Jennings, Elizabeth, and Anne Ridler. Poems. Fantasy Press, 1953.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Poetry To-day, 1957-60. Published for The British Council by Longmans, Green, 1961.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Praises. Carcanet, 1998.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Relationships. Macmillan, 1972.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Song for a Birth or a Death. A. Deutsch, 1961.
Jennings, Elizabeth, editor. The Batsford Book of Children’s Verse. Batsford, 1958.
Jennings, Elizabeth. The Mind Has Mountains. Macmillan, 1966.
Michelangelo, and Michael Ayrton. The Sonnets of Michelangelo. Translator Jennings, Elizabeth, Folio Society, 1961.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Timely Issues. Carcanet, 2001.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Times and Seasons. Carcanet, 1992.
Jennings, Elizabeth. Tributes. Carcanet, 1989.
Jepson, Jill. Women’s Concerns. Peter Lang, 2009.
Jernigan, Jessica Lee. “I Am a Writer. Am I a Writer?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 6, Nov.–Dec. 2017, pp. 24-5. Jernigan, Jessica Lee. “What to Read: ’Hotel World’ by Ali Smith”. Jessica Lee Jernigan: Cultural Criticism and Beauty Tips, 18 Mar. 2004.
Jerome, Jerome K., editor. My First Book. Chatto and Windus, 1894.
Jerrold, Walter. Thomas Hood: His Life and Times. Greenwood Press, 1969.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. A Pin to See the Peepshow. W. Heinemann , 1934.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Anyhouse. W. Heinemann, 1925.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Beggars on Horseback. W. Heinemann, 1915.
Jesse, F. Tennyson, and Harold Marsh Harwood. Billeted. S. French, 1920.
Jesse, F. Tennyson, and Harold Marsh Harwood. London Front. Constable, 1940.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Moonraker. W. Heinemann, 1927.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Murder & its Motives. W. Heinemann, 1924.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Sabi Pas. W. Heinemann, 1935.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Secret Bread. W. Heinemann, 1917.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Alabaster Cup. Evans Brothers, 1950.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Compass, and Other Poems. William Hodge , 1951.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Dragon in the Heart. Constable, 1956.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Happy Bride. W. Heinemann, 1920.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Lacquer Lady. W. Heinemann, 1929.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Milky Way. W. Heinemann, 1913.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Saga of "San Demetrio". His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1942.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Solange Stories. W. Heinemann, 1931.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Story of Burma. Macmillan, 1946.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Sword of Deborah. R. Clay, 1918.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. The White Riband. W. Heinemann, 1921.
Jesse, F. Tennyson. Tom Fool. W. Heinemann, 1926.
Jevons, Mary Anne, the elder, editor. Poems for Youth, By a Family Circle. Printed for Robinson and Sons by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown , 1820.
Jevons, Mary Anne, the elder. Sonnets, and Other Poems, Chiefly Devotional. Simpkin, Marshall; D. Marples, 1845.
Jevons, Mary Anne, the elder, editor. The Sacred Offering. Hamilton, Adams; D. Marples.
Jevons, Mary Anne, the elder, editor. The Sacred Offering. Joseph Dowe, 1836, p. iii - iv.
Cather, Willa. “A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather”. The Willa Cather Archive, edited by Andrew Jewell et al.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. A Country Doctor. Constable; Houghton, Mifflin, 1884.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. A White Heron, and Other Stories. Houghton, Mifflin, 1886.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. Deephaven. J. R. Osgood, 1877.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. Deephaven. Twentieth Edition, Houghton, Mifflin, 1892.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. Deephaven. Osgood and McIlvaine, 1893.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. “Jenny Garrow’s Lovers”. Flag of Our Union, 18 Jan. 1868.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Best Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett. Editor Cather, Willa, Peter Smith, 1965, 2 vols.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Country of the Pointed Firs. T. F. Unwin, 1896.