Leeson, Margaret. Memoirs of Mrs. Margaret Leeson. 1797, 3 vols.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Lefanu, Sarah. “Majorie Blandy (1887 - 1937)”. Breaking Bounds. Six Newnham Lives, edited by Biddy Passmore, Newnham College, 2014, pp. 52-65.
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.
Lefebvre, Benjamin. “Eternally Anne”. The Globe and Mail, 23 Mar. 2008, p. D1, D9.
Lefebvre, Georges. “A Series of Class Revolts”. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations, edited by Frank A. Kafker et al., 4th Edition, R. E. Krieger, 1989, pp. 3-33.
Lefebvre, Georges. The French Revolution. Routledge and K. Paul, 1962.
Lefkowitz, Mary. “Oppression on a Pedestal”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4316, 1985, p. 1446.
Legge, Margaret. A Semi-Detached Marriage. Alston Rivers, 1912, 307 pp.
Legge, Margaret. A Tempestuous Daughter. Hodder and Stoughton, 1924, 318 pp.
Legge, Margaret. The Crystal Rabbit. Andrew Melrose, 1929, 288 pp.
Legge, Margaret. The Price of Stephen Bonyng. Alston Rivers, 1913.
Legge, Margaret. The Rebellion of Esther. Alston Rivers, 1914, 314 pp.
Legge, Margaret. The Spell of Atlantis. A. Melrose, 1927, 284 pp.
Legge, Margaret. The Wane of Uxenden. Edward Arnold, 1917, 339 pp.
Lehmann, John. In My Own Time. Little, Brown, 1969.
Lehmann, John. The Whispering Gallery: Autobiography 1. Longmans, Green, 1955.
Lehmann, Rosamond et al. A Man Seen Afar. 1st ed., Spearman, 1965.
Lehmann, Rosamond. A Note in Music. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1930.
Lehmann, Rosamond. A Sea-Grape Tree. 1st ed., Collins, 1976.
Lehmann, Rosamond, and Jean Cocteau. Children of the Game. Harvill Press, 1955.
Lehmann, Rosamond. Dusty Answer. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1927.
Lemarchand, Jacques. Geneviève. Translator Lehmann, Rosamond, John Lehmann, 1947.
Lehmann, Rosamond. Invitation to the Waltz. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1932.
Lehmann, Rosamond. Letter to a Sister. 1st ed., Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1931.
Lehmann, Rosamond, and Cynthia Hill Sandys. Letters from Our Daughters. 1st ed., College of Psychic Science, 1971.
Lehmann, Rosamond. No More Music. 1st ed., Collins, 1939.
Lehmann, Rosamond. Rosamond Lehmann’s Album. Chatto and Windus, 1985.
Lehmann, Rosamond. The Ballad and the Source. 1st ed., Collins, 1944.
Lehmann, Rosamond. The Echoing Grove. 1st ed., Collins, 1953.
Lehmann, Rosamond. The Gypsy’s Baby and Other Stories. 1st ed., Collins, 1946.
Lehmann, Rosamond. “The Red-Haired Miss Daintreys”. Folios of New Writing, Spring 1940, edited by John Lehmann, 1st ed., Hogarth Press, 1940.
Lehmann, Rosamond. The Swan in the Evening. 1st ed., Collins, 1967.
Lehmann, Rosamond. The Weather in the Streets. 1st ed., Collins, 1936.
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. “Grimms’ Fairy Tales Retold”. The New York Times, 27 Sept. 1971.
Lehmberg, Stanford E. The Later Parliaments of Henry VIII: 1536-1547. Cambridge University Press, 1977.
Leibell, Sister Helen Dominica. Anglo-Saxon Education of Women: From Hilda to Hildegarde. B. Franklin, 1971.
Leigh, Dorothy. The Mothers Blessing. John Budge, 1616.
Leigh, Dorothy et al. “The Mothers Blessing”. Women’s Writing in Stuart England, edited by Sylvia Brown, Sutton, 1999, pp. 15-87.
Leighton, Angela. “’Because Men Made the Laws’: the Fallen Woman and the Woman Poet”. New Feminist Discourses, edited by Isobel Armstrong, Routledge, 1992, pp. 342-60.
Leighton, Angela. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Indiana University Press, 1986.
Leighton, Angela. “The Poetry”. The Cambridge Companion to the Brontës, edited by Heather Glen, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 53-71.
Leighton, Angela, and Margaret Reynolds, editors. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. Blackwell, 1995.
Leighton, Angela. Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart. University Press of Virginia, 1992.
Leighton, Mary Elizabeth. “Performing Pauline Johnson: Representations of ‘the Indian Poetess’ in the Periodical Press, 1892-1895”. Essays on Canadian Writing, Vol.
, 1998, pp. 141-64. Leith, Sam. “Sounds familiar? When ’memories’ seem to spring from other literary sources”. Telegraph.co.uk, 6 Aug. 2005.
Leland, Charles Godfrey. Aradia; or, The Gospel of the Witches. David Nutt, 1899.
LeMoal, Lara. “We Recommend: New and Noted Books for Toddlers to Teens”. Canadian Children’s Book News, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Mar.–31 May 2014, p. 30. Lemon, Mark et al. Slave Life; or, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Webster, 1852.
Leney, Alice. “Strained celebrations in the shadow of the bomb”. Guardian Weekly, 3 Apr. 2002, p. 22.
Lengermann, Patricia Madoo, and Jill Niebrugge. “The Meanings of ’Things’: Theory and Method in Harriet Martineau’s ’How to Observe Morals and Manners’ (1838) and Émile Durkheim’s ’The Rules of Sociological Method’ (1895)”. Harriet Martineau: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives, edited by Michael R. Hill and Susan Hoecker-Drysdale, Routledge, 2001, pp. 75-97.