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Parsons, Eliza. The Miser and His Family. P. Norbury, 1800, 4 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. The Mysterious Visit. P. Norbury, 1802, http://4 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. The Mysterious Warning. William Lane, 1796, 4 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. The Peasant of Ardenne Forest. P. Norbury, 1801, 4 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. The Valley of St. Gothard. P. Norbury, 1799, 3 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. The Voluntary Exile. William Lane, 1795, 5 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. Woman As She Should Be. William Lane, 1793, 4 vols.
Parsons, Eliza. Women As They Are. William Lane, 1796, 4 vols.
Parssinen, Terry M. Secret Passions, Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society 1820-1930. Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1983.
Partington, Angela, editor. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 4th, revised, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Parton, James, and Fanny Fern. “Memoir of Fanny Fern”. Fanny Fern. A Memorial Volume, G. W. Carleton, 1874.
Partos, Gabriel. “The complex trial of Milosevic”. BBC News, 20 May 2003.
Partridge, Eric Honeywood. “Mrs. Archer Clive”. Literary Sessions, Scholartis Press, 1932.
Robinson, Mary. “Introduction”. Mary Robinson: Selected Poems, edited by Judith Pascoe, Broadview, 2000, pp. 19-64.
Pascoe, Lionel Craman et al. The Teach Yourself Encyclopaedia of Dates and Events. English Universities Press, 1968.
Passet, Joanne. “The Persona That Became a Reality”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2017, pp. 13-15.
Paston, George, and Peter Quennell. "To Lord Byron". J. Murray, 1939.
Paston, George. A Bread and Butter Miss. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1895.
Paston, George. A Fair Deceiver. Harper and Brothers, 1898.
Paston, George. A Modern Amazon. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894.
Paston, George. A Study in Prejudices. Hutchinson, 1895.
Paston, George. A Writer of Books. Chapman and Hall, 1898.
Paston, George. A Writer of Books. Academy Chicago Publishers, 1999.
Paston, George. At John Murray’s. J. Murray, 1932.
Paston, George. B. R. Haydon and His Friends. Nisbet, 1905.
Paston, George. Clothes and the Woman. S. French, 1922.
Paston, George. “Cousins German”. Cornhill Magazine, Vol.
, Sept. 1891, pp. 295-00.
Paston, George. Double or Quits. Samuel French, 1919.
Paston, George. Feed the Brute. Samuel French, 1909.
Paston, George. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Her Times. Methuen, 1907.
Paston, George. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century. G. Richards, 1901.
Paston, George. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century. Privately Printed, 1893.
Paston, George. Mrs. Delany (Mary Granville): A Memoir, 1700-1788. Grant Richards, 1900.
Paston, George, and George Paston. “Mrs. Grant of Laggan”. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century, E. P. Dutton, 1901, pp. 237-96.
Paston, George. Nobody’s Daughter. The Stage Play Publishing Bureau, 1924.
Paston, George. Old Coloured Books. Methuen, 1905.
Paston, George. Side-lights on the Georgian Period. Methuen, 1902.
Paston, George. Social Caricature in the Eighteenth Century. Methuen, 1905.
Paston, George. Stars. Samuel French, 1925.
Paston, George. Stuffing. Samuel French, 1912.
Paston, George. The Career of Candida. Chapman and Hall, 1896.
Paston, George. The Kiss: From the German of Ludwig Huna. Samuel French, 1912.
Paston, George, and William Babington Maxwell. The Naked Truth. S. French, 1910.
Paston, George. The Parents’ Progress. S. French, 1910.
Paston, George. Tilda’s New Hat. S. French, 1909.
Pater, Walter. Appreciations. Macmillan, 1889.
Pater, Walter. Imaginary Portraits. Macmillan, 1887.
Pater, Walter. Marius the Epicurean. Macmillan, 1885.
Pater, Walter. Plato and Platonism. Macmillan, 1893.
Pater, Walter. Studies in the History of the Renaissance. Macmillan.