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Hall, Anna Maria, and Mrs Jonathan Foster. Stories and Studies from the Chronicles and History of England. Darton, 1847, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Stories of the Governess. Published for the Benefit of the Governesses’ Benevolent Institution and sold by J. Nisbet, 1852.
Hall, Anna Maria. Stories of the Irish Peasantry. W. and R. Chambers, 1840.
Hall, Anna Maria. Tales of Woman’s Trials. Houlston and Son, 1835.
Hall, Anna Maria. Tales of Woman’s Trials. J. B. Lippincott, 1889.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Buccaneer. R. Bentley, 1832, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Buccaneer. R. Bentley, 1840.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Fight of Faith. Chapman and Hall, 1869, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The French Refugee. J. Macrone, 1837.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Governess. W. and R. Chambers, 1858.
Hall, Anna Maria, editor. The Juvenile Forget-Me-Not. N. Hailes, F. Westley and A.H. Davis, R. Jennings, 9 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Outlaw. R. Bentley, 1835, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. The Whiteboy. Chapman and Hall, 1845, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Uncle Horace. H. Colburn, 1837, 3 vols.
Hall, Anthea. “Interview with Dodie Smith”. Sunday Telegraph, 23 Apr. 1978.
Bagley, John Joseph et al. “Introduction”. Miss Weeton’s Journal of a Governess, edited by Edward Hall, Augustus M. Kelley, 1969.
Hall, Florence Howe. “Back to the Garden”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2006, pp. 30-1.
Hall, Florence Howe. “From In-Law to Outlaw”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 4, July–Aug. 2014, pp. 22-4.
Hall, Lesley. “’A masculine mythology suppressing and distorting all the facts’: British women contesting the concept of the male–as–norm, 1870-1930”. Histories of the Normal and the Abnormal: Social and Cultural Histories of Norms and Normativity, edited by Waltraud Ernst and Waltraud Ernst, Routledge, 2006, pp. 165-82.
Hall, Lesley. “Articulating abortion in interwar Britain”. Women’s History Magazine, No. 70, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2012, pp. 13-21.
Hall, Lesley. “Chloe, Olivia, Isabel, Letitia, Harriette, Honor, and Many More: Women in Medicine and Biomedical Science, 1914-1945”. This Working-Day World: Women’s Lives and Culture(s) in Britain, 1914-1945, edited by Sybil Oldfield, Taylor and Francis, 1994, pp. 192-0.
Hall, Lesley. “Literary Abortion”. Lesley Hall’s Web Pages, Dec. 1998.
Hall, N. John. Max Beerbohm: A Kind of Life. Yale University Press, 2002.
Hall, N. John. Salmagundi: Byron, Allegra, and the Trollope Family. Beta Phi Mu, 1975.
Hall, Radclyffe. ’The World’ and other unpublished works of Radclyffe Hall. Editor Funke, Jana, Manchester University Press, 2016.
Hall, Radclyffe. ’Twixt Earth and Stars. J. and E. Bumpus, 1906.
Hall, Radclyffe. A Saturday Life. Arrowsmith, 1925.
Hall, Radclyffe. A Sheaf of Verses. J. and E. Bumpus, 1908.
Hall, Radclyffe. Adam’s Breed. Cassell, 1926.
Hall, Radclyffe. Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself. William Heinemann, 1934.
Hall, Radclyffe. Poems of the Past and Present. Chapman and Hall, 1910.
Hall, Radclyffe. Radclyffe Hall’s 1934 Letter About The Well of Loneliness. Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation, 1994.
Hall, Radclyffe. Songs of Three Counties and Other Poems. Chapman and Hall, 1913.
Hall, Radclyffe. The Forge. Arrowsmith, 1924.
Hall, Radclyffe. The Forgotten Island. Chapman and Hall, 1915.
Hall, Radclyffe. The Master of the House. Jonathan Cape, 1932.
Hall, Radclyffe. The Sixth Beatitude. William Heinemann, 1936.
Hall, Radclyffe. The Unlit Lamp. Cassell, 1924.
Hall, Radclyffe, and Havelock Ellis. The Well of Loneliness. Jonathan Cape, 1928.
Hall, Radclyffe, and Havelock Ellis. The Well of Loneliness. Anchor Books, 1990.
Hall, Ruth, b. 1933. Marie Stopes: A Biography. Deutsch, 1977, http://University of Waterloo - Porter.
Hall, Samuel Carter. A Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age, from Personal Acquaintance. Virtue, 1871.
Hall, Samuel Carter, and Anna Maria Hall. Ireland: its Scenery, Character and History. Celtic Edition, Francis A. Niccolls, 1911, 6 vols.
Hall, Samuel Carter et al. Ireland: its Scenery, Character, &c. How and Parsons, 1843, 3 vols.
Hall, Samuel Carter. Retrospect of a Long Life: From 1815 to 1883. D. Appleton, 1883.
Hall, Sarah, correspondent. “Brighton landmark succumbs to elements”. The Guardian, 30 Dec. 2002, p. 1.
Hall, Sir Julian Henry. “Men Against Destiny”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2489, 14 Oct. 1949, p. 661.
Hall, Sir Julian Henry. “Review of Murder Most Royal by Jean Plaidy”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2471, 10 June 1949, p. 377.
Hallett, Judith P. “Sappho and Her Social Context: Sense and Sensuality”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol.
, No. 3, 1979, pp. 447-71.
Halperin, John. C.P. Snow: An Oral Biography. Harvester, 1983.