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Lavery, Bryony, and Mary Webb. Precious Bane. Oberon Books, 2003.
Lavery, Bryony. Tallulah Bankhead. Absolute Press, 1999.
Lavery, Bryony. “The Wild Bunch”. The Wild Bunch, and Other Plays, edited by Don Shiach, Nelson, 1990.
Lavery, Bryony. “Witchcraze”. Herstory, edited by Gabriele Griffin et al., Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
Lavery, Bryony. “Writing with Actors”. The Women Writers’s Handbook, edited by Cheryl Robson et al., Aurora Metro Publications, 1990, pp. 48-50.
Lavin, Mary. A Family Likeness and Other Stories. Constable, 1985.
Lavin, Mary. A Memory and Other Stories. Constable, 1972.
Lavin, Mary. A Single Lady and Other Stories. M. Joseph, 1951.
Lavin, Mary, and V. S. Pritchett. Collected Stories. Houghton Mifflin, 1971.
Lavin, Mary. Happiness and Other Stories. Constable, 1969.
Lavin, Mary et al. In a Café. Town House, 1995.
Lavin, Mary. In the Middle of the Fields and Other Stories. Constable, 1967.
Lavin, Mary. Mary O’Grady. M. Joseph, 1950.
Lavin, Mary. Mary O’Grady. Virago, 1986.
Lavin, Mary. Tales from Bective Bridge. Little, Brown, 1942.
Lavin, Mary. The Becker Wives and Other Stories. M. Joseph, 1946.
Lavin, Mary. The Great Wave and Other Stories. Macmillan, 1961.
Lavin, Mary. The House in Clewe Street. M. Joseph, 1945.
Lavin, Mary. The Long Ago and Other Stories. M. Joseph, 1944.
Lavin, Mary. The Patriot Son and Other Stories. M. Joseph, 1956.
Lavin, Mary. The Stories of Mary Lavin. Constable, 1985, 3 vols.
Lavoie, Chantel Michelle. Collecting Women: Poetry and Lives, 1700-1780. Bucknell University Press, 2009.
Lavoie, Chantel Michelle. Poems by Eminent Ladies: A Study of an Eighteenth-Century Anthology. University of Toronto, 1999.
Lavoie, Chantel Michelle. “The Progress of Another Error: Anne Finchs The SpleenLumen, Vol.
, 1999, pp. 107-17.
Lavrin, Janko. Lermontov. Bowes and Bowes, 1959.
Law, Cheryl. Women: A Modern Political Dictionary. I.B. Tauris & Co., 2000.
Law, Jonathan et al., editors. The New Penguin Dictionary of the Theatre. Market House Books, 2001.
Law, William. A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. William Innys, 1729.
Lawford, Cynthia. “’Thou shalt bid thy fair hands rove’: L. E. L.’s Wooing of Sex, Pain, Death and the Editor”. Romanticism on the Net, Vol.
, Feb.–May 2003.
Lawford, Cynthia. “’Turbans, Tea, and Talk of Books’: the Literary Parties of Elizabeth Spence and Elizabeth Benger”. Women’s Writing in Britain, 1660-1830 Conference, University of Southampton and Chawton House Library.
Lawford, Cynthia. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 18, 2000, pp. 36-7.
Lawless, Emily. A Chelsea Householder. Sampson Low, 1882, 3 vols.
Lawless, Emily. A Colonel of the Empire. D. Appleton, 1895.
Lawless, Emily. A Garden Diary. Methuen, 1901.
Lawless, Emily. A Garden Diary. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Lawless, Emily. A Millionaire’s Cousin. Macmillan, 1885.
Lawless, Emily. “An Addition to Mr. Birchalls List of The Lepidoptera of IrelandEntomologists Monthly Magazine, Vol.
, Jan. 1867, p. 187.
Lawless, Emily. Atlantic Rhymes and Rhythms. Privately printed, 1898.
Lawless, Emily. Grania. Smith, Elder, 1892.
Lawless, Emily. Hurrish. Blackwood, 1886, 2 vols.
Lawless, Emily, and Val Mulkerns. Hurrish. Appletree Press, 1992.
Lawless, Emily. Ireland. Unwin, 1887.
Lawless, Emily. Maelcho. Smith, Elder, 1894, 2 vols.
Lawless, Emily. Major Lawrence, F.L.S. Murray, 1887, 3 vols.
Lawless, Emily. Maria Edgeworth. Macmillan, 1904.
Lawless, Emily. Plain Frances Mowbray, and Other Tales. Murray, 1889.
Lawless, Emily. The Book of Gilly. Smith, Elder, 1906.
Lawless, Emily, and Edith Sichel. The Inalienable Heritage and Other Poems. Privately printed by Richard Clay, 1914.
Lawless, Emily. The Poems of Emily Lawless. Editor Fallon, Padraic, Dolmen Press, 1965.
Lawless, Emily. The Point of View. Privately printed by Richard Clay and Sons, 1909.