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Linton, Eliza Lynn. Amymone. Richard Bentley, 1848, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. An Octave of Friends. Ward and Downey, 1891.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Azeth, the Egyptian. T. C. Newby, 1847, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Dulcie Everton. Chatto and Windus, 1896, 2 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Grasp Your Nettle. Smith and Elder, 1865, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. In Haste and at Leisure. W. Heinemann, 1895, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Ione. Chatto and Windus, 1883, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg. Tinsley Brothers, 1866, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Miss Broughton’s Novels”. Temple Bar, Vol.
, June 1887, pp. 196-09.
Linton, Eliza Lynn, and Beatrice Harraden. My Literary Life. Hodder and Stoughton, 1899.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Ourselves. G. Routledge and Sons, 1869.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Patricia Kemball. Chatto and Windus, 1875, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Realities. Saunders and Otley, 1851, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. Sowing the Wind. Tinsley Brothers, 1867, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. The Atonement of Leam Dundas. Chatto and Windus, 1876, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. The Autobiography of Christopher Kirkland. Bentley and Son, 1885, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. “The Girl of the Period; The Modern Revolt; The Wild Women: as Politicians; The Wild Women: as Social Insurgents”. Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors: Victorian Writing by Women on Women, edited by Susan Hamilton, Broadview, 1995, pp. 172-07.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. The Rebel of the Family. Chatto and Windus, 1880, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. The Rebel of the Family. Editor Meem, Deborah T., Broadview, 2002.
Linton, Eliza Lynn, and George Somes Layard. The Second Youth of Theodora Desanges. Hutchinson, 1900.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. “The Threatened Abdication of Man”. National Review, Vol.
, July 1889, pp. 577-92.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. The True History of Joshua Davidson. Strahan, 1872.
Linton, Eliza Lynn, and Arthur Hopkins. Under Which Lord?. Chatto and Windus, 1879, 3 vols.
Linton, Eliza Lynn, editor. Witch Stories. Chapman and Hall, 1861.
Behn, Aphra. “Editorial Materials”. Oroonoko, edited by Joanna Lipking, W. W. Norton, 1997, p. Various pages.
Lipking, Joanna. “Fair Originals: Women Poets in Male Commendatory Poems”. Studies in the Eighteenth Century: Papers Presented at the . . . David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Vol.
, No. 12:2, 1988, pp. 58-72.
Arnold, Matthew. “Editorial Materials”. Culture and Anarchy, edited by Samuel Lipman, Yale University Press, 1994, p. Various pages.
Lipman, Vivian David. Social History of Jews in England, 1850-1950. Watts, 1954.
Lister, Anne. Female Fortune: Land, Gender and Authority. Editor Liddington, Jill, Rivers Oram Press, 1998.
Lister, Anne. I Know My Own Heart. Editor Whitbread, Helena, Virago, 1988.
Lister, Anne. I Know My Own Heart. Editor Whitbread, Helena, New York University Press, 1992.
Lister, Anne. Miss Lister of Shibden Hall. Editor Green, Muriel, Book Guild, 1992.
Lister, Anne. No Priest But Love. Editor Whitbread, Helena, New York University Press, 1992.
Lister, Anne. No Priest But Love. Editor Whitbread, Helena, Smith Settle, 1992.
Lister, Michael. “Poems for Readers”. textualities online literary magazine.
Lister, T. H. “Miss Martineaus DeerbrookEdinburgh Review, Vol.
, July 1839, pp. 494-02.
Darwin, Emma, and Charles Darwin. Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896. Editor Litchfield, Henrietta Emma, J. Murray, 1915, 2 vols.
Litt, Toby, and Ali Smith, editors. New Writing 13. Picador, 2005.
Mario, Jessie White. “Introduction: Jessie White Mario”. The Birth of Modern Italy, edited by Pompeo, Duke of Litta-Visconti-Arese, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909, p. xix - xxvii.
Little, A. G. “Review: The Itinerary of John LelandEnglish Historical Review, Vol.
, No. 91, July 1908, pp. 569-71.
Little, Becky. “How Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Became a Part of the U.K”. History,
Little, Bryan. The Colleges of Cambridge, 1286-1973. Adams and Dart, 1973.
Little, Hannah. “Women’s History Month: 100 Years of International Women’s Day”. Women’s Hisfory Network Blog, 10 Mar. 2011.
Little, Janet. The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid. J. and P. Wilson, 1792.
Littlehales, Margaret Mary. Mary Ward, Pilgrim and Mystic, 1585-1645. Burns and Oates, 2001.
Littler, Jo. “One of a Kind”. Mslexia, No. 31, Oct. 2006, p. 53.
Littler, William. “Margaret Atwood and Naomi Alderman talk zombies”. The Toronto Star, 1 Nov. 2013.
Litz, A. Walton. “Florence Farr: A ’Transitional’ Woman”. High and Low Moderns: Literature and Culture, 1889-1939, edited by Maria DiBattista and Lucy McDiarmid, Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 85-106.
Liu, Alan. The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information. University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Liu, Jennifer. “Meet 22-year-old Amanda Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history”. CNBC,