
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Lawrence, Margery. The Bridge of Wonder. Robert Hale.
Lawrence, Margery. The Madonna of Seven Moons. Hurst and Blackett, 1931.
Lawrence, Margery. The Madonna of Seven Moons. Bobbs-Merrill, 1933.
Lawrence, Margery. The Tomorrow of Yesterday. Robert Hale, 1966.
Lawrence, Margery. What is this Spiritualism?. Spiritualist Press, 1946.
Lawrence, Rose. The Last Autumn at a Favorite Residence, with Other Poems. G. and J. Robinson, etc. and John Murray, 1836.
Lawrence, Sir Henry, and Elizabeth Fenton. “Preface”. The Journal of Mrs. Fenton, edited by Sir Henry Lawrence and Sir Henry Lawrence, Edward Arnold, 1901.
Lawrenson, Sonja. “Oriental Despotism and Enlightenment Liberties in Frances Sheridan’’s The History of Nourjahad”. Pride and Prejudices: Women’s Writing of the Long Eighteenth Century.
Laws-Wall, Lydia. “One of a kind”. Mslexia, No. 48, Jan. 2011, p. 53.
Lawson, Kate, and Lynn Shakinovsky. The Marked Body. State University of New York Press, 2002.
Lawson, Mark. “Dame Muriel Spark: Novelist who found her prime away from Miss Jean Brodie”. Guardian Unlimited, 17 Apr. 2006.
Lawson, Mark. “Dark Corners by Ruth Rendell review—a spookily perfect farewell”., 22 Oct. 2015.
Lawson, Mark. “Not the same story as time goes by”. Guardian Weekly, 12 Sept. 2008, p. 30.
Lawson, Mark. “Now I know Brookner is a great”. Guardian Weekly, 13 Mar. 2009, p. 24.
Lawson, Mark. “The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith — review”. The Guardian, 20 July 2013, p. 6.
Lawson, Nigella. “Collusion and Intrusion”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4324, 14 Feb. 1986, p. 162.
Lawson, Philip. “William Cavendish, Fourth Duke of Devonshire”. Biographical Dictionary of British Prime Ministers, edited by Robert Eccleshall and Graham Walker, Routledge, 1998, pp. 34-6.
Lawson, Valerie. Mary Poppins She Wrote. The Life of P. L. Travers, London: Aurum Press 2005. Aurum Press, 2005.
Lawton, Anthony. Rosemary Sutcliff.
Layard, George Somes. Mrs. Lynn Linton: Her Life, Letters, and Opinions. Methuen, 1901.
Lazell, David. Flora Klickmann and her Flower Patch. Flower Patch Magazine, 1976.
Aikin, Lucy. Correspondence of William Ellery Channing, D. D., and Lucy Aikin, from 1826 to 1842. Editor Le Breton, Anna Letitia, Roberts, 1874.
Le Breton, Anna Letitia. Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld, including Letters and Notices of her Family and Friends. George Bell and Sons, 1874.
Le Breton, Anna Letitia. Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld, including Letters and Notices of her Family and Friends. George Bell and Sons, 1974.
Le Breton, Philip Hemery, and Lucy Aikin. “Memoir”. Memoirs, Miscellanies and Letters, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1864.
Le Fanu, Alicia, b. 1791. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan. G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1824.
Le Fanu, Mark. “Art and the Body: Feminist Myth-Making”. Cambridge Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 1, 1987, pp. 81-8.
Le Faye, Deirdre. A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Le Faye, Deirdre. “Chronology of Jane Austen’s Life”. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 1-11.
Le Faye, Deirdre. “Son of Melesina—Charles Manners St. George (1787-1864)”. The Female Spectator (1995-), Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2006, pp. 1-3.
Le Guin, Ursula K. A Wizard of Earthsea. Parnassus Press, 1968.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Always Coming Home. Harper and Row, 1985.
Le Guin, Ursula K. City of Illusions. Ace Books, 1967.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Dancing at the Edge of the World. Grove Press, 1989.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Dreams Must Explain Themselves and Other Essays. Gollancz, 2018.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Lavinia. Harcourt, 2008.
Le Guin, Ursula K. No Time to Spare. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Planet of Exile. Ace Books, 1966.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Rocannon’s World. Ace Books, 1966.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Searoad. HarperCollins, 1991.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tehanu. Atheneum, 1990.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Beginning Place. Harper and Row, 1980.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed. Avon, 1974.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Earthsea Trilogy. Penguin Books, 1983.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Farthest Shore. Atheneum, 1972.
Le Guin, Ursula K. “The Golden Age”. The New Yorker, 4 June 2012.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Language of the Night. Putnam, 1979.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven. Scribner, 1971.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. Ace Books, 1969.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Other Wind. Harcourt, 2001.