
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Thomas, Elizabeth, b. 1771. The Prison-House. Minerva Press, 1814, 4 vols.
Thomas, Elizabeth, b. 1771. The Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock. Minerva Press, 1806, 3 vols.
Thomas, Elizabeth, b. 1771. The Vindictive Spirit. Minerva Press, 1812, 4 vols.
Thomas, Elizabeth, journalist. “25th Anniversary: Elizabeth Thomas remembers Maureen and Brigid”. ALCS News, No. 21, July 2002, p. 6.
Thomas, Gillian. Harriet Martineau. Twayne, 1985.
Thomas, Ivor. “The Two-Culture Man”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3217, 25 Oct. 1963, p. 845.
Thomas, Keith. “College Life, 1945-1970”. The History of the University of Oxford: The Twentieth Century, edited by Brian Harrison, Vol.
, Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 189-15.
Thomas, Keith. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 11, 10 June 2010, pp. 36-7.
Thomas, Keith. “Hugh Dalton to the Rescue”. London Review of Books, 13 Nov. 1997, pp. 7-8.
Thomas, Leesther. A Poetry of Deliverance with Tractarian Affinities: A Study of Adelaide A. Procter’s Poetry. Florida State University, 1994.
Philips, Katherine. “Introduction and Textual Notes”. The Collected Works of Katherine Philips, The Matchless Orinda, Volume I: The Poems, edited by Patrick Thomas, Stump Cross Books, 1990, pp. 1-68.
Philips, Katherine. “Introduction and Textual Notes”. The Collected Works of Katherine Philips, The Matchless Orinda, Volume II: The Letters, edited by Patrick Thomas, Stump Cross Books, 1992, p. xi - xviii.
Thomas, Peter David Garner. British Politics and the Stamp Act Crisis: The First Phase of the American Revolution, 1763-1767. Clarendon, 1975.
Thomas, Peter David Garner. “Nothing without a Grievance”. London Review of Books, 19 Aug. 1999, pp. 25-6.
Thomas, Peter David Garner. Tea Party to Independence: The Third Phase of the American Revolution, 1773-1776. Clarendon, 1991.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. “Preface”. The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, edited by W. Moy Thomas, Swan Sonnenschein, 1893, p. iii - viii.
Thomas, W. Moy. “The Theatres”. The Graphic, edited by T.H Joyce, Vol.
, No. 1733, 14 Feb. 1903, p. 223,
Thompson, Brian. The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon. Doubleday, 2001.
Thompson, Dorothy, 1923 - 2011. Outsiders: Class, Gender and Nation. Verso, 1993.
Thompson, Dorothy, 1923 - 2011. Queen Victoria: Gender and Power. Virago Press, 1990.
Thompson, Dorothy, 1923 - 2011. The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. Pantheon, 1984.
Thompson, Dorothy, 1923 - 2011, editor. The Early Chartists. Macmillan, 1971.
Thompson, Edward Healy, editor. “St. Joseph’s Ascetical Library”. The Month, Vol.
, Burns and Oates, Jan.–June 1873, p. 495.
Thompson, Edward John, and Emily Eden. “Introduction”. Up the Country, Curzon Press, 1978, p. ix - xiv.
Thompson, Edward John, and Geoffrey Theodore Garratt. Rise and Fulfillment of British Rule in India. Macmillan, 1934.
Thompson, Edward Palmer. Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act. Allen Lane, 1975.
Thompson, Flora, and Clare Roberts. A Country Calendar. Editor Lane, Margaret, Oxford University Press, 1979.
Thompson, Flora. Bog Myrtle and Peat. Philip Allan, 1921.
Thompson, Flora. Candleford Green. Oxford University Press, 1943.
Thompson, Flora. Lark Rise. Oxford University Press, 1939.
Thompson, Flora, and Julie Neild. Lark Rise to Candleford. Oxford University Press, 1945.
Thompson, Flora. Over to Candleford. Oxford University Press, 1941.
Thompson, Flora, and Lynton Lamb. Still Glides the Stream. Oxford University Press, 1948.
Thompson, Flora, and Julian Shuckburgh. The Illustrated Lark Rise to Candleford. Century, 1983.
Thompson, Flora, editor. The Peverel Book of Verse. 1928.
Thompson, Flora, and Charles Tunnicliffe. The Peverel papers: a yearbook of the countryside. Editor Shuckburgh, Julian, Century, 1986.
Thompson, Francis Michael Longstreth, editor. The University of London and the World of Learning 1836-1986. Hambledon Press, 1990.
Thompson, Henry, 1797 - 1878. The Life of Hannah More. T. Cadell, 1838.
Thompson, Laura. Agatha Christie: An English Mystery. Headline, 2007.
Thompson, Laurence. The Enthusiasts. Victor Gollancz Limited, 1971.
Thompson, Lynda M. The "Scandalous Memoirists". Manchester University Press, 2000.
Thompson, Mildred I. Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Carlson, 1990.
Thompson, Nicola Diane. Reviewing Sex: Gender and the Reception of Victorian Novels. Macmillan, 1996.
Thompson, Raymond H., and Mary Stewart. “Interview With Mary Stewart”. Taliesin’s Successors: Interviews with Authors of Modern Arthurian Literature, edited by Raymond H. Thompson, The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester.
Thompson, William, and Anna Wheeler. Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1825.
Thompson, William et al. Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women. Thoemmes, 1994.
Thoms, William John. Curll Papers: Stray Notes on the Life and Publications of Edmund Curll. Reprinted for private circulation, 1879.
Thomson, David, and Geoffrey Warner. England in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1979. 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1981.
Thomson, David. “What does a snake know, or intend?”. London Review of Books, 18 Mar. 2004, pp. 3-10.
Thomson, Hugh, journalist. “Dervla Murphy interview: Around the world in 80 years”. The Telegraph, 1 July 2010.