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Le Guin, Ursula K. The Telling. Harcourt, 2000.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Tombs of Atuan. Atheneum, 1971.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Wave in the Mind. Shambhala, 2004.
Le Guin, Ursula K. “The Word for World is Forest”. Again, Dangerous Visions: 46 Original Stories, edited by Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1972.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Ursula K. Le Guin.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Very Far Away from Anywhere Else. Atheneum, 1976.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Walking in Cornwall. Crescent Moon, 2008.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Wild Angels. Capra Press, 1975.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. “A Thought on Government”. Woman’s Tribune, 14 Jan. 1899, p. 4.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. Here and There in Yucatan. J. W. Bouton, 1887.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon, and Mary Elizabeth Adams Brown. Letter to Mrs. J.C. Brown Concerning Musical Instruments of Yucatán, Mexico.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. “Notes on Yucatan”. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, No. 72, 21 Oct. 1878, pp. 77-106.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon, and Stephen Jr. Salisbury. “Notes on Yucatan”. The Mexican Calendar Stone, Press of Charles Hamilton, 1879, pp. 69-98.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. Queen Móo’s Talisman: The Fall of the Maya Empire. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1902.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. “Some Famous Women (Aug 1887)”. C19: The Nineteenth Century Index.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. “Some Famous Women (Sep 1887)”. C19: The Nineteenth Century Index.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon. “The Monuments of Mayach and their Historical Teachings”. Read before the Albany Institute December 22, 1896.
Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon, and Lawrence Gustave Desmond. “Travel Diary”. Yucatan Through Her Eyes: Alice Dixon Le Plongeon, Writer and Expeditionary Photographer, University of New Mexico, 2009, pp. 35-211.
Lea, Richard. “A new poet for St David’s Day: Ifor ap Glyn appointed national poet of Wales”., 1 Mar. 2016.
Lea, Richard. “Alice Oswald elected Oxford professor of poetry by huge margin”. The Guardian, 21 June 2019,
Lea, Richard, and Matthew Taylor. “Historian’s future in doubt as he admits: I posted Amazon reviews trashing rivals”. The Guardian, 24 Apr. 2010, p. 3.
Lea, Richard. “Kickstarter’s reboot to publishing world”. Guardian Weekly, 30 Sept. 2016, p. 37.
Lea, Richard. “Shakespeare’s First Folio fetches ¥2.8m”. Guardian Unlimited, 13 July 2006.
Lea, Richard, and Sian Cain. “Toni Morrison, author and Nobel laureate, dies aged 88”., 6 Aug. 2019.
Leach, Arthur Francis. Educational Charters and Documents, 598-1909. AMS Press, 1971.
Leach, Joseph. Bright Particular Star. Yale University Press, 1970.
Lead, Jane. A Fountain of Gardens. Printed and are to be sold by the book-sellers of London and Westminster, 1701, 4 vols.
Lead, Jane. A Living Funeral Testimony. J. Bradford, 1702.
Lead, Jane. A Message to the Philadelphian Society. J. Bradford, 1698, 3 vols.
Lead, Jane. The Ark of Faith. J. Bradford, 1696.
Lead, Jane. The Ascent to the Mount of Vision. 1699.
Lead, Jane. The Enochian Walks with God. D. Edwards, 1694.
Lead, Jane. The Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking. Printed for the author, 1681.
Lead, Jane. The Revelation of Revelations. A. Sowle, 1683.
Lead, Jane. The Tree of Faith. J. Bradford, 1696.
Lead, Jane. The Wars of David, and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon. J. Bradford, 1700.
Lead, Jane. The Wonders of God’s Creation Manifested. T. Sowle, 1695.
Lead, Jane. Three Messages to the Philadelphian Society. Thomson, 1895.
Leadbeater, Mary. Biographical Notices of Members of the Society of Friends. Harvey and Darton, 1823.
Leadbeater, Mary. Cottage Biography. C. Bentham, 1822.
Leadbeater, Mary et al. Cottage Biography. Stephen Scroop, 1987.
Leadbeater, Mary, and Maria Edgeworth. Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry. J. Johnson, 1813, 2 vols.
Leadbeater, Mary. Extracts and Original Anecdotes for the Improvement of Youth. Printed by R. M. Jackson, 1794.
Shackleton, Richard et al. Memoirs and Letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton. Editor Leadbeater, Mary, Harvey and Darton, 1822.
Leadbeater, Mary. Poems. M. Keene, 1808.
Leadbeater, Mary, and Elizabeth Carleton Shackleton. Tales for Cottagers. J. Cumming, 1814.
Leadbeater, Mary, and Mary Cunningham. The Annals of Ballitore, 1766-1824. Editor McKenna, John, Stephen Scroop, 1986.
Leadbeater, Mary. The Landlord’s Friend. J. Cumming, 1813.
Leadbeater, Mary. The Leadbeater Papers. The Annals of Ballitore. Bell and Daldy, 1862, 2 vols.
Leader, Zachary. “800 Napkins, 47 Finger Bowls”. London Review of Books, 16 Mar. 2000, pp. 18-20.