Gardner, Alice. A Short History of Newnham College Cambridge. Bowes and Bowes, 1921.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Gardner, Brian. The East India Company: A History. Hart-Davis, 1971.
Gardner, Helen, editor. The New Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1950. Clarendon Press, 1972.
Gardner, Lyn. “A Number”. Guardian Unlimited, 27 Sept. 2002.
Gardner, Lyn. “Blasted review—unflinching revival of Sarah Kane’s prescient horror show”., 11 Feb. 2015.
Gardner, Lyn. “Obituaries. Pam Gems”. The Guardian, 17 May 2011, p. 34.
Gardner, Lyn. “Thebans”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 Aug. 2003.
Gardner, Martin, and Lewis Carroll. “Introduction and Notes”. The Annotated Alice, Wings Books, 1960.
Gardner, Sarah. Colyton MS.
Gardner, Viv. “Introduction”. The New Woman and Her Sisters: Feminism and Theatre, 1850-1914, edited by Viv Gardner and Susan Rutherford, University of Michigan Press, 1992, pp. 1-14.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. “Introduction to the Third Edition”. Poems, edited by W. H. Gardner et al., Oxford University Press, 1956, p. xiii - xxvi.
Garfield, Simon. “Blowing smoke rings”. Guardian Unlimited, 13 May 2005.
Garfinkel, Simon. “Collaboration and inspiration”. Guardian Weekly, 4 Feb. 2011, pp. 38-9.
Garland, Henry, and Mary Garland, editors. The Oxford Companion to German Literature. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 1997.
Garland-Mann, Susan, and David D. Mann. “The Publisher William Turner, Female Playwrights, and Pix’s ‘The Adventures in Madrid’”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, 1995, pp. 531-4. Garlick, Barbara. “The true principle of Biographical delineation: Harriet Martineaus Biographical Sketches in the Daily NewsVictorian Journalism: Exotic and Domestic: Essays in Honour of P. D. Edwards, edited by Barbara Garlick and Margaret Harris, Queensland University Press, 1998, pp. 46-61.
Garlick, Barbara. “The Frozen Fountain: Christina Rossetti, the Virgin Model, and Youthful Pre-Raphaelitism”. Virginal Sexuality and Textuality in Victorian Literature, edited by Lloyd Davis, State University of New York Press, 1993, pp. 105-27.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Olivia Manning”. The Paris Review, 13 June 2018.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Rosario Castellanos”. The Paris Review, 17 Sept. 2018.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Violette Leduc”. The Paris Review, 8 Sept. 2018.
Garnai, Amy, editor. “A Letter from Charlotte Smith to the Publisher George Robinson”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2007– 2025, pp. 391-00. Garner, Dwight. “In ’Spring,’ Ali Smith’s Series Takes Its Most Political Turn”. The New York Times, 29 Apr. 2019.
Garner, Dwight. “In the Fast Company of Women on the Edge”. The New York Times, 4 Aug. 2011.
Garner, Jean. “The First ‘First Lady’: Charlotte Godley, 1821-1907”. Remembering Godley, edited by Mark Stocker, Hazard Press, 2001, pp. 56-77.
Garner, Les. A Brave and Beautiful Spirit: Dora Marsden, 1882-1960. Avebury, 1990.
Garner, Les. Stepping Stones to Women’s Liberty: Feminist Ideas in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1900-1918. Heinemann Educational, 1984.
Smith, Charlotte. “Introduction”. The Works of Charlotte Smith, edited by Michael Garner et al., Pickering and Chatto, 2005, p. xxix - xxxvii.
Garner, Richard. “A double-first at the Bodleian library as US woman takes over”. The Independent, 21 Feb. 2007.
Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich. A Common Story. Translator Garnett, Constance, W. Heinemann, 1894.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich. The Brothers Karamazov. Translator Garnett, Constance, Heinemann, 1912.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich. The Novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Translator Garnett, Constance, W. Heinemann, 1920, 12 vols.
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich. The Novels of Ivan Turgenev. Translator Garnett, Constance, W. Heinemann, 1899, 15 vols.
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich. The Novels of Leo Tolstoy. Translator Garnett, Constance, W. Heinemann, 1904, 6 vols.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The Plays of Tchehov. Translator Garnett, Constance, Chatto and Windus, 1923, 2 vols.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, and Edward Garnett. The Tales of Tchehov. Translator Garnett, Constance, Chatto and Windus, 1922, 13 vols.
Wickham, Anna. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by David Garnett, Chatto and Windus, 1971, pp. 7-11.
Garnett, David et al. “Preface”. Carrington: Letters and Extracts from her Diaries, Jonathan Cape, 1970, pp. 9-13.
Garnett, Elizabeth. “How and Why the Navy Mission Society was Formed”. Woman’s Mission: A Series of Congress Papers on the Philanthropic Work of Women by Eminent Writers, edited by Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 92-105.
Garnett, James M. “Review: York PlaysAmerican Journal of Philology, Vol.
, No. 4, 1886, pp. 518-20. Garnett, Oliver. “Paper Chase”. The National Trust Magazine, Vol.
, 1 June 2000– 2025, p. 88. Garnett, Richard. Constance Garnett: A Heroic Life. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991.
Garnett, Richard et al. “Introduction”. The Ruba’yat of Omar Khayam, edited by Richard Garnett, translated by. Jessie Ellen Cadell, John Lane, 1899, p. v - xxx.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend, and David Garnett. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Sylvia and David: The Townsend Warner / Garnett Letters, edited by Richard Garnett, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994, p. various pages.
Garnett, Richard, and Mathilde Blind. “Memoir”. The Poetical Works of Mathilde Blind, edited by Arthur Symons and Arthur Symons, T. Fisher Unwin, 1900, pp. 1-43.
Garnett, Ronald George. “Ralahine, 1831-33”. Co-operation and the Owenite Socialist Communities in Britain 1825-45, Manchester University Press, 1972, pp. 100-29.
Garratt, David. “The Phoenix Theatre, Upper Brown Street, Leicester”. The Music Hall and Theatre History Site—Dedicated to Arthur Lloyd, 1839-1904, 2011.
Garraty, John A., and Mark C. Carnes, editors. American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 1999, 24 vols.
Garrett, John, and Elizabeth Meeke. “Introduction”. Count St. Blancard, Arno Press, 1977, p. xv - xxix.
Garrett, Martin. A Browning Chronology: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Macmillan, 2000.
Garrick, David. Correspondence. Editor Boaden, James, H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1831, 2 vols.