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Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Hymns and Poems. Gall and Inglis, 1868.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Idols in the Heart. T. Nelson, 1859.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. My Neighbour’s Shoes. T. Nelson, 1861.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Old Friends with New Faces. T. Nelson, 1858.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Pictures of St. Paul. Gall and Inglis, 1885.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Pictures of St. Peter. T. Nelson, 1887.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Pomegranates from the Punjab. Gall and Inglis, 1878.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Precepts in Practice. T. Nelson, 1858.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Pride and His Prisoners. T. Nelson, 1860.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Claremont Tales. Gall and Inglis, 1852.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Crown of Success. T. Nelson, 1863.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Forlorn Hope. T. Nelson, 1893.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Giant-Killer. T. Nelson, 1856.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Iron Chain and the Golden. T. Nelson, 1892.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Light in the Robber’s Cave. T. Nelson, 1862.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Lost Jewel. Shaw, 1860.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Parliament in the Play-Room. T. Nelson, 1861.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Rambles of a Rat. T. Nelson, 1857.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. The Young Pilgrim. T. Nelson, 1857.
Tucker, Charlotte Maria. War and Peace. T. Nelson, 1862.
Tucker, Elizabeth S., and Juliana Horatia Ewing. Leaves from Juliana Horatia Ewing’s "Canada Home". Roberts Brothers, 1896.
Tucker, Elizabeth S. “Leaves from Juliana Horatia Ewing’s ‘Canada Home’, 1896”. A Celebration of Women Writers, edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom.
Tucker, Eva. “Eva Figes obituary”. The Guardian, 7 Sept. 2012.
Tucker, Herbert F. “Aurora Leigh: Epic Solutions to Novel Ends”. Famous Last Words: Changes in Gender and Narrative Closure, edited by Alison Booth, University Press of Virginia, 1993, pp. 62-85.
Tucker, Nicholas. “A stranger at Green Knowe”. Countryside Voice, 1 Mar.–31 May 2007, pp. 48-9.
Tuell, Anne Kimball. Mrs. Meynell and her Literary Generation. Dutton, 1970.
Tuhus-Dubrow, Rebecca. “Books in Brief: Fiction and Poetry”. New York Times, New York Times Company, 2 May 2004.
Tuite, Patrick. “Making the Case for Artaban: Robert Leigh, Katherine Philips and the Court of Claims”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 4, Nov. 2016, pp. 504-26.
Tuke, Margaret Janson. A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937. Oxford University Press, 1939.
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich. Tourguéneff and His French Circle; Edited by E. Halperine-Kaminsky; Translated [from the French] by Ethel M. Arnold. Editor Halpérine-Kaminsky, Ely, Translator Arnold, Ethel, Henry Holt & Company, 1898.
Turley, Hans. “‘A Masculine Turn of Mind’: Charlotte Charke and the Periodical Press”. Introducing Charlotte Charke: Actress, Author, Enigma, edited by Philip E. Baruth, University of Illinois Press, 1998, pp. 180-99.
Turner, Baptist Noel. Anecdotes. Editor Köster, Patricia, Garland, 1982.
Turner, Barry. Equality for Some: The Story of Girls’ Education. Ward Lock Educational, 1974.
Turner, Christopher. “Angering and Agitating”. London Review of Books, 30 Nov. 2006, pp. 26-9.
Turner, Christopher. “If you don’t swing, don’t ring”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 8, 21 Apr. 2016, pp. 27-8.
Turner, Christopher. “Naughty Children”. London Review of Books, 6 Oct. 2005, pp. 25-7.
Turner, Daniel, 1746 - 1796. Sacred Friendship: Exemplified in the Case of Elijah and Elisha. A Sermon, preached March the 5th. on the death of Mrs. Eliza Turner. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1786.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Bosh”. London Review of Books, 17 Apr. 2003, pp. 36-8.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Delightful to be Robbed”. London Review of Books, 9 May 2002, pp. 32-3.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Don’t lock up the wife”. London Review of Books, 5 Oct. 2000, pp. 30-1.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Gas-Bags”. London Review of Books, 15 Nov. 2001, pp. 34-5.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Hallelujah Lasses”. London Review of Books, 24 May 2001, pp. 38-9.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “In Finest Fig”. London Review of Books, 20 Oct. 2005, pp. 28-9.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “Morality in the Oxygen”. London Review of Books, No. 23, 14 Dec. 2000, pp. 28-9.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. “The Crystal Palace”. London Review of Books, 25 Nov. 1999, pp. 19-20.
Turner, Ernest Sackville. The Phony War on the Home Front. Michael Joseph, 1961.
Turner, Frederick. Rediscovering America. Viking, 1985.
Turner, Jane, editor. The Dictionary of Art. Grove, 1996, 34 vols.
Turner, Jenny. “A New Kind of Being”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 21, 3 Nov. 2016, pp. 7-14.
Turner, Jenny. “A Tulip and Two Bulbs”. London Review of Books, 7 Sept. 2000, pp. 10-11.