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Greenblatt, Stephen. “Racial Memory and Literary History”. Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory, edited by Linda Hutcheon and Mario J. Valdés, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 50-62.
Greene, Dana. Evelyn Underhill: Artist of the Infinite Life. Crossroad, 1990.
Greene, Donald. “Introduction”. Samuel Johnson, The Oxford Authors, Oxford University Press, 1984, p. xi - xxx.
Greene, Donald. “Johnson: The Jacobite Legend Exhumed: A Rejoinder to Howard Erskine-Hill and J. C. D. Clark”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 1996, pp. 57-135.
Johnson, Samuel. Samuel Johnson: A Critical Edition of the Major Works. Editor Greene, Donald, Oxford University Press, 1984.
Greene, Douglas G., and Elizabeth Delaval. “Introduction”. The Meditations of Lady Elizabeth Delaval: Written Between 1662 and 1671, edited by Douglas G. Greene and Douglas G. Greene, Northumberland Press, 1978, pp. 1-25.
Greene, Graham. Brighton Rock. Heinemann, 1938.
Greene, Graham. Graham Greene. A Life in Letters. Editor Greene, Richard, Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
Greene, Graham, and Marjorie Bowen. “Introductory Note”. The Viper of Milan, Bodley Head, 1960, pp. 9-10.
Greene, Graham. The Heart of the Matter. Heinemann, 1948.
Greene, Graham. The Human Factor. Bodley Head, 1978.
Greene, Graham. The Quiet American. Heinemann, 1955.
Greene, Graham. Ways of Escape. Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1980.
Greene, Jay. “Amazon opening its first real bookstore—at U-Village”. The Seattle Times, 2 Nov. 2015.
Greene, Richard, and Edith Sitwell. “Introduction”. Selected Letters of Edith Sitwell, Virago Books, 1997, p. v - viii.
Greene, Richard. Mary Leapor: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Women’s Poetry. Clarendon Press, 1993.
Greene, Richard. Proposal: Edith Sitwell: A Life. 1999.
Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 110. Gale Research, 1991.
Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 159. Gale Research, 1996.
Greenfield, Robert. “Germaine Greer: A Groupie in Women’s Lib”. Philm Freaks Digital Archive: Germaine raps to Bob Greenfield at Phil’s place: Rolling Stone, 7 Jan. 1971.
Greenhalgh, David. The Brandlesome Greenhalgh’s.
Greenhalgh, Susanne. “A Review of Post-War British Drama: Looking Back in Gender by Michelene Wandor”. Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 2003, pp. 125-6.
Greening, John. “The Death of the Death of Love”. Thumbscrew, Vol.
, 1997, pp. 80-3.
Greenlaw, Lavinia. “In the Kate Bush era”. The Times Literary Supplement, No. 4916, 4 July 1997, p. 22.
Greenlaw, Lavinia. The Bridport Prize 2006: Poetry and Short Stories. Sansom and Company, 2006.
Greenslade, M. W. “Smethwick: Parliamentary History”. British History Online: The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Staffordshire, Volume XVII, 1976.
Greenspan, Karen. The Timetables of Women’s History. Simon and Shuster, 1994.
Greentree, Shane. “Rioting in Intellectual Luxury: The Innovations and Influence of Mary Hays’s ’Catherine Macaulay Graham’”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, May 2018, pp. 235-52.
Greenwald, Glenn. “Edward Snowden: NSA whistleblower answers reader questions”., 17 June 2013.
Greenwald, Glenn et al. “Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations”., 9 June 2013.
Greenwell, Dora. Camera Obscura. Daldy, Isbister, 1876.
Greenwell, Dora. Carmina Crucis. Bell and Daldy, 1869.
Greenwell, Dora, and Constance L. Maynard. Carmina Crucis. H. R. Allenson, 1906.
Greenwell, Dora. Colloquia Crucis. A. Strahan, 1871.
Greenwell, Dora. Essays. A. Strahan, 1866.
Greenwell, Dora. Essays. 2nd ed., A. Strahan, 1867.
Greenwell, Dora. Everlasting Love and Other Songs of Salvation. H. R. Allenson.
Greenwell, Dora. Liber Humanitatis. Daldy, Isbister, 1875.
Greenwell, Dora. “On the Education of the Imbecile”. North British Review, Vol.
, Sept. 1868, pp. 73-100.
Greenwell, Dora. “Our Single Women”. North British Review, Vol.
, Feb. 1862, pp. 62-87.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. W. Pickering, 1848.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. Hamilton, Adams; A. Strahan, 1861.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. A. Strahan, 1867.
Greenwell, Dora, and Constance L. Maynard. Selected Poems from the Writings of Dora Greenwell. H. R. Allenson, 1906.
Greenwell, Dora. “The East African Slave Trade”. Contemporary Review, Vol.
, June 1873, pp. 138-64.
Greenwell, Dora. The Patience of Hope. 1860.
Greenwell, Dora, and John Greenleaf Whittier. The Patience of Hope. Ticknor and Fields, 1862.
Greenwell, Dora. Two Friends. A. Strahan, 1862.
Greenwood, Gordon, editor. Australia: A Social and Political History. Angus and Robertson, 1955.
Greenwood, Phoebe. “Discord as Women of the Wall sing out at last”. The Guardian, 10 June 2013, p. 15.