
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Gee, Maggie. Grace. Abacus, 1989.
Gee, Maggie. “Have book, will travel”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 1 June–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 16-18.
Gee, Maggie. How May I Speak in My Own Voice? Language and the Forbidden. Birkbeck College, 1996.
Gee, Maggie, and Maria Edgeworth. “Introduction”. Helen, Pandora Press, 1987, p. vii - xii.
Gee, Maggie. “It works for me”. Mslexia, No. 63, Sept. 2014, p. 46.
Gee, Maggie. Light Years. Faber, 1985.
Gee, Maggie. Lost Children. Flamingo, 1994.
Gee, Maggie. “Mr Loverman by Bernardine Evaristo — Review”., 31 Aug. 2013.
Gee, Maggie. My Animal Life. Telegram Books, 2010.
Gee, Maggie. My Cleaner. Saqi, 2005.
Gee, Maggie. My Driver. Telegram Books, 2009.
Gee, Maggie. “Serious Fun”. Mslexia, No. 59, Sept. 2013, pp. 12-13.
Gee, Maggie. The Blue. Saqi Books, 2006.
Gee, Maggie. The Burning Book. Faber, 1983.
Gee, Maggie. The Flood. Saqi, 2004.
Gee, Maggie. The Ice People. Richard Cohen, 1998.
Gee, Maggie. “The other town”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2004– 2025, pp. 74-5.
Gee, Maggie. The White Family. Saqi, 2002.
Gee, Maggie. Virginia Woolf in Manhattan. Telegram Books, 2014.
Gee, Maggie. Where are the Snows. Heinemann, 1991.
Gee, Maggie. Writers’ Rooms. 14 Mar. 2009,
Gee, Marcus. “Moment in Time: March 6, 1834”. Globe and Mail, 6 Mar. 2013, p. A2.
Geerinck, Jan. Jahsonic. 23 Aug. 2007,
Geiger, H. Jack. “The Cause Came First”. The New York Times, 25 May 1997.
Geldard, Richard G., editor. The Essential Transcendentalists. Penguin, 2005.
Porden, Eleanor Anne. John Franklin’s Bride. Editor Gell, Edith M., First, John Murray, 1930.
Gellhorn, Martha. The Face of War. Virago, 1986.
Gellibrand, John. Gellibrand Family Tree. 5 Nov. 2011,
Gelman, David, and Farai Chideya. “Secrets of the Couch”. Newsweek, Vol.
, No. 5, 29 July 1991, pp. 54-5.
Gemmett, Robert J. “William Beckfords Authorship of Modern Novel Writing and AzemiaPapers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 2004, pp. 313-25.
Gems, Pam. “Afterword to ’Dusa, Fish, Stas and Vi’”. Plays by Women: Volume One, edited by Michelene Wandor, Methuen, 1982, pp. 71-3.
Gems, Pam. “Aunt Mary”. Plays by Women: Volume Three, edited by Michelene Wandor, Methuen, 1984, pp. 13-46.
Gems, Pam. Camille. Samuel French, 1987.
Gems, Pam. Dusa, Fish, Stas and Vi. Samuel French, 1977.
Gems, Pam. “Imagination and Gender”. On Gender and Writing, edited by Michelene Wandor, Pandora Press, 1983, pp. 148-51.
Gems, Pam. “Loving Women”. Three Plays, Penguin, 1985, pp. 155-17.
Gems, Pam. Marlene. Oberon Books, 1996.
Gems, Pam. Mrs. Frampton. Bloomsbury, 1989.
Gems, Pam. “Not in their name”. Guardian Unlimited, 17 May 2003.
Gems, Pam. Piaf. Amber Lane Press, 1979.
Gems, Pam. Plays One. Oberon, 2002.
Gems, Pam. “Putting on the Style”. Plays by Women: Volume Three, edited by Michelene Wandor and Michelene Wandor, Methuen, 1984, pp. 47-8.
Gems, Pam. Queen Christina. St Luke’s Press, 1982.
Gems, Pam. Stanley. Nick Hern Books, 1996.
Gems, Pam. The Snow Palace. Oberon Books, 1998.
Gems, Pam. Three Plays. Penguin, 1985.
Gems, Pam. “Whose play is it anyway?”. Guardian Unlimited, 12 Mar. 2003.
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
Genieys-Kirk, Séverine. “Eliza Haywoods Translation and Dialogic Reading of Madeleine-Angélique Gomezs Journées amusantes (1722-1731)”. Translators, Interpreters, Mediators, edited by Gillian Dow, Peter Lang, 2007, pp. 37-54.
Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité de. Adèle et Théodore. M. Lambert et F.J. Baudouin, 1782, 3 vols.