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Harraden, Beatrice. Interplay. Frederick A. Stokes, 1908.
Harraden, Beatrice. Interplay. Methuen, 1908.
Harraden, Beatrice. Katherine Frensham. W. Blackwood, 1903.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Lady Geraldine’s Speech”. How the Vote Was Won, and Other Suffragette Plays, edited by Dale Spender and Carole Hayman, Methuen, 1985, pp. 93-8.
Harraden, Beatrice. Little Rosebud; or, Things Will Take a Turn. A. Burt.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Mrs. Lynn Linton”. The Bookman, Vol.
, Sept. 1898, pp. 16-17.
Harraden, Beatrice. Our Warrior Women. Witherby, 1916.
Harraden, Beatrice. Out of the Wreck I Rise. T. Nelson, 1912.
Harraden, Beatrice. Patuffa. Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Preface”. In Varying Moods, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894, p. i - viii.
Harraden, Beatrice. Search Will Find It Out. Mills and Boon, 1928.
Harraden, Beatrice. Ships that Pass in the Night. Lawrence and Bullen, 1893.
Harraden, Beatrice. Ships that Pass in the Night. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894.
Harraden, Beatrice. Spring Shall Plant. Hodder and Stoughton, 1920.
Harraden, Beatrice. “The Death of the Duchess”. Votes for Women, 8 Nov. 1912.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Fowler. W. Blackwood, 1899.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Guiding Thread. Methuen, 1916.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Scholar’s Daughter. Methuen, 1906.
Harraden, Beatrice, and Elizabeth Robins. “The Sussex Hospital”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 934, 11 Dec. 1919, p. 750.
Harraden, Beatrice. Things Will Take a Turn. Blackie, 1889.
Harraden, Beatrice. Thirteen All Told. Methuen, 1921.
Harraden, Beatrice, and William Aloysius Edwards. Two Health-Seekers in Southern California. J. B. Lippincott, 1897.
Harraden, Beatrice. Where Your Treasure Is. Hutchinson, 1918.
Harraden, Beatrice. Youth Calling. Hodder and Stoughton, 1924.
Harris, Aisha. “She Founded Me Too. Now She Wants to Move Past the Trauma”. The New York Times, 15 Oct. 2018.
Harris, Alexandra. “Book of the day. Winter by Ali Smith review—wise, generous and a thing of grace”., 27 Oct. 2017.
Harris, Alexandra. “Up Front. Virginia Woolf and Quentin Bell”. The Guardian, 15 June 2013, p. Review 5.
Harris, Frances. A Passion for Government: The life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Clarendon, 1991.
Harris, Frances. ““Accounts of the Conduct of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, 1704-1742”. British Library Journal, 1982, pp. 7-35.
Harris, James A. “First feeling”. Times Literary Supplement, 5 Mar. 2004, p. 32.
Harris, Jocelyn. A Revolution Almost beyond Expression. Jane Austens Persuasion. University of Delaware Press, 2007.
Harris, Jocelyn, and Samuel Richardson. “Chronology”. Sir Charles Grandison, The World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1986, p. xliii - xlv.
Harris, José. “Their Way”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, 12 Mar. 2009, p. 29, 32.
Harris, José. William Beveridge: A Biography. Clarendon, 1977.
Harris, Laurel. “Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Letters to Genevieve Taggard”. PMLA, Vol.
, No. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 205-20.
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
Harris, Melvin. ITN Book of Firsts. Michael O’Mara Books, 1994.
Harris, Philip Rowland. A History of the British Museum Library 1753-1973. The British Library Board, 1998.
Harris, Roy. “Sharing the World”. The Times Higher Education Supplement, No. 1857, 7 Aug. 2008, p. 50.
Harris, Ruth. “Rehearsal for Life: Strong Meat for Adolescents”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3090, 19 May 1961, p. ix.
Harris, Sharon M., and Judith Sargent Murray. “Introduction”. Selected Writings of Judith Sargent Murray, edited by Sharon M. Harris and Sharon M. Harris, Oxford University Press, 1995, p. xv - xliv.
Harris, Sharon M. Rebecca Harding Davis and American Realism. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.
Harris, Sharon M., editor. Women’s Early American Historical Narratives. Penguin, 2003.
Harris, Trudier, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 51. Gale Research, 1987.
Harrison, Antony H. “Christina Rossetti and the Sage Discourse of Feminist High Anglicanism”. Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power, edited by Thaïs E. Morgan, Rutgers University Press, 1990, pp. 87-104.
Harrison, Antony H. Christina Rossetti in Context. University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Rossetti, Christina. “Scope of This Edition”. The Letters of Christina Rossetti, edited by Antony H. Harrison, University Press of Virginia, 2004, p. 1: xiii - xv.
Harrison, Barbara. Not Only the ’Dangerous Trades’: Women’s Work and Health in Britain, 1880-1914. Taylor and Francis, 1996.
Harrison, Brian. “College Life, 1918-1939”. The History of the University of Oxford: The Twentieth Century, edited by Brian Harrison, Clarendon, 1994, pp. 81-108.
Harrison, Brian. “Women in a Men’s House: The Women M.P.s, 1919-1945”. The Historical Journal, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 1986, pp. 623-54.