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Haglund, David. “Diary”. London Review of Books, 22 May 2003, p. 35.
Hahner, June E. “Flora Tristan, Peregrinations of a Self-Proclaimed Pariah”. Women through Women’s Eyes: Latin American Women in Nineteenth-Century Travel Accounts, edited by June E. Hahner, Scholarly Resources Books, 1998, pp. 21-42.
Haig, Stirling. Madame de Lafayette. Twayne, 1970.
Haig, Stirling. Stendhal: The Red and The Black. Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Haight, Amanda. Anna Akhmatova : A Poetic Pilgrimage. Oxford University Press, 1976.
Haight, Gordon S., editor. A Century of George Eliot Criticism. Houghton Mifflin, 1965.
Haight, Gordon S. George Eliot: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1968.
Haight, Gordon S., and Keith Alexander McKenzie. “Introduction”. Edith Simcox and George Eliot, Oxford University Press, 1961, p. xi - xviii.
Eliot, George. “Preface”. The George Eliot Letters, edited by Gordon S. Haight, Yale University Press, 1954, p. 1: ix - lxxvii.
Haile,. “[DEHAI] Dora Thorne, By Bertha M. Clay (Author of Beyond Pardon)”. Dehai Mailing List Archive, 7 July 2007.
Halbersleben, Karen I. Women’s Participation in the British Antislavery Movement, 1824-1865. Edwin Mellen Press, 1993.
Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson et al. “Translator’s Note”. Hegel’s Lectures on The History of Philosophy, Lowe and Brydone, 1963, p. v - vi.
Hale, Martha. Poetical Attempts. T. Davison, 1800.
Hale, Mike. “Novelist, Scholar, Tweaker of Autobiographical Facts”. New York Times Television Review, 9 Apr. 2008.
Hale, Peter. Noble and Splendid. Scandal, Honour and Duty: The Families of Kimpton Hoo. Apr. 2008,
Hale, Sarah Josepha. Northwood. Bowles and Dearborn, 1827, 2 vols.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. Sketches of American Character. Putnam and Hunt, 1829.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. The Genius of Oblivion and other Original Poems. Jacob B. Moore, 1823.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. The Good Housekeeper. Weeks, Jordan, 1839.
Hale, Sarah Josepha, editor. The Ladies’ Wreath. Marsh, Capen, and Lyon, 1837.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. Woman’s Record. Harper and Brothers, 1853.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. Woman’s Record. Harper and Brothers, 1855.
Hale, Sarah Josepha. Woman’s Record. Facsimile of 2nd edition, Source Book Press, 1970.
Hale, Susan, editor. Life and Letters of Thomas Gold Appleton. D. Appleton and Company, 1885.
Robinson, A. Mary F., and Maurice Barrès. “Mary Robinson”. Mary Duclaux et Maurice Barrès: lettres échangées, edited by Daniel Halévy, Grasset, 1959, pp. 13-36.
Halevy, Elie. The Rule of Democracy 1905-1914. Translator Watkin, Edward Ingram, Second (revised) Edition, Peter Smith, 1952, 2 vols.
Halifax, George Savile, Marquess of. Complete Works. Editor Kenyon, John Philipps, Penguin, 1969.
Halio, Jay L., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 14. Gale Research, 1983.
Halkett, Anne. Instructions for Youth. Andrew Symson, 1701.
Halkett, Anne. Meditations and Prayers, Upon the First Week. Andrew Symson, 1701.
Halkett, Anne. Meditations on the Twentieth and Fifth Psalm. Andrew Symson and Henry Knox, 1701.
Halkett, Anne. Meditations Upon the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Andrew Symson, 1702.
Halkett, Anne. The Autobiography of Anne, Lady Halkett. Editor Nichols, John Gough, Camden Society, 1875.
Halkett, Anne, and S. C. The Life of the Lady Halket. Andrew Symson and Henry Knox, 1701.
Halkett, Anne et al. “The Memoirs of Anne, Lady Halkett”. The Memoirs of Anne, Lady Halkett, and Ann, Lady Fanshawe, edited by John Loftis and John Loftis, Clarendon Press, 1979, pp. 9-87.
Halkin, Léon-Ernest. Erasmus: a critical biography. Translator Tonkin, John, Blackwell, 1993.
Hall, Anna Maria. "God Save the Green!" A Few Words to the Irish People. S. W. Partridge, 1866.
Hall, Anna Maria. A Woman’s Story. Hurst and Blackett, 1857, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Boons and Blessings. Virtue, Spalding, 1875.
Hall, Anna Maria. Can Wrong Be Right?. Hurst and Blackett, 1862, 2 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Can Wrong Be Right?. Burnham, 1862.
Hall, Anna Maria. Chronicles of a Schoolroom. F. Westley and A. H. Davis, 1830.
Hall, Anna Maria, and National Temperance League. “Introduction”. Woman’s Work in the Temperance Reformation, W. Tweedie, 1868.
Hall, Anna Maria. Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. H. Colburn, 1838, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. Mabel’s Curse!. J. Duncombe, 1837.
Hall, Anna Maria. Marian; or, A Young Maid’s Fortunes. H. Colburn, 1840, 3 vols.
Hall, Anna Maria. “Master Ben”. The Spirit and Manners of the Age, 1829, pp. 35-41.
Hall, Anna Maria. Midsummer Eve. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848.
Hall, Anna Maria, and Frederick William Fairholt. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. New Edition, Arthur Hall, Virtue, 1853.
Hall, Anna Maria. Sketches of Irish Character. F. Westley and A. H. Davis, 1829, 2 vols.