
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Greer, Andrew Sean. “Final Showdown”. The New York Times: Sunday Book Review, 6 Sept. 2013.
Greer, Germaine. “’Backward springs’: The Self-Invention of Martha Moulsworth”. "The Muses Females Are": Martha Moulsworth and Other Women Writers of the English Renaissance, edited by Robert C. Evans and Anne C. Little, Locust Hill, 1995, pp. 3-8.
Greer, Germaine, editor. 101 Poems by 101 Women. Faber and Faber, 2001.
Greer, Germaine. “A biodegradable art. Changing fashions in anthologies of women’s poetry”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4813, 30 June 1995, pp. 7-8.
Greer, Germaine. Daddy, We Hardly Knew You. Hamish Hamilton, 1989.
Greer, Germaine. Daddy, We Hardly Knew You. Penguin, 1990.
Greer, Germaine. “Doomed to Sincerity”. London Review of Books, 16 Sept. 1999, pp. 9-11.
Greer, Germaine. “Editorial Conundra in the Texts of Katherine Philips”. Editing Women, edited by Ann M. Hutchison, University of Toronto Press, 1998, pp. 79-100.
Greer, Germaine. “Fellini wanted to cast me in Casanova. We ended up in bed together”. The Guardian, 12 Apr. 2010, p. G2 22.
Greer, Germaine, and Emmeline Pankhurst. “Foreword”. Freedom or death, Guardian News and Media, 2007.
Greer, Germaine. “Grandmother’s footsteps”. The Guardian, 15 May 2010, pp. Review 2 - 4.
Greer, Germaine. “Horror like Thunder”. London Review of Books, 21 June 2001, pp. 22-4.
Wharton, Anne. “Introduction”. The Surviving Works of Anne Wharton, edited by Germaine Greer and Selina Hastings, Stump Cross Books, 1997, pp. 1-124.
Philips, Katherine. “Introduction and Textual Notes”. The Collected Works of Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, Volume III: The Translations, edited by Germaine Greer and R. Little, Stump Cross Books, 1993, p. ix - xxi.
Greer, Germaine et al., editors. Kissing the Rod. Virago, 1988.
Greer, Germaine. On Rape. Melbourne University Publishing, 2018.
Greer, Germaine, editor. Poems for Gardeners. Virago, 2003.
Greer, Germaine. Sex and Destiny. Harper and Row, 1984.
Greer, Germaine. Shakespeare’s Wife. Bloomsbury, 2007.
Greer, Germaine. Slip-Shod Sibyls. Viking, 1995.
Greer, Germaine. Slip-Shod Sibyls. Penguin, 1996.
Greer, Germaine. The Boy. Thames and Hudson, 2003.
Greer, Germaine. The Change. Hamish Hamilton, 1991.
Greer, Germaine. The Change. Penguin, 1992.
Greer, Germaine. The Female Eunuch. MacGibbon and Kee, 1970.
Greer, Germaine. The Female Eunuch. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2002.
Greer, Germaine, editor. The Last Word. BBC Broadcasting Support Services, 1994.
Greer, Germaine. The Madwoman’s Underclothes. Picador, 1986.
Greer, Germaine. The Madwoman’s Underclothes. Picador, 1987.
Greer, Germaine. “The making of Maggie”. Guardian Weekly, 11 Apr. 2009.
Greer, Germaine. The Obstacle Race. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1979.
Greer, Germaine, and Michael ffolkes. The Revolting Garden. Private Eye Productions: A. Deutsch, 1979.
Greer, Germaine. “The Tulsa Center for the Study of Women’s Literature: What We Are Doing and Why We Are Doing It”. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vol.
, 1 Mar.–31 May 1982, pp. 5-26.
Greer, Germaine. The Whole Woman. Doubleday, 1999.
Greer, Germaine. Whitefella Jump Up. Profile Books, 2004.
Greg, Emily, editor. Reynolds-Rathbone Diaries and Letters, 1753-1839. Printed for private circulation, 1905.
Greg, William Rathbone. “False Morality of Lady Novelists”. National Review, Vol.
, Jan. 1859, pp. 144-67.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Mary Barton”. Edinburgh Review, Vol.
, Apr. 1849, pp. 402-35.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Prostitution”. Westminster Review, Vol.
, July 1850, pp. 448-06.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Why Are Women Redundant?”. National Review, Vol.
, Apr. 1862, pp. 434-60.
Gregg, Edward. “The Jacobite Career of John, Earl of Mar”. Ideology and Conspiracy: Aspects of Jacobitism, 1689-1759, edited by Eveline Cruickshanks, John Donald, 1982, pp. 179-94.
Gregory, Augusta. A Book of Saints and Wonders. Dun Emer Press, 1906.
Gregory, Augusta. Coole. Cuala Press, 1931.
Gregory, Augusta. Cuchulain of Muirthemne. John Murray, 1902.
Gregory, Augusta. Gods and Fighting Men. John Murray, 1904.
Gregory, Augusta. Hugh Lane’s Life and Achievement. John Murray, 1921.
Gregory, Augusta. Hyacinth Halvey. Maunsel, 1906.
Gregory, Augusta, editor. Ideals in Ireland. At the Unicorn, 1901.
Gregory, Augusta. Irish Folk-History Plays. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1912, 2 vols.
Gregory, Augusta. Kincora. Maunsel, 1905.