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King, John, 1753 - 1824, and Thomas, 1737 - 1809 Paine. Mr King’s Speech at Egham. Printed by C. Boult for J. Debrett , 1793.
King, John, 1753 - 1824. Mr. King’s Apology; or, A Reply to his Calumniators. Thomas Wilkins, 1798.
King, John, 1753 - 1824. Oppression Deemed No Injustice Towards Some Individuals. Parsons, 1800.
King, John, 1753 - 1824. Thoughts on the Difficulties and Distresses in which the Peace of 1783, has involved the People of England. Adams and Bonwick, 1783.
Mackie, Liz. Is This Your Life?. Editors King, Josephine and Mary Stott, Quartet Books for Virago, 1977.
King, Julie, and Vickie Hearnshaw. “Painting in a Writer’s Landscape”. Return to Black Beech. Papers from a Centenary Symposium on Ngaio Marsh 1895-1995, edited by Carole Acheson and Carolyn Lidgard, The Centre for Continuing Education, University of Canterbury, 1996, pp. 38-47.
King, Kathryn R. “’I’ll Fly Away’: Birds, Boundaries, and Trans-National Awareness in Haywood’s The Parrot”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA.
King, Kathryn R. A Political Biography of Eliza Haywood. Pickering and Chatto, 2012.
King, Kathryn R. “Eliza Haywood at the Sign of Fame in Covent Garden (1742-1744)”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2010, pp. 83-6.
King, Kathryn R. “Eliza Haywood, Savage Love, and Biographical Uncertainty”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, Nov. 2008, pp. 722-39.
King, Kathryn R., and Jeslyn Medoff. “Jane Barker and Her Life (1652-1732): The Documentary Record”. Eighteenth-Century Life, Vol.
, No. 3, Nov. 1997, pp. 16-38.
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
King, Kathryn R. “Jane Barker, Poetical Recreations, and the Sociable Text”. English Literary History, Vol.
, No. 3, 1994, pp. 551-70.
King, Kathryn R. “The Young Lady, the Old Maid, and the Lisbon Earthquake”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual conference.
King, Laura. “Egyptian women find a voice”. Edmonton Journal, 6 Feb. 2011, p. E3.
King, Martin Luther, Jr, and Gary Younge. I have a dream. Guardian News and Media, 2007.
Opie, Amelia. “Introduction”. Adeline Mowbray, edited by Shelley King and John B. Pierce, Oxford University Press, 1999, p. i - xxix.
Opie, Amelia. “Introduction”. The Collected Poems of Amelia Alderson Opie, edited by Shelley King and John B. Pierce, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. xxxvii - lxx.
King, Shelley. “Westward Ho!: Charting the Transatlantic Travels of Amelia Opie’s Tales”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS) Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland.
King, Sophia. Cordelia; or, A Romance of Real Life. Minerva, 1799, 2 vols.
King, Sophia. Poems, Legendary, Pathetic, and Descriptive. Printed by S. Burchett, 1804.
King, Sophia. The Adventures of Victor Allen. Hodgson, 1805, 2 vols.
King, Sophia. The Fatal Secret; or, Unknown Warrior. Printed for the author by J. G. Barnard, 1801.
King, Sophia. Waldorf; or, The Dangers of Philosophy. G. G. and J. Robinson, 1798, 2 vols.
King-Hele, Desmond. Erasmus Darwin and the Romantic Poets. Macmillan, 1986.
Kingsford, Anna. An Essay on the Admission of Women to the Parliamentary Franchise. Trübner and Co, 1868.
Kingsford, Anna. Beatrice; a Tale of the Early Christians. Joseph Masters, 1863.
Kingsford, Anna. Clothed with the Sun. Editor Maitland, Edward, F. F. Lovell, 1889.
Kingsford, Anna. Dreams and Dream Stories. Editors Maitland, Edward and Edward Maitland, G. Redway, 1888.
Kingsford, Anna. Health, Beauty, and the Toilet: Letters to Ladies from a Lady Doctor. Frederick Warne and Co., 1886.
Kingsford, Anna. In My Lady’s Chamber. J. Burns, 1873.
Kingsford, Anna. River-Reeds. Joseph Masters, 1866.
Kingsford, Anna. Rosamunda the Princess. James Parker and Co., 1875.
Kingsford, Anna, editor. The Lady’s Own Paper. No. 307-318.
Kingsford, Anna. The Perfect Way in Diet. Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co., 1881.
Kingsford, Anna, and Edward Maitland. The Perfect Way: or, The Finding of Christ. Field &Tuer, 1882.
Kingsford, Anna. “The Uselessness of Vivisection”. Nineteenth Century, Vol.
, No. 60, Feb. 1882, pp. 171-83.
Trismegistus, Hermes. The Virgin of the World. Translators Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland, George Redway, 1885.
Trismegistus, Hermes. The Virgin of the World. Translators Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland, Wizards Book Shelf, 1977.
Kingsford, Anna. “Unscientific Science: Moral Aspects of Vivisection”. In Nature’s Name: An Anthology of Women’s Writing and Illustrations, 1780-1930, edited by Barbara T. Gates, University of Chicago Press, 2002, pp. 135-44.
Kingsford, Reginald John Lethbridge. The Publisher’s Association, 1896-1946. Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Kingsley, Charles. Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, 2nd edition, Henry S. King & Co, 1877, 2 vols.
Kingsley, Charles. Daily Thoughts. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, Macmillan & Co, 1884.
Kingsley, Charles. From Death to Life. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, Macmillan & Co, 1887.
Kingsley, Charles. Out of the Deep. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, Macmillan & Co, 1880,
Kingsley, Charles. True Words for Brave Men. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, Keegan Paul & Co, 1878.
Kingsley, Charles, 1819 - 1875. Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life. Editor Kingsley, Fanny, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1877.
Kingsley, Mary. A Hippo Banquet. Penguin, 2015.
Kingsley, Mary, and George Henry Kingsley. “Memoir”. Notes on Sport and Travel, Macmillan, 1900, pp. 1-206.
Kingsley, Mary. “The Development of Dodos”. National Review, Vol.
, Mar. 1896, pp. 66-79.