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Hamilton, W. F. Tucker, and Agnes Giberne. “Preface”. A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker, Hodder and Stoughton, 1895, p. vii - viii.
Hamilton-Parker, Craig. “Spiritualism: The History of Spiritualism”. Psychics and Mediums Network.
Hamlyn, Robin, and Michael Phillips. William Blake. Tate Gallery, 2000.
Hammer, Langdon. “A Former Student Approaches the Life of Elizabeth Bishop”. The New York Times Book Review, 1 Mar. 2017.
Hammerton, A. James. Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Married Life. Routledge, 1992.
Hammond, John Richard. H. G. Wells and Rebecca West. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
Hammond, John Richard. Herbert George Wells: An Annotated Bibliography of His Works. Garland, 1977.
Hamnett, Nina. Is She a Lady? A Problem in Autobiography. Allan Wingate, 1955.
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1932.
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Constable and Co., 1932.
Hamnett, Nina, and Osbert Sitwell. The People’s Album of London Statues. Duckworth, 1928.
Hamon, Philippe, and Denis Roger-Vasselin, editors. Le Robert des grands écrivains de langue française. Dictionaires Le Robert, 2000.
Hampton, Jill Brady. “Ambivalent Realism: May Laffans Flitters, Tatters, and the CounsellorNew Hibernia Review, Vol.
, No. 2, 2008, pp. 127-41.
Hampton, Jill Brady. Voices Outside the Irish Renaissance. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1999.
Hanaway, William H. “Jane Austen in Iran”. JASNA News: The Newsletter of the Jane Austen Society of North America, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2004, p. 24.
Hancock, Geoff. “Mavis Gallant”. Canadian Writers at Work, Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. 79-126.
Handl, Irene. The Gold Tip Pfitzer. Allen Lane, 1973, p. 191 pp.
Handl, Irene. The Sioux. Cape, 1965.
Handl, Irene. The Sioux. Alfred A. Knopf, 1985, p. 342 pp.
Handley, Graham. “George Eliot and A Lost LoveThe George Eliot Fellowship Review, Vol.
, 1983, pp. 32-7.
Hands, Elizabeth. The Death of Amnon. Printed for the Author, 1789.
Hands, Timothy. A George Eliot Chronology. G. K. Hall, 1989.
Hanes, Bailey C. The New Bulldog. 5th ed., Howell Book House, 1991.
Hankin, Cherry. “Barker, Mary Anne 1830-1832?? - 1911”. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, 22 June 2007.
Hanley, Evelyn A. “Dora Sigerson Shorter: Late Victorian Romantic”. Victorian Poetry, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 1965, pp. 223-34.
Hanley, Ryan. “Mary Prince and the Infamy of Victimhood, 1828–1833”. Beyond Slavery and Abolition, edited by Ryan Hanley, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 76-96.
Hanley, Ryan. “Olaudah Equiano, Celebrity Abolitionist”. Beyond Slavery and Abolition, edited by Ryan Hanley, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 51-75.
Hanna, Gillian, editor. Monstrous Regiment. Four Plays and a Collective Celebration. Nick Hern Books, 1991.
Hannam, June et al. International Encyclopedia of Women’s Suffrage. ABC-CLIO, 2000.
Hannam, June. Isabella Ford. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
Hannam, June. “Women and Politics”. Women’s History: Britain, 1850-1945, edited by June Purvis, University College London Press, 1995, pp. 217-45.
Hannan, Leonie. “Collaborative Scholarship on the margins: An Epistolary Network”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Aug. 2014, pp. 290-15.
Hannavy, John. Masters of Victorian Photography. David and Charles, 1976.
Hannay, Clive, and Rodney Legg. “Chalbury”. Dorset Life, Dorset Life Magazine, Dec. 2010.
Hannay, Margaret P. “’Strengthning the walles of . . . Ierusalem’: Anne Vaughan Lok’s Dedication to the Countess of Warwick”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
, No. 2-3, Apr.–July 1992, pp. 71-5.
Hannay, Margaret P. Mary Sidney, Lady Wroth. Ashgate, 2010.
Hannay, Margaret P. Philip’s Phoenix: Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke. Oxford University Press, 1990, http://U of A HSS.
Hans, Nicholas A. New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951.
Hanscombe, Gillian. The Art of Life: Dorothy Richardson and the Development of Feminist Consciousness. Peter Owen, 1982.
Hanscombe, Gillian, and Virginia L. Smyers. Writing for Their Lives: The Modernist Women, 1910-1940. Women’s Press, 1987.
Hansen, Klaus J. Mormonism and the American Experience. University of Chicago Press, 1981.
Hanshew, Thomas W. The Man of the Forty Faces. Cassell, 1910.
Hansom, Paul. “Fictional Theories and Theoretical Fictions”. Contemporary Literature, Vol.
, No. 4, 1993, pp. 797-02.
Hanson, Amy. “Edinburgh 2016 - BWW Review: JUST BY ALI SMITH, Assembly George Square Gardens, 15 August”. Broadway World Scotland, 16 Aug. 2016.
Hanson, Lawrence, and Elisabeth Hanson. Necessary Evil: The Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Octagon Books, 1975.
Hansord, Katie. “A Forgotten Colonial Woman Poet”. Tinteán, 6 Nov. 2015.
Hansson, Heidi. Emily Lawless 1845-1913: Writing the Interspace. Cork University Press, 2007.
Harben, Niloufer. Twentieth-Century English History Plays: from Shaw to Bond. Macmillan, 1988.
Harcourt, Edward William, editor. The Harcourt Papers. 1905, 4 vols.
Harcourt, Mary. Anecdotes Relating to the Years 1792-1795. 1800.