Hume, Mary Catherine. “Sappho”. Intellectual Repository, 1 May 1862, pp. 222-6.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Hume, Mary Catherine. The Bridesmaid, Count Stephen, and Other Poems. J. Chapman, 1853.
Hume, Mary Catherine. The Wedding Guests. J. W. Parker and Son, 1857, 2 vols.
Hume, Mary Catherine. Women and Doctors: or, Medical Despotism in England. Heywood, 1871.
Hume, Robert D. Henry Fielding and the London Theatre, 1728-1737. Clarendon, 1988.
Hume, Robert D. “Jeremy Collier and the Future of the London Theatre in 1698”. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) Conference, Oxford.
Hume, Robert D., and Judith Milhous. “Some ’Lost’ English Plays, 1600-1700”. Huntington Library Bulletin, Vol.
, 1977, pp. 5-33. Hume, Sophia. A Caution to Such as Observe Days and Times. 1760.
Hume, Sophia. A Caution to Such as Observe Days and Times called Festivals. 1754.
Hume, Sophia. A Short Appeal to Men and Women of Reason, Distinguished by Titles of Worldly Honour; or by Riches exclusive of Titles. E. Farley, 1765.
Hume, Sophia. A Word of Advice and Warning to Handicrafts-men, Labourers, Carmen, Coachmen, Chairmen, &c. 1750.
Hume, Sophia. An Epistle to the Inhabitants of South-Carolina. Luke Hinde, 1754.
Hume, Sophia. An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South-Carolina. William Bradford, 1747.
Hume, Sophia, editor. Extracts from Divers Ancient Testimonies of Friends and Others. 1760.
Hume, Sophia. Remarks on the Practice of Inoculation for the Small Pox. 1766.
Hume, Sophia. Remarks on the Practice of Inoculation for the Small Pox. 2nd edition, 1767.
Hume-Rothery, William, and Mary Catherine Hume. The Divine Unity, Trinity, and At-one-ment. Heywood, 1878.
Humez, Jean M. “The Historical Truth”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
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Humphreys, Anne. “Breaking Apart: the Early Victorian Divorce Novel”. Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question, edited by Nicola Diane Thompson, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 42-59.
Humphreys, Anne. Henry Mayhew. Twayne, 1984.
Humphreys, Hope. “Cannabis”. The Independent on Sunday, 15 July 2001, p. Focus 15.
Humphries, Patrick. “William and the Yuppies: William’s adventures in advertising”. The Listener, 5 Jan. 1989, pp. 10-11.
Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. A Word to Women. James Bowden, 1898.
Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. “Girl’s Gossip”. Te Aroha News, Vol.
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Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. How to be Pretty Though Plain. James Bowden, 1899.
Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. Manners for Men. 1st ed., James Bowden, 1897.
Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. Manners for Women. Second Edition, James Bowden, 1897.
Humphry, Charlotte Eliza. “The Art of Good Living”. The Gentlewoman: An Illustrated Weekly Journal for Gentlewomen, Vol.
, No. 1094, 24 June 1911, p. 14. Hunt, Alan. Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Hunt, Karen. “Gendering the Politics of the Working Woman’s Home”. Women and the Making of Built Space in England, 1870-1950, Ashgate, 2007, pp. 106-21.
Hunt, Leigh. Men, Women, and Books. Smith, Elder, 1847.
Hunt, Leigh. “Rondeau, 1838”. University of Toronto Libraries: Representative Poetry Online (RPO), edited by Ian Lancashire.
Hunt, Leigh. Table Talk. Smith, Elder, 1851.
Hunt, Leigh. The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt. Smith, Elder, 1850, 3 vols.
Hunt, Leigh, editor. The Examiner. John Hunt.
Hunt, Leigh, editor. The Reflector. John Hunt.
Hunt, Leigh. The Story of Rimini. J. Murray; W. Blackwood; Cumming, 1816.
Hunt, Lynn. “The Many Bodies of Marie-Antoinette: Political Pornography and the Problem of the Feminine in the French Revolution”. The French Revolution in Social and Political Perspective, edited by Peter, 1949 - Jones, Arnold, 1996, pp. 268-84.
Hunt, Lynn. “The Psycho-Cultural Origins of Human Rights”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Hunt, Margaret R. The Middling Sort: Commerce, Gender, and the Family in England, 1680-1780. University of California Press, 1996.
Hunt, Margaret, 1831 - 1912 et al. The Governess. Chatto and Windus, 1912.
Hunt, Tristram. “Bus Lane Strategy”. London Review of Books, 31 Oct. 2002, pp. 20-1.
Hunt, Tristram. “I Predict a Riot”. The Guardian, 21 Aug. 2006, pp. G2: 12 - 13.
Hunt, Violet. A Hard Woman. Chapman and Hall, 1895.
Hunt, Violet. Affairs of the Heart. S. T. Freemantle, 1900.
Hunt, Violet. I Have This to Say. Boni and Liveright, 1926.
Hunt, Violet. More Tales of the Uneasy. W. Heinemann, 1925.
Hunt, Violet. Sooner or Later. Chapman and Hall, 1904.