Trimmer, Sarah. An Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature. Printed for the author, 1780.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Trimmer, Sarah. An Essay on Christian Education. F. and J. Rivington, 1818.
Trimmer, Sarah. Fabulous Histories. T. Longman, and G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and J. Johnson, 1786.
Trimmer, Sarah. Reflections upon the Education of Children in Charity Schools. T. Longman and J. and F. Rivington, 1792.
Trimmer, Sarah. Reflections upon the Education of Children in Charity Schools. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Trimmer, Sarah. Sacred History. J. Dodsley, T. Longman and G. Robinson, and J. Johnson, 1785.
Trimmer, Sarah. Sermons for Family Reading. J. Hatchard, and F. C. and J. Rivington, 1811.
Trimmer, Sarah. Some Account of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Trimmer. F.C and J. Rivington and J. Johnson, and J. Hatchard, 1814, 2 vols.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Family Magazine. J. Marshall, 3 vols.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Guardian of Education. J. Hatchard, 5 vols.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Servant’s Friend. T. Longman, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and J. Johnson , 1786.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Sunday-School Catechist. T. Longman, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and J. Johnson, 1788.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Two Farmers. T. Longman, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, and J. Johnson , 1786.
Trimmer, Sarah. The Œconomy of Charity. T. Longman, 1787.
Tristan, Flora. Dieu Franchise Liberté: pétition pour l’abolition de la peine de mort. Impr. de Mme Huzard, 1838.
Tristan, Flora. Flora Tristan’s London Journal, 1840. Translators Palmer, Dennis and Giselle Pincetl, Charles River Books, 1980.
Tristan, Flora. Flora Tristan, Utopian Feminist: Her Travel Diaries and Personal Crusade. Translators Beik, Doris and Paul Beik, Indiana University Press, 1993.
Tristan, Flora, and Michel Collinet. Le tour de France. Editor Puech, Jules L., Editions Tête de feuilles, 1973.
Tristan, Flora. Méphis. Ladvocat, 1838, 2 vols.
Tristan, Flora. Nécessité de faire un bon accueil aux femmes étrangères. Delaunay, 1835.
Tristan, Flora. Pérégrinations d’une paria, 1833-1834. A. Bertrand, 1838, 2 vols.
Tristan, Flora. Pétition pour le rétablissement du divorce. Impr. de Mme Huzard, 1838.
Tristan, Flora. Promenades dans Londres. H.-L. Delloye; W. Jeffs, 1840.
Tristan, Flora. Union ouvrière. Edition populaire, Prévot, 1843.
Trollope, Anthony. An Autobiography. William Blackwood and Sons, 1883.
Trollope, Anthony. An Autobiography. Harper and Brothers, 1883.
Trollope, Anthony. An Autobiography. Oxford University Press, 1961.
Trollope, Anthony. Barchester Towers. Longman, 1857.
Trollope, Anthony et al. Can You Forgive Her?. Chapman and Hall, 1865.
Trollope, Anthony, and Marcus Stone. He Knew He Was Right. Strahan and Co., 1870.
Trollope, Anthony. The Letters of Anthony Trollope. Editors Hall, N. John and Nina Burgis, Stanford University Press, 1983, 2 vols.
Trollope, Anthony. The Macdermots of Ballycloran. Thomas Cautley Newby, 1847.
Trollope, Anthony. The Macdermots of Ballycloran. Oxford University Press, 1989.
Trollope, Anthony. The Warden. Longman, 1855.
Trollope, Anthony, and L. G. Fawkes. The Way We Live Now. Chapman and Hall, 1875, 2 vols.
Trollope, Frances. A Visit to Italy. Richard Bentley, 1842, 2 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Belgium and Western Germany in 1833. John Murray, 1834, 2 vols.
Trollope, Frances et al. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Whittaker, Treacher, 1832, 2 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Editor Larson, John Lauritz, Abridged, Brandywine Press, 1993.
Trollope, Frances. Fashionable Life; or, Paris and London. Hurst and Blackett, 1856, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Father Eustace. Henry Colburn, 1847, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Father Eustace. Garland, 1975.
Trollope, Frances. Hargrave; or, The Adventures of a Man of Fashion. Henry Colburn, 1843, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Jessie Phillips. Henry Colburn, 1843, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Jessie Phillips. Henry Colburn, 1844.
Trollope, Frances. Mrs. Mathews; or, Family Mysteries. Colburn, 1851, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. One Fault. Richard Bentley, 1840, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. Paris and the Parisians in 1835. Richard Bentley, 1836, 2 vols.
Trollope, Frances. The Abbess. Whittaker, Treacher, 1833, 3 vols.
Trollope, Frances. The Attractive Man. Henry Colburn, 1846, 3 vols.