
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Tighe, Mary. Psyche. Editor Tighe, William, Longman, 1811.
Tighe, Mary. Psyche. Woodstock Books, 1992.
Tighe, Mary. The Works of Mary Tighe, Published and Unpublished. Editor Henchy, Patrick, No. 6, Bibliographical Society of Ireland, 1957.
Tighe, Mary. Verses Transcribed for H. T. Editor Linkin, Harriet Kramer, 2015,
Tiley, Michael. “The Webbs return to LSE”. London School of Economics and Political Science: Press and Information Office: News & Views, Vol.
, No. 2, 30 Apr. 2001.
Tilley, Cecilia. Chollerton, A Tale of Our Own Times. John Ollivier, 1846.
Tillotson, Geoffrey. A View of Victorian Literature. Clarendon, 1978.
Tillotson, Kathleen et al. “Harriett Mozley”. Mid-Victorian Studies, Athlone Press, 1965, pp. 38-48.
Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall. Milton. Chatto and Windus, 1930.
Tillyard, Stella. Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa and Sarah Lennox, 1740-1832. Chatto and Windus, 1994.
Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. Lines and Leaves. Chapman and Hall, 1850.
Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. “Notes Taken at Hampden Concerning the Greatest Squire of that Ilk”. Once a Week, Vol.
, No. 64, 10 Jan. 1863, pp. 64-9.
Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. Rhymes and Legends. Richard Bentley and Son, 1879.
Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. The Heirs of Blackridge Manor. Chapman and Hall, 1856, 3 vols.
Tindall, Gillian. Rosamond Lehmann: An Appreciation. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus; Hogarth Press, 1985.
Tingay, Lance O. “The Reception of Trollope’s First Novel”. Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 3, Dec. 1951, pp. 195-00.
Tinker, Hugh. “Memoirs/The Political Philosophy of M. N. Roy (Book Review)”. Journal of Development Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, Jan. 1967, pp. 219-20.
Tinsley, Annie. Darkest Before Dawn. Smith, Elder, 1864, 3 vols.
Tinsley, Annie. Fellow Travellers; or, The Experience of Life. Hurst and Blackett, 1858, 3 vols.
Tinsley, Annie. Lays for the Thoughtful and the Solitary. Longman, 1848.
Tinsley, Annie. Margaret; or, Prejudice at Home. R. Bentley, 1853, 2 vols.
Tinsley, Annie. The Children of the Mist, The Conqueror, and Other Poems. G. Lutz, 1827.
Tinsley, Annie. The Cruelest Wrong of All. Smith, Elder, 1858.
Tinsley, Annie. The Priest of the Nile. Whitaker, 1841, 2 vols.
Tinsley, Annie. Women as They Are. R. Bentley, 1854, 2 vols.
Tipper, Elizabeth. The Pilgrim’s Viaticum. Printed by J. Wilkins, 1698.
Tipper, John, editor. Delights for the Ingenious. Printed by J. Roberts.
Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony, editor. “Introduction”. Lady Jane Wilde’s Letters to Mr John Hilson, 1847-1876: a critical edition, Edwin Mellen, 2010, pp. 1-15.
Tiptree, James, Jr. Brightness Falls from the Air. Tom Doherty Associates, 1985.
Tiptree, James, Jr, and Nicole Nyhan. “Favored by Strange Gods: A Selection of Letters from James Tiptree, Jr. to Joanna Russ”. Conjunctions, No. 67, 2016, pp. 137–195.,
Tiptree, James, Jr. Neat Sheets. Editor Weisman, Jacob, Tachyon, 1996.
Tiptree, James, Jr. Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions. Del Rey, 1981.
Tiptree, James, Jr. Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home. Ace Books, 1973.
Tiptree, James, Jr. The Starry Rift. Tom Doherty Associates, 1986.
Tirrell, Charles William. Fragments of Trivia about Woodeaton.
Tisseyre, Sarah. “Return to Diego Garcia”. Guardian Unlimited, 20 May 2005.
Titcomb, James. “Facebook now has 2 billion users, Mark Zuckerberg announces”. The Telegraph, 27 June 2017.
Tobias, John Jacob. Urban Crime in Victorian England. Shocken Books, 1972.
Tochatti, James, editor. Liberty: a Journal of Anarchist Communism. William Reeves.
Grant, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. Memoirs of a Highland Lady, edited by Andrew Tod, Canongate, 1988.
Grant, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. The Highland Lady in Ireland, edited by Andrew Tod, Canongate, 1991, p. vii - xiii.
Grant, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. A Highland Lady in France, edited by Andrew Tod, Tuckwell Press, 1996, p. vii - xvii.
Todd, Christopher. “Review of Les oeuvres complètes de Voltaire/The Complete Works of Voltaire Vols. 35-36”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, 1997, pp. 117-8.
Todd, Janet, editor. A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800. Rowman and Allanheld, 1985.
Todd, Janet, editor. British Women Writers: A Critical Reference Guide. Continuum, 1989.
Todd, Janet, editor. Dictionary of British Women Writers. Routledge, 1989.
Todd, Janet. Feminist Literary History: A Defence. Polity Press / Basil Blackwell, 1988.
Todd, Janet. Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000.
Todd, Janet. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Rutgers University Press, 1997.
Todd, Janet. The Sign of Angellica. Virago, 1989.