
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Gates, Barbara T. Victorian Suicide: Mad Crimes and Sad Histories. Princeton University Press, 1988.
Gates, Barrington. “From Peking to Kashmir”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1855, 21 Aug. 1937, p. 601.
Gates, Barrington. “Travelling Companion”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2620, 18 Apr. 1952, p. 263.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr et al., editors. “Chronology”. Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, Amistad, 1993, pp. 311-12.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr, and Phillis Wheatley. “Foreword: In Her Own Write”. The Collected Works of Phillis Wheatley, edited by John C. Shields and John C. Shields, Oxford University Press, 1988, p. vii - xxii.
Wilson, Harriet E. “Introduction”. Our Nig, edited by Henry Louis, Jr Gates, Vintage Books, Random House, 1983, p. xi - lix.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr, and Henry Louis, Jr Gates, editors. “Introduction”. The Classic Slave Narratives, Penguin, 1987, p. ix - xviii.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr et al. “Introduction”. Three Classic African-American Novels, Vintage Books, 1990, p. vii - xvii.
Crafts, Hannah. “Introduction”. The Bondwoman’s Narrative, edited by Henry Louis, Jr Gates, Warner Books, 2002, p. ix - lxxv.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr, and Nellie Y. McKay, editors. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Norton, 1997.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr, and Kwame Anthony Appiah, editors. Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. Amistad, 1993.
Gates, Hill. Looking for Chengdu: A Woman’s Adventure in China. Cornell University Press, 1999.
Gates, Joanne E. “Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952”. The Elizabeth Robins Web: Texts and Contexts.
Gates, Joanne E. Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952. University of Alabama Press, 1994.
Gatty, Horatia K. F. Juliana Horatia Ewing and Her Books. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1885.
Gatty, Horatia K. F. “Juliana Horatia Ewing and Her Books, 1885”. A Celebration of Women Writers, edited by Mary Mark Ockerbloom.
Gatty, Margaret. A Book of Emblems. Bell and Daldy, 1872.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. Aunt Judy’s Letters. Bell and Daldy, 1862.
Gatty, Margaret, editor. Aunt Judy’s Magazine. Bell and Daldy.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. Aunt Judy’s Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1859.
Gatty, Margaret. “Aunt Judy’s Tales, 1859”. Project Gutenberg.
Gatty, Margaret. British Sea-Weeds. Bell and Sons, 1863.
Gatty, Margaret. Parables from Nature. Bell and Sons, 1855.
Gatty, Margaret, and Alfred Gatty. Recollections of the Life of the Rev. A.J. Scott. Saunders and Otley, 1842.
Gatty, Margaret. The Book of Sun-Dials. Bell and Sons, 1872.
Gatty, Margaret. The Book of Sun-Dials. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Gatty, Margaret. The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales. George Bell, 1851.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. The Human Face Divine and Other Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1860.
Gauld, Alan. A History of Hypnotism. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Gaulle, Charles de, and Antony Beevor. The flame of French resistance. Guardian News and Media, 2007.
Gaunt, William. Victorian Olympus. Non-Fiction Book Club, 1953.
Gaunt, William. Victorian Olympus. Revised Edition, Cape, 1975.
Gautier, Théophile. Mademoiselle de Maupin. E. Renduel, 1836, 2 vols.
Gawthorpe, Mary. Up Hill to Holloway. Traversity Press, 1962.
Gawthorpe, Mary. Votes for Men. Women’s Press, 1907.
Gay, John et al. Three Hours After Marriage. Bernard Lintot, 1717.
Gay, Penny. “In the Gothic Theatre”. Persuasions, Vol.
, 1998, pp. 175-84.
Gear, Alan, and Jackie Gear. Organic Gardening: The Whole Story. Watkins Publishing, 2009.
Gearty, Conor. “Airy-Fairy”. London Review of Books, 29 Nov. 2001, pp. 9-12.
Gearty, Conor. “An Escalation of Reasonableness”. London Review of Books, 6 Sept. 2001, pp. 18-21.
Gebbie, Vanessa. “Crossing the Divide”. Mslexia, Vol.
, Dec. 2015, pp. 15-17.
Gébler, Carlo. Father and I. Little, Brown, 2000.
Geddes, Alexander, and Anonymous. Letter to an anonymous woman, a social acquaintance of Elizabeth Inchbald. http://British Library MS BL Add. MS 28,558 f 83-4.
Gee, Maggie. “A different view”. Mslexia, No. 41, Apr. 2009, pp. 16-17.
Gee, Maggie. “Bottom drawer”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 2002, p. 42.
Gee, Maggie. “Drowned Worlds”. The Guardian, 20 Dec. 2007, pp. G2: 5 - 7.
Gee, Maggie. Dying, in Other Words. Harvester, 1981.
Gee, Maggie. “First Draft”. Mslexia, No. 46, July 2010, p. 25.
Gee, Maggie, editor. For Life on Earth. University of East Anglia, 1882.
Gee, Maggie. Grace. Heinemann, 1988.