
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Highsmith, Patricia. The Snail-Watcher, and Other Stories. Doubleday, 1970.
Highsmith, Patricia. The Story-Teller. Doubleday, 1965.
Highsmith, Patricia. The Talented Mr Ripley. Coward-McCann, 1955.
Highsmith, Patricia. The Tremor of Forgery. Doubleday, 1969.
Highsmith, Patricia. The Two Faces of January. Heinemann, 1964.
Highsmith, Patricia. This Sweet Sickness. Harper and Brothers, 1960.
Highsmith, Patricia. Those Who Walk Away. Doubleday, 1967.
Higman, B. W. Slave Population and Economy in Jamaica, 1807-1834. Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Hignett, Sean. Brett. Franklin Watts, 1985.
Higonnet, Margaret Randolph, editor. British Women Poets of the 19th Century. Meridian, 1996.
Hilbish, Florence. Charlotte Smith, Poet and Novelist. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Physica. Apud Ioannem Schottum, 1533.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Liber divinorum operum. Editors Derolez, Albert and Peter Dronke, Brepols, 1996.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Symphonia. Translator Newman, Barbara, Cornell University Press, 1988.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Liber vitae meritorum. Translator Hoseski, Bruce W., Oxford University Press, 1997.
Hildegarde of Bingen, et al. Scivias. Translator Hoseski, Bruce W., Bear, 1986.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen. Translators Baird, Joseph L. and Radd K. Ehrman, Vol.
volume i
, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Lingua ignota. Translators Portmann, Marie-Louise and Alois Odermatt, Basler Hildegard-Gesellschaft, 1986.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. Causae et curae. Editor Kaiser, Paul, In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1903.
Hildegarde of Bingen,. “Ordo virtutum”. Poetic Individuality in the Middle Ages: New Departures in Poetry, 1000-1150, translated by. Peter Dronke, Clarendon, 1970, pp. 180-92.
Hilger, Stephanie. Women Write Back. Rodopi, 2009.
Hill, Aaron, and William Bond, editors. The Plain Dealer. S. Richardson and A Wilde, 1730, 2 vols.
Hill, Aaron, and William Popple, editors. The Prompter. J. Peele.
Hill, Aaron. The Works of the Late Aaron Hill, Esq. Printed for the benefit of the family, 1753, 4 vols.
Hill, Amelia. “Marlowe murder mystery solved?”. Guardian Weekly, 26 July 2001, p. 22.
Hill, Amelia. “The secret loves of H.G. Wells unmasked”. The Observer, 7 Jan. 2001.
Hill, Benson Earle. “Memoir of the Late Isabel Hill”. The Monthly Magazine, Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Feb. 1842.
Hill, Bridget. “Catherine Hutton (1756-1846): a forgotten letter-writer”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, 1994, pp. 35-50.
Hill, Bridget. “Daughter and Mother: Some new light on Catharine Macaulay and her family”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1999, pp. 35-49.
Astell, Mary. “Introduction”. The First English Feminist, edited by Bridget Hill, St Martin’s Press, 1986, pp. 1-62.
Hill, Bridget. “Priscilla Wakefield as a Writer of Children’s Educational Books”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 3-14.
Hill, Bridget. The Republican Virago: The Life and Times of Catharine Macaulay, Historian. Clarendon Press, 1992.
Hill, Christopher. The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714. Sphere Books, 1969.
Hill, Christopher. “The World Turned Upside Down, 1975: Part I: Inspiration and Experience”. Street Corner Society: Upside Down.
Hill, Draper. Mr. Gillray, the Caricaturist. Phaidon Press, 1965.
Hill, George Birkbeck, editor. Johnsonian Miscellanies. Clarendon Press, 1897, 2 vols.
Hill, Georgina O’Brien. “’Above the Breath of Suspicion’: Florence Marryat and the Shadow of the Fraudulent Trance Medium”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Dec. 2008, pp. 333-47.
Hill, Isabel. Brian, the Probationer. W. R. Sams, 1842.
Hill, Isabel. Brother Tragedians. Saunders and Otley, 1834, p. 3 vols.
Hill, Isabel. Constance. Warren, 1822.
Staël, Germaine de. Corinne; or, Italy. Translators Hill, Isabel and L. E. L., R. Bentley, 1833.
Staël, Germaine de. Corinne; or, Italy. Translators Hill, Isabel and L. E. L., A. L. Burt, 1857.
Hill, Isabel. Holiday Dreams. 1829.
Hill, Isabel. The First of May. W. Kenneth, 1829.
Hill, Isabel. The Poet’s Child. John Warren.
Hill, Isabel et al. “Translator’s Preface; Madame de Staël”. Corinne; or, Italy, translated by. Isabel Hill and L. E. L., A. L. Burt, 1857, p. iii - iv; v-xxi.
Hill, Isabel. Zaphna. Sams, 1823.
Hill, Jane, and Michael Holroyd. The Art of Dora Carrington. Herbert Press, 1994.
Hill, Judith. “Finding a Voice: Augusta Gregory, Raftery, and Cultural Nationalism, 1899-1900”. Irish University Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar. 2004– 2025, pp. 21-36.
Hill, Lawrence. The Book of Negroes. Black Swan, 2010.