Tremain, Rose. Restoration. Hamish Hamilton, 1989.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Tremain, Rose. Rosie. Scenes from a Vanished Life. Chatto, 2018.
Tremain, Rose. Sacred Country. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992.
Tremain, Rose. Sadler’s Birthday. Macdonald and Jane’s, 1976.
Tremain, Rose. The American Lover. Vintage Chatto and Windus, 2014.
Tremain, Rose. “The Art of Not Winning Literary Prizes”. Guardian Weekly, 8 Nov. 2012, p. 37.
Tremain, Rose. The Colonel’s Daughter and Other Stories. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.
Tremain, Rose. The Colour. Chatto and Windus, 2003.
Tremain, Rose. The Cupboard. Macdonald, 1981.
Tremain, Rose. The Darkness of Wallis Simpson and Other Stories. Chatto and Windus, 2005.
Tremain, Rose. The Fight for Freedom for Women. Ballantine Books, 1973.
Tremain, Rose. The Garden of the Villa Mollini and Other Stories. H. Hamilton, 1987.
Tremain, Rose. The Gustav Sonata. Chatto and Windus, 2016.
Tremain, Rose. The Road Home. Vintage, 2007.
Tremain, Rose. The Swimming Pool Season. Hamish Hamilton, 1985.
Tremain, Rose. The Way I Found Her. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1997.
Tremain, Rose. Trespass. Chatto and Windus, 2010.
Tremain, Rose. “Writers’ Rooms”., 1 June 2007.
Trench, Melesina. A Few Words on the Subject of the Slave Trade, addressed to English Women. J. Brettell, 1814.
Trench, Melesina. A Letter to a Member of Parliament on the Salt Duties. Printed by T. Baker for I. Fletcher.
Trench, Melesina. A Monody on the Death of Mr. Grattan. Printed by C. Wood for J. Ridgway, 1820.
Trench, Melesina. Campaspe, an Historical Tale. T. Baker, 1815.
Trench, Melesina. Circular sent to the Lords, previous to the Second Reading of the Bill for Ameliorating the Fate of Climbing Boys. 1818.
Trench, Melesina. Ellen, a Ballad. Cruttwell, 1815.
Trench, Melesina. Journal Kept During a Visit to Germany in 1799, 1800. Editor Trench, Richard Chenevix, Savill and Edwards, 1861.
Trench, Melesina. Lines on Reading the last Canto of Childe Harold. T. Baker, 1818.
Trench, Melesina. Mary, Queen of Scots, an Historical Ballad. John Stockdale, 1800.
Trench, Melesina. Melesina Trench: Poems and Letters from her Journal. Melesina Press, 1977.
Trench, Melesina. The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench. Editor Trench, Richard Chenevix, Parker, 1860.
Trench, Melesina. The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench. Editor Trench, Richard Chenevix, Second edition, revised, Parker and Bourn, 1862.
Trench, Melesina. Thoughts on Education. T. Baker, 1816.
Trevelyan, Janet Penrose. The Life of Mrs. Humphry Ward. Constable, 1923.
Trewin, John Courtenay. The Gay Twenties: A Decade of the Theatre. Macdonald, 1958.
Trickett, Rachel. “Women’s Education”. St. Hugh’s: One Hundred Years of Women’s Education in Oxford, edited by Penny Griffin, Macmillan, 1986, pp. 5-14.
Trigg, Stephanie. “Elizabeth Jolley: Something Remarkable Every Time”. Scripsi, Vol.
, No. 1, July 1986, pp. 265-74. Trigg, Stephanie. “Interview with Elizabeth Jolley”. Scripsi, Vol.
, No. 1, July 1986, pp. 245-64. Trill, Suzanne. “A Feminist Critic in the Archives: Reading Anna Walker’s ’A Sweete Savor for Woman’ c. 1606”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 2002, pp. 199-14. Trill, Suzanne. “Contextual Materials for Strange and Wonderful News by Anna Trapnel”. Women Writers Project, Sept. 1999.
Trill, Suzanne. “Critical Categories: Toward an Archeology of Anne, Lady Halkett’s Archive”. The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting.
Trilling, Lionel, and Harold Bloom, editors. Victorian Prose and Poetry. Oxford University Press, 1973.
Trim, David J. B. “Sir Thomas Bodley and the International Protestant Cause”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 4, 1998, pp. 314-40. Trimberger, E. Kay. “For better or worse”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, Apr. 2001, pp. 21-2. Trimmer, Sarah. A Comment on Dr Watts’s Divine Songs for Children. J. Buckland, 1789.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Companion to the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. T. Longman, 1791.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Comparative View of the New Plan of Education promulgated by Mr. Joseph Lancaster. F. C. and J. Rivington, and J. Hatchard, 1805.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Description of a Set of Prints of Roman History. J. Marshall, 1789.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Help to the Unlearned in the Study of the Holy Scriptures. F. C. and J. Rivington and J. Hatchard, 1805.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Plan for Promoting the Religious Observance of the Sabbath-Day. 1790.
Trimmer, Sarah. A Series of Prints of Roman History. J. Marshall, 1789.
Trimmer, Sarah. An Abridgement of the New Testament. Second Edition, F. And C. Rivington, 1797.