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Hoecker-Drysdale, Susan. “’Words on Work’: Harriet Martineau’s Sociology of Work and Occupations”. Harriet Martineau: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives, edited by Michael R. Hill and Susan Hoecker-Drysdale, Routledge, 2001, pp. 99-151.
Hoecker-Drysdale, Susan. Harriet Martineau: First Woman Sociologist. Berg, 1992.
Hoefer, Johann Christian Ferdinand. Nouvelle biographie générale. Firmin Didot frères, fils et cie, 1866, 46 vols.
Hoehn, Matthew, editor. Catholic Authors. St Mary’s Abbey, 1952.
Hoeveler, Diane Long. “Charlotte Dacres Zofloya: A Case Study in Miscegenation as Sexual and Racial Nausea”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 2, 1997, pp. 185-99.
Hoeveler, Diane Long, and Eliza Parsons. “Introduction”. The Castle of Wolfenbach, edited by Diane Long Hoeveler and Diane Long Hoeveler, Valancourt Books, 2007, p. vii - xvii.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. “A Catholic Lady in ’Red’ Paris”. The Spectator, No. 2233, 15 Apr. 1871, pp. 444-6.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. A Golden Sorrow. Harper and Brothers, 1872.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. A Golden Sorrow. Hurst and Blackett, 1872, 3 vols.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. A House of Cards. Tinsley Brothers, 1868, 3 vols.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. “Buried in the Deep”. Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, Vol.
, W. and R. Chambers, 4–25 Feb. 1865, pp. 65 - 8; 83.
Hoey, Frances Sarah. Falsely True. Tinsley Brothers, 1870, 3 vols.
Hof, Sonja van ’t. Anorexia Nervosa: The Historical and Cultural Specificity: Fallacious Theories and Tenacious "Facts". Swets and Zeitlinger, 1994.
Hoffert, Barbara. “Review of Daughter of Deceit by Victoria Holt”. Library Journal, Vol.
, No. 8, 1 May 1991, p. 64.
Hoffman, Amy. “A letter from the editor”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 2, Nov. 2004, p. 1.
Hoffman, Amy. “Editorial”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, Jan.–Feb. 2006, p. 2.
Hoffman, Amy. “letter to Subscribers”. Isobel Grundy.
Hoffman, Roy. “’Alive, Alive Oh!’ by Diana Athill”. The New York Times Book Review, 12 Feb. 2016.
Hoffmann, Michael J. “Gertrude Stein in the Psychology Laboratory”. American Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1965, pp. 127-32.
Hofland, Barbara et al. A Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens at White-Knights. Printed for his Grace the Duke of Marlborough by W. Wilson, 1819.
Hofland, Barbara. A Father as He Should Be. Minerva, 1815, 4 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. A Season at Harrogate. R. Wilson, 1812.
Hofland, Barbara. A Visit to London; or, Emily and her Friends. Minerva, 1814, 4 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Adelaide; or, The Intrepid Daughter. J. Harris, 1823.
Hofland, Barbara. Africa Described. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1828.
Hofland, Barbara. Alfred Campbell, the Young Pilgrim. J. Harris, 1825.
Hofland, Barbara. An Englishwoman’s Letter to Mrs. Hannah More. J. Hatchard, 1820.
Hofland, Barbara. Beatrice. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1829, 3 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Daniel Dennison; and, The Cumberland Statesman. R. Bentley, 1846, 3 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Decision. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1824.
Hofland, Barbara. Description of the House and Museum on the North Side of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, the residence of Sir John Soane. Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, 1835.
Hofland, Barbara. Ellen, the Teacher. J. Harris, 1814, 2 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Emily’s Reward; or, The Holiday Trip to Paris. Grant and Griffith, 1844.
Hofland, Barbara. Energy. A. K. Newman, 1838.
Hofland, Barbara. Farewell Tales. A. K. Newman, 1840.
Hofland, Barbara. Fortitude. A. K. Newman, 1835.
Hofland, Barbara. Humility. A. K. Newman, 1837.
Hofland, Barbara. Integrity. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1823.
Hofland, Barbara. Iwanowna; or, The Maid of Moscow. G. and S. Robinson, 1813, 2 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Little Dramas for Young People. Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1810.
Hofland, Barbara. Little Manuel, the Captive Boy. Garland, 1978.
Hofland, Barbara. Matilda; or, The Barbadoes Girl. Minerva, 1816.
Hofland, Barbara. Moderation. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1825.
Hofland, Barbara. Patience. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1824.
Hofland, Barbara. Patience and Perseverance; or, The Modern Griselda. Minerva, 1813, 4 vols.
Hofland, Barbara. Poems. Printed by J. Montgomery, and sold by Vernor and Hood, 1805.
Hofland, Barbara. Reflection. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1826.
Hofland, Barbara. Rich Boys and Poor Boys. A. K. Newman, 1833.
Hofland, Barbara, and William Bernard Cooke. Richmond, and its Surrounding Scenery. W. B. Cooke, 1832.
Hofland, Barbara. Says She to her Neighbour, What?. Minerva, 1812, 4 vols.