Graham-Brown, Sarah, and Gertrude Bell. “Preface”. The Desert and the Sown, Virago, 1985, p. v - xviii.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Graham-Jones, Ian. “Symphonies by Alice Mary Smith”. Embellishments: A Newsletter about Recent Researches, Vol.
, A-R Editions, 1 Mar.–31 May 2004. Graham-McLay, Charlotte. “Patricia Grace’s literary legacy: giving Māori characters their ’natural’ voice”. The Guardian,
Graham-Smith, Sheila. “Manoeuvring in a Minefield—a New Sarah Burney Attribution”. Burney Letter, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2008, pp. 6-7. Grahn, Judy. The Highest Apple. Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Grainger, Jacqui. Email to Isobel Grundy.
Grainger, Jacqui. “Stories behind the Paintings: Amelia Alderson Opie (1769-1853)”. The Female Spectator, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2013– 2025, pp. 5-6. Grand, Sarah. A Domestic Experiment. W. Blackwood, 1891.
Grand, Sarah. Adnam’s Orchard. W. Heinemann, 1912.
Grand, Sarah. Babs the Impossible. Harper, 1900.
Grand, Sarah. Emotional Moments. Hurst and Blackett, 1908.
Grand, Sarah. Ideala. E. W. Allen, 1888.
Grand, Sarah. “Mamma’s Music Lessons”. Aunt Judy’s Magazine, Vol.
, June 1878, pp. 489 - 95, 527. Grand, Sarah. “Mere Man”. Saturday Review, 8 June 1901, pp. 733-4.
Grand, Sarah. Our Manifold Nature. W. Heinemann, 1894.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 2. Editor Forward, Stephanie, Routledge, 2000.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 3. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 4. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Grand, Sarah. “Should Married Women Follow Professions?”. Young Woman, Vol.
, Aug. 1899, pp. 257-9. Grand, Sarah. Singularly Deluded. W. Blackwood, 1893.
Grand, Sarah. The Beth Book. D. Appleton, 1897.
Grand, Sarah. The Beth Book. Thoemmes, 1994.
Grand, Sarah. “The Case of the Modern Spinster”. Pall Mall Magazine, Vol.
, Jan. 1913, pp. 52-6. Grand, Sarah. The Heavenly Twins. W. Heinemann, 1893, 3 vols.
Grand, Sarah, and Carol A. Senf. The Heavenly Twins. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
Grand, Sarah. The Human Quest. W. Heinemann, 1900.
Grand, Sarah. “The Morals of Manner and Appearance”. Humanitarian, Vol.
, Aug. 1893, pp. 87-93. Grand, Sarah. “The New Aspect of the Woman Question”. North American Review, Vol.
, Mar. 1894, pp. 271-6. Grand, Sarah. “The New Woman and the Old”. Lady’s Realm, Vol.
, Aug. 1898, pp. 466-70. Grand, Sarah. “The Revolt of the Daughters”. Nineteenth Century, Vol.
, No. 203, 1894, pp. 23-31. Grand, Sarah. The Tenor and the Boy. W. Heinemann, 1899.
Grand, Sarah. The Winged Victory. W. Heinemann, 1916.
Grand, Sarah. Two Dear Little Feet. Jarrold and Sons, 1873.
Grand, Sarah. Variety. W. Heinemann, 1922.
Grand, Sarah. “What to Aim At”. The New Party, edited by Andrew Reid, Hodder Brothers, 1894, pp. 355-61.
Granniss, Ruth S. A Descriptive Catalogue. The Grolier Club, 1923.
Grant, Anne. Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; J. Ballantyne, 1814.
Grant, Anne. Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland. Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1811.
Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806, 3 vols.
Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807, 3 vols .
Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809, 3 vols.
Grant, Anne. “Letters Written by Mrs. Grant of Laggan Concerning Highland Affairs and Persons Connected With the Stuart Cause in the Eighteenth Century”. Diary of Sir Archibald Johnston, edited by James Robert Nicolson Macphail, Edinburgh University Press, 1896, pp. 248-30.
Grant, Anne. Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Editor Grant, John Peter, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844, 3 vols.
Grant, Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady. Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1808, 2 vols.
Grant, Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady. Editor Wilson, James Grant, Books for Libraries Press, 1972.
Grant, Anne. Poems on Various Subjects. Printed for the Author by J. Moir, 1803.
Grant, Anne. The Highlanders and Other Poems. Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1808.
Dryden, John. “Biographical Table”. Dryden: Poetry, Prose and Plays, edited by Douglas Grant, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.
Grant, Douglas et al. “Introduction”. Private Letters of the Seventeenth Century, Clarendon Press, 1947, pp. 7-54.