Tennyson, Alfred. Idylls of the King. E. Moxon, 1859.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Tennyson, Alfred. In Memoriam. E. Moxon, 1850.
Tennyson, Alfred. Maud and Other Poems. E. Moxon, 1855.
Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. E. Moxon, 1833.
Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. E. Moxon, 1842, 2 vols.
Tennyson, Alfred et al. Poems, by Two Brothers. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1827.
Tennyson, Alfred. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical. Effingham Wilson, 1830.
Tennyson, Alfred. Queen Mary. H. S. King, 1875.
Tennyson, Alfred. Tennyson’s Poetry. Editor Hill, Robert W., Jr, W. W. Norton, 1971.
Tennyson, Alfred. The Foresters. Macmillan, 1892.
Tennyson, Alfred. The Holy Grail and Other Poems. Strahan, 1870.
Tennyson, Alfred. The Princess. E. Moxon, 1847.
Tennyson, Alfred. Tiresias and Other Poems. Macmillan, 1885.
Tennyson, Charles. Alfred Tennyson. MacMillan, 1949.
Terence,. Publii Terentii Afri comoediæ. Editor Grierson, Constantia, Editio novissima, George Grierson, 1727, p. 264 pp.
Terry, P. “The Tragic Failure”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2373, 26 July 1947, p. 377.
Terry, Reginald Charles, editor. Oxford Reader’s Companion to Trollope. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Terry, Reginald Charles. Victorian Popular Fiction, 1860-80. Humanities Press, 1983.
Tew, Philip. Zadie Smith. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Tey, Josephine. A Shilling for Candles. Methuen, 1936.
Tey, Josephine. Brat Farrar. Peter Davies, 1949.
Tey, Josephine. Brat Farrar. Macmillan, 1950.
Tey, Josephine. Brat Farrar. Penguin, 1980.
Tey, Josephine. Claverhouse. Collins, 1937.
Tey, Josephine. Four, Five and Six by Tey. Macmillan, 1952.
Tey, Josephine. Kif. Ernest Benn, 1929.
Tey, Josephine. Leith Sands, and Other Short Plays. Duckworth, 1946.
Tey, Josephine. Miss Pym Disposes. Peter Davies, 1946.
Tey, Josephine. Plays by Gordon Daviot. Peter Davies, 1954, 3 vols.
Tey, Josephine. Queen of Scots. Victor Gollancz, 1934.
Tey, Josephine. Richard of Bordeaux. Victor Gollancz, 1933.
Tey, Josephine. Richard of Bordeaux. Little, Brown, 1934.
Tey, Josephine. The Daughter of Time. Peter Davies, 1951.
Tey, Josephine. The Daughter of Time. Penguin, 1954.
Tey, Josephine. The Expensive Halo. Ernest Benn, 1931.
Tey, Josephine. The Franchise Affair. Peter Davies, 1948.
Tey, Josephine. The Franchise Affair. Penguin, 1951.
Tey, Josephine. The Laughing Woman. Victor Gollancz, 1934.
Tey, Josephine. The Man in the Queue. Methuen, 1929.
Tey, Josephine. The Man in the Queue. Mandarin, 1992.
Tey, Josephine. The Privateer. Peter Davies, 1952.
Tey, Josephine. The Singing Sands. Peter Davies, 1952.
Tey, Josephine. The Stars Bow Down. Duckworth, 1939.
Tey, Josephine. Three by Tey. Macmillan, 1947.
Tey, Josephine. To Love and Be Wise. Peter Davies, 1950.
Thacker, Andrew. “Dora Marsden and The Egoist: Our War Is With Words”. English Literature in Transition, Vol.
, No. 2, 1993, pp. 179-96. Thacker, Robert. Alice Munro. McClelland and Stewart, 2005.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. “Catherine”. Fraser’s Magazine, May–Feb. 1839.
Thackeray, William Makepeace, editor. Cornhill Magazine. Smith, Elder.
Thackeray, William Makepeace et al. “Denis Duval”. Cornhill Magazine, Mar.–June 1864.