Lively, Penelope. “’The World Before Us,’ by Aislinn Hunter”. The New York Times Sunday Book Review, 14 Apr. 2015.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Viking, 2001.
Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Grove Press, 2001.
Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Penguin, 2002.
Lively, Penelope. According to Mark. Heinemann, 1984.
Lively, Penelope. “Alison Light’s ’Common People: In Pursuit of My Ancestors’”. New York Times Sunday Book Review, 18 Sept. 2015.
Lively, Penelope. Ammonites and Leaping Fish: A Life in Time. Fig Tree, 2013.
Lively, Penelope, and Antony Maitland. Astercote. Heinemann, 1970.
Lively, Penelope. Beyond the Blue Mountains. Viking, 1997.
Lively, Penelope. City of the Mind. A. Deutsch, 1991.
Lively, Penelope. City of the Mind. HarperCollins, 1991.
Lively, Penelope. Cleopatra’s Sister. Viking, 1993.
Lively, Penelope. Consequences. Fig Tree, 2007.
Lively, Penelope. Corruption. Heinemann, 1984.
Lively, Penelope. Going Back. Heinemann, 1975.
Lively, Penelope. “Guardian Book Club. On writing Moon TigerThe Guardian, 15 May 2010, p. Review 6.
Lively, Penelope. Heat Wave. Viking, 1996.
Lively, Penelope. Heat Wave. HarperPerennial, 1997.
Lively, Penelope. How It All Began. Penguin, 2011.
Lively, Penelope. How It All Began. Penguin, 2012.
Lively, Penelope. Judgement Day. Heinemann, 1980.
Lively, Penelope. Life in the Garden. Penguin, 2017.
Lively, Penelope. Moon Tiger. A. Deutsch, 1987.
Lively, Penelope. Next to Nature, Art. Heinemann, 1982.
Lively, Penelope. Nothing Missing but the Samovar. Heinemann, 1978.
Lively, Penelope. Oleander, Jacaranda: A Childhood Perceived. Viking, 1994.
Lively, Penelope. Pack of Cards. Heinemann, 1986.
Lively, Penelope. Passing On. A. Deutsch, 1989.
Lively, Penelope. Penelope Lively’s Website. Dec. 2011,
Lively, Penelope. Perfect Happiness. Heinemann, 1983.
Lively, Penelope. “Review of Barbara Pyms An Unsuitable AttachmentEncounter, Apr. 1982, pp. 76-8.
Lively, Penelope. Spiderweb. Viking, 1998.
Lively, Penelope. The Five Thousand and One Nights. Fjord Press, 1997.
Lively, Penelope. The Photograph. Viking, 2003.
Lively, Penelope. The Presence of the Past: An Introduction to Landscape History. Collins, 1976.
Lively, Penelope. The Purple Swamp Hen and Other Stories. Fig Tree, 2016.
Lively, Penelope. The Road to Lichfield. Heinemann, 1977.
Lively, Penelope. “The Stealthy Revolution”. The Ship, Vol.
, 2001–2002, pp. 50-1. Lively, Penelope, and Harold Jones. The Voyage of QV 66. Heinemann, 1978.
Lively, Penelope, and Gareth Floyd. The Whispering Knights. Heinemann, 1971.
Lively, Penelope, and Juliet Mozley. The Wild Hunt of Hagworthy. Heinemann, 1971.
Lively, Penelope. Treasures of Time. Heinemann, 1979.
Lively, Penelope. “Walking through history”. Countryside Voice, 1 June 2006– 2025, pp. 18-19.
Livesey, Ruth. Socialism, sex, and the culture of aestheticism in Britain, 1880-1914. Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2007.
Livloves2read,. “The Story of Antigone by Ali Smith - Review”. The Guardian, 5 July 2016.
Llewellyn-Jones, Margaret. “Claiming a Space: 1969-78”. British and Irish Women Dramatists Since 1958: A Critical Handbook, edited by Trevor Griffiths and Margaret Llewellyn-Jones, Open University Press, 1993, pp. 26-46.
Lloyd, Arnold. Quaker Social History 1669-1738. Longman’s, Green, 1950.
Lloyd, John Edward. A History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest, Volume 2. Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1967.
Lloyd, Nicola. “Mary Julia Young. A Biographical and Bibliographical Study”. Romantic Textualities, No. 18, 1 June 2008– 2025.
Lloyd, Pamela. “Some New Information on Jane West”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
, No. 4, Dec. 1984, pp. 469-70.