
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Garrick, David. Letters. Editors Little, David M. and George M. Kahrl, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963, 3 vols.
Garrison, Dee. “Immoral Fiction in the Late Victorian Library”. American Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1976, pp. 71-89.
Garrity, Jane. “Encoding Bi-Location: Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Erotics of Dissimulation”. Lesbian Erotics, edited by Karla Jay, New York Univerity Press, 1995, pp. 241-67.
Garrity, Jane. Step-daughters of England: British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester University Press, 2003.
Garry, Mary Anne. “’After They Went I Worked’: Mrs. Larpent and her Needlework, 1790-1800”. Costume, No. 39, 2005, pp. 91-9.
Garside, Peter. “J. F. Hughes and the Publication of Popular Fiction, 1803-1810”. The Library, Vol.
, 1987, p. 240–58.
Garside, Peter. “Mrs. Ross and Elizabeth B. Lester: New Attributions”. Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text, Vol.
, June 1998.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
Garside, Peter. “The English Novel in the Romantic Era: Consolidation and Dispersal”. The English Novel 1770-1829, edited by Peter Garside et al., Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 2: 15 - 103.
Garside, Peter. “Walter Scott and the ’Common’ Novel, 1808-1819”. Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text, Vol.
, Sept. 1999.
Garver, Joseph. “Lady Eastlake’s ’Livonian’ Fiction”. Studia Neophilologica, Vol.
, 1979, pp. 17-29.
Gascoigne, Robert Mortimer. A Chronology of the History of Science, 1450-1900. Garland, 1987.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. A Dark Night’s Work. Smith, Elder, 1863.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Cousin Phillis and Other Tales. Smith, Elder, 1865.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Cranford. Chapman and Hall, 1853.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Cranford; Cousin Phillis. Editor Keating, Peter John, Penguin, 1986.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Anna Walters. Elizabeth Gaskell - Four Short Stories. Pandora Press, 1983.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Further Letters of Mrs. Gaskell. Editors Chapple, John and Alan Shelston, Manchester University Press, 2000.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Gothic Tales. Editor Kranzler, Laura, Penguin, 2000.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. “Libbie Marsh’s Three Eras”. Howitt’s Journal of Literature and Popular Progress, Vol.
, 1847, pp. 310 - 13, 334.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. “Lizzie Leigh”. Household Words, Vol.
, Mar.–Apr. 1850, pp. 41-72.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Mary Barton. Chapman and Hall, 1848.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Mary Barton. Editor Foster, Jennifer, Broadview, 2000.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Anita Miller. My Lady Ludlow. Academy Chicago, 1995.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. My Lady Ludlow and Other Tales. Sampson and Low, 1861.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. North and South. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. North and South. Editor Easson, Angus, Oxford University Press, 1973.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Sophia Isaac Holland. Private Voices. Editors Chapple, J. A. V. and Anita Wilson, Keele University Press, 1996.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Ruth. Chapman and Hall, 1853, 3 vols.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Ruth. Editor Shelston, Alan, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Sylvia’s Lovers. Smith, Elder, 1863, 3 vols.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Arthur Pollard. Sylvia’s Lovers. Dent, 1964.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. “The Doom of the Griffiths”. Harper’s Magazine, Vol.
, 1858, pp. 220-34.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Letters of Mrs Gaskell. Editors Chapple, J. A. V. and Arthur Pollard, Harvard University Press, 1967.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Life of Charlotte Brontë. Smith, Elder, 1857, 2 vols.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Life of Charlotte Brontë. Editor Shelston, Alan, Penguin, 1975.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Birket Foster. The Moorland Cottage. Chapman and Hall, 1850.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. “The Old Nurse’s Story”. Household Words, Vol.
extra christmas number
, 1852, pp. 11-20.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. Editors Shattock, Joanne et al., Pickering and Chatto, 2005, 10 vols.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and George Du Maurier. Wives and Daughters. Smith, Elder, 1866, 2 vols.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, and Margaret Lane. Wives and Daughters. Dent, 1966.
Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Oak Knoll, 1995.
Gaskill, Malcolm. “Dining with Ivan the Terrible”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, 8 Feb. 2018, pp. 37-8.
Gasquet, Francis Aidan et al. “Introduction”. The Plays of Roswitha, translated by. Christopher St John, Benjamin Blom, 1966, p. vii - xiii.
Gasson, Andrew. Wilkie Collins: An Illustrated Guide. Oxford University Press, 1998.
Gasson, Christopher. “Delivering the Goods: The Mysteries of Book Distribution”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 2002, pp. 9-11.
Gatenby, Greg, editor. Whales: A Celebration. Prentice-Hall Canada; Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1983.
Gates, Anita. “Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Screenwriter, Dies at 85”. The New York Times, 3 Apr. 2013.
Gates, Barbara T., and Margaret Emily Shore. “Self-writing as Legacy: The Journal of Emily ShoreJournal of Emily Shore: Revised and Expanded, 2006.