Lennon, J. Robert. “Tastes like Cancer”. London Review of Books, 8 Mar. 2007, pp. 41-2.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Lennox, Charlotte. Euphemia. T. Cadell and J. Evans, 1790, 4 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. Henrietta. A. Millar, 1758, 2 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. Hermione. Minerva Press, 1791, 4 vols.
La Vallière, Louise-Françoise de La Baume Le Blanc, duchesse de. Meditations and Penitential Prayers. Translator Lennox, Charlotte, J. Dodsley, 1774.
Beaumelle, Laurent Angliviel de la. Memoirs for the History of Madame de Maintenon. Translator Lennox, Charlotte, A. Millar, and J. Nourse . R. and J. Dodsley . L. Davis, and C. Reymer, 1757, 5 vols.
Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, duc de. Memoirs of Maximilien de Bethune. Translator Lennox, Charlotte, A. Millar; R. and J. Dodsley; W. Shropshire, 1756, 3 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. Old City Manners. T. Becket, 1775.
Lennox, Charlotte. Philander. Andrew Millar, 1758.
Lennox, Charlotte. Poems on Several Occasions. S. Paterson, 1747.
Lennox, Charlotte. Shakespear Illustrated. Andrew Millar, 1754, 3 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. Sophia. James Fletcher, 1762, 2 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Female Quixote. Andrew Millar, 1752, 2 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Female Quixote. Editors Dalziel, Margaret and Duncan Isles, Oxford University Press, 1970.
Brumoy, Pierre. The Greek Theatre of Father Brumoy. Translator Lennox, Charlotte, Andrew Millar, 1759, 3 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. The History of Eliza. J. Dodsley, 1767, 2 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Lady’s Museum. John Newbery.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Life of Harriot Stuart. Payne and Bouquet, 1751, 2 vols.
The Memoirs of the Countess of Berci. Translator Lennox, Charlotte, A. Millar, 1756, 2 vols.
Lennox, Charlotte. The Sister. J. Dodsley, 1769.
Leonardi, Susan J. Dangerous by Degrees: Women at Oxford and the Somerville College Novelists. Rutgers University Press, 1989, 254 p.
Leonowens, Anna. Life and Travel in India. Porter and Coates, 1884.
Leonowens, Anna. “Moscow, The Holy”. The Critic, Vol.
, June 1887. Leonowens, Anna. Our Asiatic Cousins. Lothrop, 1889.
Leonowens, Anna. The English Governess at the Siamese Court. Trübner, 1870.
Leonowens, Anna. The English Governess at the Siamese Court. Oxford University Press, 1988.
Leonowens, Anna. The Romance of the Harem. J. R. Osgood, 1873.
Leonowens, Anna. The Romance of the Harem. Editor Morgan, Susan, University Press of Virginia , 1991.
Lepore, Jill. “’The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe,’ by Elaine Showalter”. The New York Times Book Review, 29 Feb. 2016.
Lerman, Antony. “Pollutants”. London Review of Books, Vol.
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Lerner, Paul. “Anna O. and Bertha P”. Times Literary Supplement, 22 Mar. 2002, p. 6.
Leslie, Charles Robert, and Tom Taylor. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds. J. Murray, 1865, 2 vols.
Leslie, Shane, and Margery Lawrence. “Foreword”. Fourteen to Forty-Eight, Robert Hale, 1950, pp. 13-15.
Leslie, Shane. “Sir Shane Leslie Papers: Folder Listing”. Georgetown University: Lauinger Library: Special Collections Division.
Lessenich, Rolf. “Literary Views of English Rhine Romanticism 1760-1860”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1999, pp. 480-18. Lesser, Margaret. “Realms of mental wealth”. The Times Literary Supplement, No. 5796, 2 May 2014, pp. 13-15, https://link-gale-com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/apps/doc/RUSILP224381572/TLSH?u=edmo69826&sid=bookmark-TLSH&xid=767fce91.
Lessing, Doris. A Man and Two Women. Granada, 1965.
Lessing, Doris. A Proper Marriage. Michael Joseph, 1954.
Lessing, Doris. A Ripple from the Storm. Michael Joseph, 1958.
Lessing, Doris. African Laughter. HarperCollins, 1992.
Lessing, Doris. Ben, in the World. Flamingo, 2000.
Lessing, Doris. Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Jonathan Cape, 1971.
Lessing, Doris. Collected African Stories. Michael Joseph, 1973, 2 vols.
Lessing, Doris. Collected African Stories. Flamingo, 1994.
Lessing, Doris. Collected Stories. Michael Joseph, 1978, 2 vols.
Lessing, Doris. Collected Stories Volume Two. Flamingo, 1994.
Lessing, Doris. Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire. Jonathan Cape, 1983.
Lessing, Doris. “Each His Own Wilderness”. New English Dramatists, edited by Elliott M. Browne, Penguin, 1959, pp. 11-95.
Lessing, Doris. Five: Short Novels. Michael Joseph, 1953, 351 pp.