 50.
Whitfield, John. “Get the Mosquitoes!”. London Review of Books, 30 Nov. 2006, pp. 33-4.
Whiting, Charles, 1926 -. Britain Under Fire: The Bombing of Britain’s Cities, 1940-1945. Century Hutchinson, 1986.
Whiting, George W. “Mrs. M— and M.M”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
, 1957, pp. 446-7.
Whiting, George W. “Mrs. M— and Milton”. Notes and Queries, 1955, pp. 200-1.
Whitlock, Tammy. “A ’Taint Upon Them’: The Madame Rachel Case, Fraud, and Retail Trade in Ninteenth Century England”. Victorian Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 June 1998– 2025, pp. 29-52.
Whitlow, Paula, and Kathryn Carter. Letter about Pauline Johnson to Kathryn Carter.
Whitney, Isabella. A Sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posy. Editor Students of Sara Jayne Steen, An Academic Edition, Montana State University.
Whitney, Isabella. A Sweet Nosgay, Or Pleasant Posye. 1st ed., Richard Jones, 1573.
Whitney, Isabella. The Copy of a letter, lately written in meeter, by a yonge Gentilwoman: to her unconstant Lover. 1st ed., Richard Jones, 1567.
Whitney, Isabella. “The lamentacion of a Gentilwoman upon the death of her late deceased frend William Gruffith Gent”. A Gorgious Gallery, of Gallant Inventions, edited by Thomas Procter, Richard Jones, 1578.
Whitney, Isabella. “The lamentacion of a Gentilwoman upon the death of her late deceased frend William Gruffith Gent”. A Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions, edited by Hyder E. Rollins et al., Harvard University Press, 1926.
Whitney, Janet. Elizabeth Fry: Quaker Heroine. Little, Brown, 1936.
Whitrow, Joan. Faithful Warnings, Expostulations and Exhortations, to the Several Professors of Christianity in England, as well those of the Highest as the Lowest Quality. Elizabeth Whitlock, 1697.
Whitrow, Joan. The Humble Address of the Widow Whitrowe to King William. 1689.
Whitrow, Joan. The Humble Salutation and Faithful Greeting of the Widow Whitrowe to King William. 1690.
Whitrow, Joan. The Widow Whiterows Humble Thanksgiving for the Kings Safe Return. D. Edwards, 1694.
Whitrow, Joan et al. The Work of God in a Dying Maid. 1677.
Whitrow, Joan. To King William and Queen Mary, Grace and Peace. 1692.
Whitrow, Joan. To Queen Mary: the Humble Salutation, and Faithful Greeting of the Widow Whitrowe. 1690.