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Heartman, Charles F., and James R. Canny. A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Kraus Reprint, 1972.
Heath, Pauline. The works of Mrs. Trimmer (1742-1810). Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.
Heath-Caldwell, J. J. Ancestors and Relatives of JJ Heath-Caldwell.
Heath-Caldwell, J. J. “Letters, References and Notes (1780-1874), Relating to James Caldwell and Anne Marsh (Marsh-Caldwell)”. Ancestors and Relatives of JJ Heath-Caldwell.
Heathfield, Adrian. “Small Acts at the Millennium”. Adrian Heathfield.
Heaton, Eliza Putnam. “A Photographic Mania”. The Helena Independent, 13 July 1890, p. 10.
Hecht, Jacqueline. “From ‘Be Fruitful and Multiply’ to Family Planning: The Enlightenment Transition”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 1999– 2025, pp. 536-51.
Hedblad, Allan, editor. Something About the Author 97. Gale Research, 1998.
Hedblad, Allan, editor. Something About the Author 98. Gale Research, 1998.
Hedrick, Joan. Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life. Oxford University Press, 1994.
Heeney, Brian. “The Beginnings of Church Feminism: Women and the Councils of the Church of England, 1897-1919”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 260-84.
Heilbrun, Carolyn. Reinventing Womanhood. Victor Gollancz, 1979.
Heilbrun, Carolyn. The Garnett Family. Allen and Unwin, 1961.
Heilbrun, Carolyn. Writing a Woman’s Life. Ballantine, 1989.
Heilman, Robert Bechtold. America in English Fiction, 1760-1800: The Influences of the American Revolution. Octagon, 1968.
Heilmann, Ann. “(Un)Masking Desire: Cross-Dressing and the Crisis of Gender in New Woman Fiction”. Journal of Victorian Culture, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 2000, pp. 83-111.
Grand, Sarah. “General Introduction”. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1, edited by Ann Heilmann, Routledge, 2000, pp. 1-15.
Heilmann, Ann. New Woman Strategies: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, Mona Caird. Manchester University Press, 2004.
Heimmel, Jennifer Perone. "God is our Mother": Julian of Norwich and the Medieval Image of Christian Feminine Divinity. University Microfilms International, 1980.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
Heineman, Helen. Three Victorians in the New World. Peter Lang, 1992.
Heisch, Allison. “Queen Elizabeth I: Parliamentary Rhetoric and the Exercise of Power”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol.
, No. 1, 1975, pp. 31-55.
Heister, Laurence. A General System of Surgery. W. Innys, 1743.
Heita, Kawakatsu. “Japanese Civilization (Part 6): Maritime Asia and the Industrial Revolution”. Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry, Jan. 2003.
Heitman, Danny. “The Quiet Greatness of Eudora Welty”. HUMANITIES: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Vol.
, No. 2, Apr. 2014.
Hellemans, Alexander, and Bryan Bunch. The Timetables of Science: A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Science. Simon and Shuster, 1988.
Heller, Deborah. “review of Margaret Cavendish, , ed. Alexandra Bennett”. The Scriblerian, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2006, pp. 77-8.
Hellman, Mimi. “Furniture, Sociability, and the Work of Leisure in Eighteenth-Century France”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1999, pp. 415-45.
Helly, Dorothy O., and Helen Callaway. “Journalism as Active Politics: Flora Shaw, The Times and South Africa”. The South African War Reappraised, edited by Donal Lowry, Manchester University Press, 2000, pp. 50-66.
Helm, Toby. “Hiding Germany’s Painful Past”. Edmonton Journal, 28 Jan. 2000, p. A3.
Helm, Toby et al. “The growing Brexit threat to Ireland”. The Guardian,
Helme, Elizabeth. Albert. Sampson Low, 1799, 4 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Clara and Emmeline. G. Kearsley, 1788, 2 vols.
Campe, Joachim Heinrich. Columbus. Translator Helme, Elizabeth, Sampson Low, 1799, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Duncan and Peggy. J. Bell, 1794, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Instructive Rambles Extended, in London and the Adjacent Villages. J. Harris, late Newbery and Darton and Harvey, 1806, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Instructive Rambles in London, and the Adjacent Villages. T. N. Longman and E. Newbery, 1798, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Louisa. G. Kearsley, 1787, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Magdalen. Norbury, 1812, 3 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. Modern Times. P. Norbury, 1814, 3 vols.
Campe, Joachim Heinrich. Pizarro. Translator Helme, Elizabeth, Sampson Low, 1799, 2 vols.
Campe, Joachim Heinrich. Pizarro. Translator Helme, Elizabeth, C. Cradock and W. Joy; P. Norbury, 1811.
Helme, Elizabeth. Plutarch’s Lives Abridged. Scatcherd and Whitaker, 1794.
Helme, Elizabeth. St Clair of the Isles. T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1803, 4 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. St Margaret’s Cave. Earle and Hemet, 1801, 4 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. The Farmer of Inglewood Forest. Minerva Press, 1796, 4 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. The History of England. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1804, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. The History of Scotland. P. Norbury, 1806, 2 vols.
Helme, Elizabeth. The Pilgrim of the Cross. P. Norbury, 1805, 4 vols.
Vaillant, François Le. Travels from the Cape of Good-Hope, into the Interior Parts of Africa. Translator Helme, Elizabeth, William Lane, 1790, 2 vols.